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my crocheted socks


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Well here goes my first post with a pic. lol

I made these socks using this patt with LB Magic Stipes to be able to wear with shoes:



I changed a few things in the patt to go with the LB Magic Stripes yarn.

I used a G hook instead of an H. The Magic stripes is a #2 yarn & the H hook seemed to make the stitches too big.

When starting the foot of the sock after ribbing, i used a hook one size smaller (in this case an F) for the first row around tube of ribbing....i find it that it doesn't bunch out & it's much easier to get into the stitches.

I also used one size smaller hook for Rnd 1 in "continue with the rest of the foot" (first row working into sides of heel)....once again, this makes it easier to get into the stitches.

Even though i was working with a smaller yarn & hook...i only had to add 2 extra rows before starting decrease for foot.

The only thing i'll probably change with the next pair i make is working in the round for the foot part instead of turning. I was having a brain fart while doing first sock....."magic striping" will only work in the round! rofl In the pic it looks like it's got a wonderful stripe....what you don't see is the other side that is not striped!! lol

Pic is clickable!

Laura in TX


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  • 2 weeks later...

I have found that magic stripe works best if done from the toe up. It stripes all the way around that way.

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