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SnB:HH Garden Scarf


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I ordered some Lamb's Pride Bulky from the States so that I could knit the "Hot Head" hat from the Stich 'n Bitch Handbook. I made two versions of the hat and still had plenty of yarn left over, so I decided to give the Garden Scarf from SnB: Happy Hooker a go, using the illuminated crochet hook that my husband gave me for my birthday. :)


I gave the scarf to a friend for Christmas. She knits brilliantly, but doesn't really crochet, so it seemed a good gift. This is my scan of part of the scarf:




Her photo of it is more creative! :D




Has anyone else crocheted this scarf and found the instructions for joining the motifs confusing? I couldn't understand them and ended up fudging it ...

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I love the colors you chose and the second photo is great! I have the snb book, but haven't tried this pattern yet.


I lived in Ely for a year and loved it. We were in England for 4 years and everyone that came to visit got a tour of the cathedral...it is so beautiful! :manyheart

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Hello Beth! Thank you for commenting. I have a thing about purple & yellow together ... one of my favourite colour combinations ... I think it comes from painting, and playing with complementary colours a lot.


Ely is beautiful, isn't it ... I'm so glad I live here. As a resident of the city, you must have been entitled to a free pass to visit the cathedral? It's certainly a lovely place to bring up my baby daughter.

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lovely scarf. light enough to wear on cool evenings in the spring/fall too!

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Your joins look just like mine did, so either we both got it right, or we both got it wrong. :P Either way, it looks perfect. I did find the instructions for that a bit confusing myself.


I know we're a crochet community, but do you have any photos of your finished Hot Head hats? I've been thinking of knitting one, and I'd be curious to see your version in those awesome colors!

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Thanks all!


M, here's a link to the (sshhh!) knitted hat. I decided my friend "Clive" made a better model than me :D




Here's the Lamb's Pride in all its glory. Their colours are gorgeous. I still have plenty of yarn left over, too!



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rose, that is an awesome job on the hat! Man, now I'm going to have to go buy the needles to make one, and it's not even winter anymore. :) Fabulous model, by the way. Heehee.


*should probably stop talking about needles on the crochet forum - snicker*


I really love the Lamb's Pride yarn too. It's definitely worth the money.

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I love the colors you used! I made one (in off-white and two different purples) and quite honestly I had an AWFUL time figuring out how to join those darned flowers! :angry It must've taken me a few days and finally I figured out some sort of variation of what they were talking about that worked out for me. I still have no idea if I did it right or not. But like yours, it looks fine and that's what matters! :D

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Your scarf came out really nice:cheer !! Your "fudging" looks pretty darn good:clap !! I have the SnB, I really want to make that scarf, but the joining keeps me from making one:eek I love the purple and yellow together!!

(P.S. The hat is awesome, is the hat a k2p2:think )????

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