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I also do items for charity year round, baby blankets for my local medical center and now I am doing hats and scarves for a local church for their outreach center for the homeless. Have several sets completed already. Still working on them. Then with the little leftover yarn balls that seem to accumulate, I do the rectangles for WarmUpAmerica during the year and set them aside since Michaels Stores have been collecting them for the past couple of years.


LI Roe

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I'm donating some small blankets (from scraps) to my local animal shelter - their budget was cut last year and it's tight so a few friends and i are making a "basket" (painted box) full of food, toys, a few collars and my blankets. also i have a bunch of scarves that i've made but not worn/gifted, so those will be going to a charity too, once i find one. i like to donate locally - i think it makes me feel like i'm actually making a difference... not to say that salvation army isn't great and all, do you know what i mean? :huh

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Right now I'm working on mittens & socks on my work breaks and while traveling ... its on my list of things to do to find a nice, easy, hat pattern that works for kids & adults ... i really hate that list, it just seems to be getting longer and longs, argh. These will either go in the big bin @wal-mart to be sent to a local food bank, or eventually be sent to the "inner city" for people who need them there. I work on charity stuff all year-round, my dad always said to be grateful that you're able to help other people, and since there' nothing that we need (and i'm surrounded by grandmothers that knit/crochet) almost everything i make is for charity or gifts.


Also, I am working with a charity that sends blankets & school supplies to orphanages around the world. Its great for me because they appreciate EVERYTHING they get, i don't have to pay for shipping and i happen to work at an office supply store. My goal for 2005 is to get enough "stuff" together for an entire orphanage, and when i checked they range in size from 7 - 700 kids! So far it seems like i'm finding school supplies in quantities of 50 and i thought this would be the toughest part ... it turns out that oct/nov is when grocery stores drastically mark down their school stuff, so now i just need to work on making more blankets. I have about 7 done already, and it will likely take another 3 or 4 months to finish the 50, but i have a ton of yarn and promised myself that if i used it all up i could treat myself to a trip to the factory outlet ... i shouldn't type when i'm tired i ramble too much, so in a nutshell that's what i'm working on right now. :snow

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In Portland, Oregon, we have several homeless and women's shelters that always need items. One specifically is the "Mission" who's whole name has escaped me temporarily, and they actually have a waiting list for people wishing to help serve meals! I tend to take most of my donatables (even books) to them since there is a very convenient drop off right in front of their door, and many of the homeless kind of hang out and are always happy to help unload stuff. I would check in your local phone book for charities in your area, or even with the Better Businness Bureau for listed organizations.

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  • 2 weeks later...

i just gave 8 huge bags of yarn to the sisters of st anns. the nun in charge of charity work called me last week and they are so happy, she said by me giving all of that yarn they will now be able to make alot more things to give to the poor and homeless and the elderly. i also gave them a bunch of material and she told me that they are going to give it to a place called st francis house, which she said is like a wearhouse that people donate things to. we have a lot of migrant farm workers here and she said that the moms come in and get material and then they are able to make their children clothing from it. made me feel all :cloud9 inside. i do what i can also by making scarves and giving them to the police and firefighters and then when they respond to calls and there are people who are cold and have no way of getting anything the scarves and hats( sometimes) so that helps too. also i make alot of little animals and give them to the police and firefighters who respond to tragedys with children and they at least get a lovey(stuffed animal) nothing worse than seeing a child suffer. there are all kinds of things we as crafters can do, and just doing what you can always helps. gods blessings on all of you who do. vicki:)h

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