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SnB One Skein Scarf (yes another one)


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So, I kept seeing all these One Skein scarves and decided I had to try it out for myself to see how it was. So, I did (the following pictures aren't great but I hope you get an idea of what it looks like)





Close up


Anyway, it was easy and fun and no wonder everyone does at least one at some point!


And it's funny, I dived right into the pattern without looking at the dimensions first. I didn't realize until I was finished that it was 8 FOOT LONG! :rofl

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What yarn did you use? Looks really pretty. I have made one, with full intent on making more. 1. They are super easy. 2. Great stash buster!!


I'm honestly not sure what kind of yarn I used. It was given to me by a friend who couldn't use it because of the wool content. I do know it's a really soft boucle type yarn in pinks and greens and it made a really warm scarf. Next time I'm going to try a wool blend with a basic ply so I can see the scarf pattern better, but I like this one because it's going to be a great winter scarf. :D

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I've made two and am halfway through with another (I'm just lazy on the 3rd one because I'm making it with LB Suede......)


I do plan to make a few more, too.

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