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What do you do when you're on the 'ville?

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Do you work on a WIP, do nothing else, open at least 5 "windows"?...


I usually drink a nice big mug of tea while I'm on here. I've tried taking a project to sit by me (desktop, not laptop) but nothing happens to them I'm afraid. Guess I'm not that good of a multi tasker after all! :lol

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I'll have a big glass of orange juice and sometimes my breakfast while I'm surfing C'ville. I'll open another tab to search for patterns that people might be looking for. Sometimes I'll open Photobucket if I want to copy something to C'ville.


I rarely crochet while on the computer. I only do that while I'm waiting for the bootup to be completed.

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Yep, I'm a mult-tasker. I do about everything while sitting here and being logged into Crochetville. Crochet, email, other things on web...telling children not to do something.....eat, drink....


I think my favorite thing is to enjoy a nice, hot cup of Mocha while seeing what's been going on. That's what I'm doing right now. It's the most relaxing especially when DH is at work, boys are at school and Shaelynn is watching Dora.:manyheart Just me...Crochetville and coffee:c9:c9:c9

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  • 2 weeks later...

I usually multitask as well. I will work on a WIP, have a bottle of Mtn. Dew or a cup of coffee or tea, and I'll have the television on in the background so that I can keep up with whatever show might happen to be on, usually something on Animal Planet.


As far as where I go in C'ville, I start at the top and work my way down, my first stop being the "Other Crochet Topics" board. Then I head for the "Show and Tell" boards and check each one to drool over whatever whomever has finished that day. Then it's on to the Patterns section, and from there I make a stop at the Community College to check out the Thread board, since I've recently become addicted to thread and need all the help I can get in that area. :lol Then I look at the Recycling Center to see if I have anything that anyone needs or wants, or vice versa, and from there I'll just wander around the little side streets of C'ville looking at any- and everything else. It's like having a paper route and following the same route each day, when I'm done with the "business" part of my trip, I wander around and window shop. ;)



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I usually have a glass of pepsi or ice water, crocheting on the floor next to me checking out the word games on the ville and the new post then check my e-mail. I don't want to miss out on anything you know, in otherwards Iam multi tasking too! :yes:rofl

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I have a soft drink or tea, check my mail, browse through my subscriptions, check out the new posts, peek in at new patterns, people needing help or patterns. Window shop through the swap and sell items, and just relax in general. I also like going through the charities and printing up the ones I join (to keep track). But if stressed I jump into one of my fav CALS and dump and vent, til I feel relieved. Those folks feel like good friends and support me not only in crochet projects but in life too.

My most enjoyable experiences come from browsing the RAOK thank yous and seeing which ones I can do.

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  • 1 year later...

Knitting with a mocha...

Dial-up and long distance, makes it go very slow and I get a lot accomplished.


Crocheting I can do when things are quick...

I save for trips and relaxing in front of TV.




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  • 2 weeks later...

When I come to Crochetville I check out the afghans, shawls and wraps, doilies and runners sections. Then I browse the Getting to Know You Q & A posts. As far as multi-tasking goes, when I had my old computer I would crochet while waiting for pages to load. It didn't seem so bad then. :P Sometimes I have a chat program open.

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I usually keep my C-ville windows open...for days. My laptop rarely gets turned off, since I use it so much. Sometimes, I'll turn the TV on for background noise.


If there is a long thread that I want read from beginning to end (mostly the long-going CALs), I'll work on my crocheting (currently ~2" squares, so no need to follow pattern), and just scroll down when I reach the end of "screen".


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  • 1 month later...
Do you work on a WIP, do nothing else, open at least 5 "windows"?...


I usually drink a nice big mug of tea while I'm on here. I've tried taking a project to sit by me (desktop, not laptop) but nothing happens to them I'm afraid. Guess I'm not that good of a multi tasker after all! :lol



I will usually be listening to some sort of music, checking out a site with free patterns, drooling over crocheting tools, and pay patterns that I either can't afford or if I can afford it there are other things that I want more than a new pattern book...


I usually do have several tabs open and also chat with family and friends via IM... I also like to have either warm tea or iced tea to drink...

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I look at show & tell especially the afghan category and see if any new round ripple projects have been added. I love looking at those. If it is end of the month I check to see if Mary Jo has posted her Cville Bag and check to see who gets it.


I will read the CALs and look for free patterns. Send & reply to PMs. I also check out the recycle board. And I go to the swaps section.

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LOL i have 5 kids so I have become a pro at Multi tasking.


My hubby is so sweet. he gets up before me and boots my pc up so i don't have to do it.. so i brew up some coffee.. mabey some breakfast.. then sit down and log on with my hot cup of coffee..


first i check yahoo to see if anyone has anything for free on freecycle that i may need.

then I check Craiglist for anything someone is also giving away.


Then i hit all my various forums for my various things l love. (books/my pets/crochet)

while in a sep browser i keep looking for patterns for sewing and crochet that i can later print out when i have ink and stuff in a folder for future "to do".


Then I may go thru each of my forums and post on the boards that intrest me..

and I also play on pogo. read.. I find myself reading or crochet while i waite for pages to load.. or games on pogo to load. or waite for my turn in multi player games.


last few days it's been Searching for patterns while browsing this site LOL.


OHHh and can't forget Facebook LOL.. gotta check my facebook

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm usually eating breakfast and having my coffee when I stop in to visit the 'Ville. While here I read posts in off topic conversations, or getting to know you Crochet Q&A. I've been visiting the 'Ville for quite some time, but do not really post a whole heck of a lot. But I've always found support from people here, and that's why I love it here. :hook

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