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Keely's Cabled Gauntlets


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well, I managed to get the gloves from my daughter long enough to get a photo (well, I cheated and actually scanned them), then I convinced her to wear them for a photo on her.


I designed and made these gloves in Yellowstone Park, and finished the left glove on the plane trip back home.


They are made in Alpaca with a Twist Baby Twist 100% baby Alpaca yarn.


(The first picture can be clicked for a larger view of the cables. after clicking on this pic, then you can click on the next one to make it bigger.)







She just turned 10 last week, on the 16th of Aug and these were part of her Birthday present.



ETA: I was also thinking that this pattern would be easily made into mittens for the winter also.


ETA: I have been getting a few requests for this pattern lately.

I do not have one written yet, just some scribbles in my notes, but once I can get to writing it (and figuring out adult sizing), then I will be looking for testers and will post in the design den sub-forum "seeking design testers" when I am ready. This will not be a free pattern, I have plans on selling it when it is ready.


Thank you everyone for showing an interest in this pattern! It is one of my favorites and I had alot of fun making them!

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I usually don't like these type of things, but these are AWESOME. You make me want to wear them myself. Any chance of a pattern?

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FABULOUS! Did you write the pattern down? Those are the cutest I have seen.



Thank you!!!


Not fully, I have my notes on them though, I just wasn't sure how to write down the cable pattern so it would be understandable. I just kinda "did it" lol


I usually don't like these type of things, but these are AWESOME. You make me want to wear them myself. Any chance of a pattern?


Thank you!!!


Maybe, if I can figure out how to write out the cables and figure out sizing that is not for a 10 year old girl with a small frame lol


If I do get a pattern, I will most likely have it for sale when it's completed.

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Thank you both!


She really does like them. She had been bugging me for a pair for about a year now lol



BTW...I made the first pic clickable to get a bigger and better view of the cable pattern...

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Cute! I've never crocheted cables before but maybe I'll try them soon (: Crocheting on the plane is a great idea. I can't believe I never thought of that!

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Thanks everyone! :D



Cute! I've never crocheted cables before but maybe I'll try them soon (: Crocheting on the plane is a great idea. I can't believe I never thought of that!


crocheted cables are actually fairly easy as long as you know how to do post stitches :hook


I was really nervous about bringing my crochet on the plane, especially with security being heighten right now. I didn't bring it on the flight over, but in Denver when we were waiting for our connection, I saw a woman crocheting (yes crocheting, not knitting for once lol), in the "sterile zone" of the airport, with an aluminum hook. So on the way home, I took it on the plane with me instead of packing it away again.


I guess, as long as you don't have any scissors or tapestry needles, hooks and knitting needles are alright. I did see a woman on the plane knitting a scarf too lol

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