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Hat for DD


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I posted this hat already, but my youngest dd was wearing it....here it is, modeled by my gorgeous older daughter, for whom it was made.




She really likes it, and yesterday she was in Michael's (why, I don't know, since she doesn't really do any crafty stuff:think) and she called me to tell me that someone had complimented her on her hat! She told them that her mom made it for her. :hug


Thanks for looking! :hook

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Your daughter is beautiful and the hat looks great on her. :manyheart Did you say where you found the pattern for this hat?

The pattern is from Lion Brand's website, it's a freebie...Speed Hook hat.

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Gorgeous daughter is right!! I wish I could find a lipstick that looked as good on me as hers does!! She looks terrific in the hat - great job.

Just let me add that my daughter does not look ANYTHING like me! I only WISH! :lol (that I looked that good, that is!). Her dad isn't Mr. America either, so I guess she just hit what I call the "gene pool jackpot"! ;) And she is just as nice and smart as she is pretty. I am very proud of her. :manyheart

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