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2 'Zebra' Scarves Done


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I finished the 2nd zebra scarf today for the final order (for now). This makes 7 scarves in the past week, with another one on the hook and almost done.


Here are pics of them (2 views of each):


Sean's Zebra Scarf





Trish's Zebra Scarf




All clickable


Thanks for looking at my latest creations :hook

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Thank you everyone.

I took the last zebra scarf to work tonight and gave it to the lady that ordered it. She loved it :clap

I saw a few people looking at it when I was leaving, and I heard her tell them that I make them and sell them, and that I use all different colors of variegated. I have a feeling that I will get a few more orders :D


I guess I better get a few more skeins of the Zebra, and also the Shaded Browns.

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