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Cross-hatch hat and scarf


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i just finished the hat a few hours ago :cheer

the scarf last night (no fringe on account of i HATE them :D)

and they both have a pretty X-stitch slanty thingy going on but the yarn is so dark you can't really see it's true beauty (lol)



heres my mom wearin her new stuff



here's the scarf by itself (my house is very poorly lit cuz we don't have overhead lighting :P



and here's the hat. my mom has a little bitty head (lol well she does) so i hada add this band of a few sc's around a perfectly good normal hat to give it a lil bit of a squeeze. its got a good effect on the way it sits on her head, see how it slouches (see first pic) and that way its really nice and warm :D

pics are clickable. thanks for lookin

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