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Making Stitch markers

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Can someone give me some pointers on making stitch markers??? Please???


I can see that they are pretty much beads put on a new fishing swivel.... LOL sorry if that's a secret..... but my question is how do you get those darn tiny beads over that eye at the bottom???


Can someone give me some pointers? I'd like to try making some of my own.....

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Can someone give me some pointers on making stitch markers??? Please???


I can see that they are pretty much beads put on a new fishing swivel.... LOL sorry if that's a secret..... but my question is how do you get those darn tiny beads over that eye at the bottom???


Can someone give me some pointers? I'd like to try making some of my own.....


Here's the link to the pattern the way I make them.



It's posted under Show & Tell on April 2nd, 2005. In the picture you'll see I used regular locking earring wires (I got them at Michael's) and eye pins (also at Michael's). You can also use the fancier earring wires that don't lock but I find they can slip off the yarn while working on it. Also you can use the head pins that look like straight pins, they give a more finished look for the beads to sit on. It's a lot of fun making them. Any small beads will do. :hook

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I used some copper wire I had at home.


I used a pair of rounded needlenose pliers and turned the bottom of the wire so the beads wouldn't fall off.


Next, I beaded the wire and clamped on a small metal ring to keep the beads from sliding up.


Lastly, I bent the wire in the shape of an earring hook and turned the wire around with the pliers again.


Here are a few pics of my stitch markers:

<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v299/frangipani16/IMG_4276.jpg" alt="Image hosted by Photobucket.com">






Have fun!!

Bec :D

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  • 1 year later...

I love those ones that you made but I use strands of cut off yarn tails myself... I just always have them at hand


i would like to try your techniques though. They are much nicer I admit.

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I never had luck using yarn - it always fell out and I lost my place, but I love the cheap plastic split stitch markers.

The handmade ones are gorgeous, but I think that I would lose them and lose my place.

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Me, I use bobby pins. They are easier and less pointy and pokey than safety pins, stay on better than yarn and are dirt cheap.


I suppose I could put a bead or two on them and fancy them up, but I'd probably lose pretty stitch markers, what with the 9,458 WIPs I seem to have, lol!


As soon as I finish - oh, heck, who am I kidding, I'll NEVER finish all my WIPs - I keep adding new ones!


I'll just have to try to make some pretty stitch markers after the holidays, though.

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I use these Lionbrand plastic split ring stitch markers. 400-3002aThumbnail.jpg

They work great, except they tend to break sometimes, especially when you're trying to pull them out of thicker yarn and sometimes they fall completely out of a stitch without me being aware of it. I was at Michaels the other day and found some small colored safety pins and decided to give them a try to see if they would work well as stitch markers. I actually now prefer the safety pins to the stitch markers, because they are smaller, stay secure and do not get in the way. I really don't think I could crochet an item with things dangling here and there. I tried using a lever back earring in a stitch and that worked well but personally I prefer something smaller because I mainly use stitch markers when I'm working in rounds and need to find my first stitch of the round.

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I use the cheapy plastic ones, too. I don't know what brand I bought but the ones I have came with a teeny clear plastic envelope that keeps them together when I'm not using them. Plus, I'm one of those weirdos that loses tiny items all the time, (lighters, chapstick, sunglasses, etc), so I don't mind misplacing *those* stitch markers. For the same reason, I've never bought a Zippo, any sort of fancy lip gloss, or any sunglasses costing more than $10. :rofl

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I've been thinking of making my own numbered stitch markers but for now I like the Clover locking markers. They are just like safety pins but don't have the coil at the bottom to get tangled. You can find no coil safety pins at Michaels in the large sizes as well.




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I make mine using big lobster claw jewelry ends and straight jewelry making pins also. Then I put on the beads and turn up the ends and all done. The lobster claw closes so I don't have to worry over losing the marker. :)

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I want to make some but living in Australia I don't have Micheal's so I'm going to go the "warehouse" (Silly Solly's) and see what I can get in the way of earring closeable things. I need mine to close because the whole idea of them for me is to either mark the first stitch when working in rounds or to put in the last stitch when I put my work down and when I have it in my WIP bag it gets moved around alot so they need to close for me-Tons of beads though so I just need closures. Yay IT's FRIDAY off to there tomorrow-or when I have some money I spose:(

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