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my Dr. Who type scarf


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Well a co-worker of mine is traveling you England in December and asked if i would make her a "Dr. Who" type scarf. I figured it's a scarf should take to long then she started telling me about it. I made this to 6 feet then added a foot at a time till it was perfect for her. And she only wanted 2 colors which made the stripes hard. This was made with some of the yarn from my grandma it's 35% alpaca 35% wool and 30% acrylic. I used 9 1/2 skeins of the tan color and 10 skeins of the brown. I have attached 2 pics since my camera couldn't fit the entire 9 feet in the flash area. Pic 1 is from top to bottom pic 2 is bottom to top. Sorry about the picture quality my DH messed with the setting on the camera and I can't get it back to where it was.



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1.75oz per skein. I used Bernat Alissa (which i don't think they make anymore). my grandma (well my aunt) sent me 4 boxes of yarn when my grandma was moved to a convelesecent (sp?) home. My co-worker and I decided on $10.00 per foot but she was sooooo impress she gave me an even 100. One of the first things I have ever sold. The scarf is 12 inches which ( i used an H hook had 50 sc) and I played around a little as you can see form the steps in the scarf I wanted to try something new and it came out better than i thought. the scarf is 9 feet long and took me about 2 months to make (i was also working on a bunch of my WIPS that have been staking up). I also finished the ribbon poncho i made for my mom.


I can't wait to get back to posting I haven't been around because I am trying to get WIPS done.

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