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Help what is this

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I got a new gaget last night but I have no clue what it is my fiances mom was going through her craft stuff she gave me a bloom loom that has no instructions and then what this other thing is I have not a clue its a flat piece of plastic that is blue and its square and has notches cut out around the out side about 4 or 5 notches and a big circle cut out in the center and it also has boye stamped on it with the numbers 1-4 on each corner... does anyone know what this is or have instructions on what it could be please help .... :clap

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the blue boye thing sounds a little like a butterfly loom (you can see them here http://www.crochetaustralia.com.au/category93_1.htm) only they fold in the centre, not have a circular hole. I tried googling "boye loom" and only got hits for the bloom loom. sorry

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