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lets say you're stranded on an island made of yarn

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I would say J, as it's useful for a looser worsted weight article that needs more drape; but on the other hand, one can use it with a thicker yarn.

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I think i'll give this a few more days and hopefully alot more folks picking a size. I'm finding out that i just might be wrong in my initial prediction. Who could guess????



Anyways i hope it keeps going... its a very interesting and informative topic for me as a hook maker.


So thanks to all who are participating.



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Heh...just read that and wondered "Give this a few more days for what???"

I meant i'll give it a few more days before i do a numbers/hook size kinda result list.

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What??!! Not a Q in the bunch??????


I have used a "Q" quite a bit for the really fast and chubby afghans! I only have a plastic one. Maybe a wooden one wouldn't feel so much like crocheting with a baseball bat!:lol


(I picked "I" with "H" #2 earlier)

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H for me, in yarn, thread size 7 sometimes a 8 but more often than not a 7 steele and as far as a island of yarn, gosh feels like my house now:rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl

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:cheer 4mm for me but then, really, it would depend on the ply of the yarn the island was made of.

:think No good having a 4mm if the yarn was very thin because you would need to crochet an island out of the yarn so you wouldn't want too many holes or your new island would sink.:think

Hope the island of yarn is big enough for all of us or someone is going to get very wet.:lol

Have fun.


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