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Ever crochet for a rat?


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  • 2 weeks later...
:lol Crocheted rat toys? Yes! She asked me to crochet them some balls to play with and apparently they love them! I made them in all different sizes and colors and they pick them up with their teeth and run off with them to play. Who knew?:shrug She's also asked me to make her hairless rat a sweater. Which I did but he's a fatter rat then I anticipated so I'll have to try that again later.:D
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I would have never thought that a rat would like to play with a ball! You learn some thing new every day. I want to see a pic of them playing with the balls. What kind of yarn did you use for the hammock? It looks soft, is it?

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that is adorable. But to crochet one for a bunny might not be a good idea unless it is natural fibers. Rabbits chew everything and could die from eating yarn if it is not natural. I know my bunny chewed up a cat toy that the cat "gave" him and had to have stomach surgery to remove the fibers from around his intestines because it was acrilyc. The vet said that if it had been natural fiber his stomach would have digested it fine.

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What a cute crocheted rat; would he like a hammock or a ball?:lol Where did you find the pattern for him? Thank you for sharing the picture.



I didn't use a pattern, but rather thought about the pet rats I've had and the shape they are (sort of a tear drop shape with a face) and started at the tush.... like I'd make the top of the head for a teddy bear and then just continued from the half sphere to make a torso and the drop shape for the head. I was also stuffing as I went... as when I got to his nose it was shove in the last stuffing and make the last dozen stitches....


He has lots of toys already, including my daughter's computer....

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