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stashbuster hats


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Had a little yarn in stash so I whipped up these hats. The one with the blue stripe through it wasn't worth it lol. Someone gave me that yarn no label it was wool. Benadryl:out to the rescue. I'm allergic to wool.:no:1sheep

Anyway thanks for looking.



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They look great!

Is that your own pattern?



thanks, its not really a pattern, lol I just make the disc(ww yarn I usually make the disc 6" in diameter) and then I go from there, I just adjust with the weight of the yarn, the look I want (whether I just want a beanie type hat, or one that folds up, I sometimes do a few rounds just in the bl only, or a couple of dc, sc. It just changes the look up. then just sc until its the size you want, I'm not great with following an actual pattern. My dm taught me to crochet (I'm a leftie, she wasn't ,when I was 8) there was never money for patterns, so we just made things up as we went, if we wanted a hat we just made one. Thing is sometimes I make things, and even I can't remember what I did lol So now I have a spiral notebook and try and write it down. Any questions just ask

Have a great day, and thanks for looking.

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