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Two good eggs in town????


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You might recall that I've made and sold a few "egg" shaped hooks, so appropriately named by Funkey Reporter. I designed the shape specifically to fit the palm and maybe ease a little pain with the larger comfortable grip. And it works! Several are up for bids in my blog as I type.

Trouble is that my egg hooks are one piece, one size, one length.

Now comes somebody else with an egg hook. Near as i can tell, the company is located in Canada. The company is in no way connected with Jimbo hooks, i'm sorry to say, but they also have an egg shaped hook. Major difference is that theirs comes in a kit that includes an egg shaped handle with a chuck that receives any of several provided interchangeable metal hooks. This arrangement not only lets you use metal hooks, but you can adjust the length for the most comfort. I've no idea how long this product has been on the market. I only found out about them yesterday from their add here in the 'Ville.

I don't have resources to make a product that competes with these guys. AND their price is really good.

So here's the deal. If you have bid on one of my egg hooks and would rather try out one of these new hooks (new to me anyways), just pm me and i'll withdraw your bid... with absolutely no hard feelings.

Twer me, I'd seriously consider doing just that.

I can tell you that the egg shape has really helped some folks who have sore hands, based on comments i've got back from happy customers, so its likely that these hooks will be as good or (shudder) maybe even better than the ones i make.


Here's a link to their site:





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Just goes to show that good ideas make for a lot of competition.

I have never had the privilege of owning one of your hooks. But, your obvious interest in making crochet hooks beautiful, as well as comfortable for us crafters and

the story behind your hooks (the Crick dream)will keep your bidders/customers/friends

coming back to you time and again.

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Your hooks are carved individually which gives them character. :yes I'd rather have one of yours that 10 of the mass produced ones!!! As soon as I find a new job and can afford to buy luxuries again, I'll be bidding on a couple of yours! :hook

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Oh my dear Jimbo,

I will NEVER be able to express to you in words good enough, what your CUSTOM hook has done for me. Jim, you are ONE of a KIND. I think you are being honorable by letting people know about this "other" offer of hooks, HOWEVER, I don't think anyone in their right MIND would want to retract a bid on one of your ONE OF A KIND HAND MADE hooks, if they do, I would personally be ashamed.

You offer your hooks up for >BID< no one HAS to bid on one, two or any, but as far as I can tell, every crocheter here would LOVE to own one of your hooks, and in fact, we dream of making it work to get one, so that makes it even more special. Now, for ANY of them there bids retracted, sign me right up to replace them!!!!:hug:hook


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Aw gee you guys! I'm not a nick in a log concerned about loosing business... I've been really blessed to be able to sell all the hooks i make and i make just about as many as i can comfortably while barely keeping up with my other chores (not sure Karol would agree though). I only intended to let folks know that there is an alternative, and that because my hooks seem to bring pretty high prices... a lower priced but likely comfortable option is available.

I saw these folks' ad here in the Ville, looked at their website and considered if i otta say anything, and the little angel on my right shoulder beat out the little devil on the left (no political statement intended). I'll also confess some concern that someone might think I copied them or they copied me. I can honestly say that my design came out of the cobwebs between my ears. And i seriously doubt that their design was patterned after mine.

Honestly, guys... from the looks of the hook in their ad, the kit looks like a really good buy. And maybe i should'nt be, but I'm confident enough in my little business to allow that, and definately empathetic enough to folks with sore hands to not be afraid to point out the option.

Besides, i'm thinking of running for sainthood and i might need your votes.

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Hi Jimbo,


Thank you so much for your kind words. Our kits are put together by hand by my husband and myself. Sadly, I had not seen any of yours until today but they are gorgeous! The ability to adjust the length is a huge bonus for our kits. The egg shape came out of months of trying to make something that was comfortable. I tried many, many different shapes, but the egg won hands down. The idea for interchangeable heads came from the cost of buying a selection of sizes when one hook is attached to the handle permanently. The nice thing is that this handle can take any size or brand of steel hook, so you can buy as many sizes as you like and even use your favorite hooks with this comfortable handle. Since your hooks are the larger sizes for crocheting yarn and mine are for thread, there shouldn't be any competition. The chuck flows so smoothly into the handle, you don't even know it's there and the weight is just enough to balance it nicely, but you hardly know it's in your hand.


I must say, you're a very classy fellow and we thank you again for taking the high road. There's lots of room for both of us.



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You're truly a thru and thru nice guy Jimbo. :) One day I'm hoping to get a hook from you.


If someone gets the set of interchangable egg hooks, I'd be curious to hear if the chuck is abrasive to the skin, or if the chuck simply isn't in the way of the crocheter.

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