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My new bandana


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Here is a bandana that I crocheted for myself for when I am cleaning the house!:( It is made from 2 strands of number 10 cotton thread. I followed a basic shawl pattern to get the triangular shape.......


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Are you sure you didn't do that just to keep from cleaning your house? It just sounds like something I would do... like I need to clean my house but I need something to hold my hair back so I'll just make this and then 2 hours later, no more time to clean the house! It's very cute though. My dd has a birthday party to go to next week so I'm looking for something to make for a 5 yr old.

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Oliveoil...please excuse me for not ansewring you earlier:blush ....I used a size 0 steel hook which I think is the largest of the steel hooks....or the smallest of the aluminum hooks:think ( I am probably wrong here, so if there are any threadies who can set me right .....let me know!).....actually I do not have many hooks to choose from, and gauge is not an issue here because you just keep going until you get the length you want. The color pattern was white with lavender, white with yellow, white with green and white with blue in rotation changing each color after 2 rows. So I did 2 strands...1 white and 1 lavender, then I dropped the lavender and I added yellow.....that is to say I continue useing the white but now there is a strand of yellow with it.....Understand? The white gives it a bit on continuity, and softens the colors a bit......

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