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Most clueless remark you've heard?

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Dumb remarks I've gotten:


Are you making something for a baby? (Don't you think the LARGE afghan sitting in my lap is a wee bit big for a baby?)


Crochet is too difficult, I'm teaching my child to knit instead.


"Knit 1 Purl 2"


Maybe not SAID, but it was on a handwritten knitting class flyer in my local Michaels


"Must know how to knit and pearl"


My late father was a sixth grade teacher, I took out my check book pen and crossed out PEARL and wrote PURL, couldn't stop myself (I knit as well, even if I didn't, I KNOW how to spell the terms...)

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I mostly get compliments because in my area hand made items are a rarity. But I do get a lot of, "why didn't you make me something?". Hate to say it, but the pregnant ladies are the worst. Every time someone I even casually know gets pregnant, they automatically ASSUME I'm making them something, and then get offended when they don't get anything.


I once made a scarf, but didn't like how the varigation matched with the stitch pattern. a co-worker saw it and said she loved it, so I gave it to her. The next day she told me her 12 year old daughter wanted to know why I didn't make her anything.


I also get a lot of, "but that's for old ladies!" Then again, I also get a lot of, "But you don't look like a science fiction geek." So I just write these things off as ignorance and people wanting to make themselves feel better at others' expense.

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Oh yeah, the "I want one of those too" people, because they are a friend of a friend of your best friend, who you just made a hat or pair of slippers or shawl for ~ because she's your best friend, not because you're making items for the entire neighborhood!


This "friend" will not only want whatever you're making, she'll immediately announce her favorite color, her size, etc. She doesn't ask if you'd mind making something for her. She doesn't offer payment. She doesn't even offer to pay for the yarn. She seems to be oblivious to the fact that you don't even know her. And oh yes, she needs it by this weekend!

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I had a person I worked with that said (2 weeks before Christmas ). I need 8 hat and mitten sets for my grand children. I said I don't do hats or mittens. Target's next door and walmart's up the street. She informed me I HAD to make them, so I told her again where the stores were. She then said something nasty about my work. She went into a meeting, and when she came out, I said I changed my mind & it was $40.00 a set in advance. I also said my work didn't s*** she did.

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More often then not I get the "You have too much time on your hands" which is partly true. I live 15 hours from my home and its me and my dog. My boyfriend is 6 hours away and while I do have some great friends here, they are all married and starting families. So yes I do have too much time on my hands. Luckily I have something that I love and have made some money at in the process.. So people can judge all they want. Biggest pet peeve is the "hey grandma" which comes from most of my friends.


I was traveling home one Christmas and had taken on 4 LARGE projects for gifts so I was finishing items in the airport. I had countless people approach me and complement on my work and most knew it was crocheting which was very refreshing!

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I was once written up at work for "knitting on a call" (when I worked at a call center). I attempted to contest the write up because I was crocheting, not knitting. Needless to say, it didn't get me anywhere and I was much more careful when crocheting at work from that point forward!

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