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friendship scarf project


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I recently finished this scarf as a demo for a project with the girls in our homeschool group. There are about 15 girls of various ages and each is required to make 16 4-inch granny squares in one color of yarn -- 15 so that they have one to share with each girl and one for themselves. I took a big bin of yarn balls to our meeting for them to choose from, along with kits that contained a hook, laminated directions, scissors and 6-inch rulers. We will be working on this over several meetings and then have an assembling meeting to put them all together. They will also be making autograph books and we will take a picture of their square to put on their page and they can sign a personal message. S4300062.jpg

I hope that it will introduce the girls to the crochet basics and interest them in learning more! Once they master the granny, they can participate in the comfortghans too! Just wanted to share

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Very good idea, How do you get the girls interested in doing this project and then wearing the scarf when my daughter was young she would not have wanted to do this project.

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Most of the girls in our group enjoy crafts and it is something they are working on together. Some girls might never be interested in making it on their own, but knowing the other girls are counting on their squares keeps them going. We live in the midwest and have very cold windy winters so we really use our scarves!

Very good idea, How do you get the girls interested in doing this project and then wearing the scarf when my daughter was young she would not have wanted to do this project.
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That is such a wonderful idea...This will inspire the girls to continue to crochet and become experts since they are beginning at such a young age....very good!!!:clap

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no particular pattern, just made 4-inch granny squares (it was fun digging through all my scraps for colors), sewed them together with white and then did a scalloped border. AFter sewing the squares together I did sc all the way around first and for the scallop, did *5dc, sk 1, sc, sk 1* rep around. Each of the girls will pick their favorite color for the border part so their scarves will be a little different ...the same squares, but with their own little touch.

What a neat-o idea! Is there a pattern for the scarf?
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OK, thanks!

no particular pattern, just made 4-inch granny squares (it was fun digging through all my scraps for colors), sewed them together with white and then did a scalloped border. AFter sewing the squares together I did sc all the way around first and for the scallop, did *5dc, sk 1, sc, sk 1* rep around. Each of the girls will pick their favorite color for the border part so their scarves will be a little different ...the same squares, but with their own little touch.
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what a great project! the scarves and the books. maybe if you havent done it before you can do friendship journals. each has to decorate a journal and then make two pages for each person, including themselves, to be glued into each others journals. girls i've seen make them really appreciate them. it can be as simple as page 1 is about you, and page 2 is nice things about the other person, why they're your friend etc. so they don't have to be best mates, but it encourages them to look for positives about someone and is a great source of self esteem for them to look back through their books. good luck with the scarves!!

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that sounds like a great idea! :yes we have several of the girls who are moving away this year (we live in a military community and that is part of the life) so it will be especially meaningful for them to have these books. I had originally thought of little autograph books, but I like your idea much better. I am also trying to take lots of pictures each time we get together to work on the scarves so they have plenty of memories! I may also add a mom's page in the back to write things we have learned about friendship or share a verse.

what a great project! the scarves and the books. maybe if you havent done it before you can do friendship journals. each has to decorate a journal and then make two pages for each person, including themselves, to be glued into each others journals. girls i've seen make them really appreciate them. it can be as simple as page 1 is about you, and page 2 is nice things about the other person, why they're your friend etc. so they don't have to be best mates, but it encourages them to look for positives about someone and is a great source of self esteem for them to look back through their books. good luck with the scarves!!
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