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Does anyone else dream about crocheting and yarn?

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I didn't think I was that addicted to yarn and crocheting but a couple of night ago I did have a dream that I went in my house and there was a room with tons of yarn in it. Also there were tons of knitting supplies and I remember thinking in the dream that I didn't have to buy knitting stuff now to practice on since I already had it.


I think everybody else's stashes is interfering with my dream state. :)

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I had a dream about finding a corkboard stuck full of pins. When I woke up, for a while I thought I had an old corkboard stashed away somewhere full of pins. So I looked for it... :D


I need more pins for my existing corkboard so that I can pin crochet stuff up there. (the designs that pop out of my head, not the actual crocheted items ;) )


Does that count...? I expect to have a crochet dream tonight though. I did nothing but crochet all day today.

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Don't remember if I have dreamed about it...


but I certainly think about it before drifting off to sleep

& wake up thinking about it too.


I wouldn't admit that to just anyone...


But I know you gals understand my obsession!

(*would have loved a dream about $5000 in yarn as mentioned above, what fun!*)


Lately that's been true of me too! My husband would just laugh if I told him.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yep, dream about it all the time. And recently, I was crocheting in my chair. Next thing I know DH is taking my crochet away from me. I snatch it back and snap, "What are you doing?" He just grins at me and tells me that I was crocheting and snoring. Seems I was crocheting in my sleep so he thought maybe he should help me to bed :blush

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I only dream about doing things when I'm stressed about something. So I guess I don't dream about crochet so much as I have nightmares about it. I've also had nightmares about doing library reference work (I was trying to find my pillow in the OPAC), my retail job (I finally decided that it was just a dream and 'walked out'), and a weird dream involving a pet dog when I was solo at work for a week between bosses (anxiety of dropping the ball).


I have, however, figured out how to do something crochet during those lovely magical moments just before I go to sleep and just after I wake up. And then I have to get up out of bed to find pen and paper cause heavens only knows, you can't remember stuff like that.

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i'm pretty sure i have before. dreamt about crocheting, and yarn. lol the most memorable dream i had though was about zombies, and that the thing that "killed" them was milk. lol. for some reason, we had a toy baby bottle, you know those ones that look like they have milk in it? well it was one of those, only it turned into a real bottle, with real milk. then Dh told me to take it and go to the other room to get changed, and held bottle at the zombie. it was a long dead zombie, because he didn't know what tv was. rofl. he was staring at it. Dh was trying to convince him that watching tv "took away his powers" lol. and that was it. I woke up.

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I once dreamed that I was in labor (I've never actually even been pregnant), and was crocheting my baby a blankie with light blue Red Heart Baby Clouds. I wasn't in any pain, but I was really bored and wanted to go home, so I asked if they could "just take it out." My mother wouldn't let me have a C-section. :(

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I dream that I am crocheting, or about color combinations and such on a regular basis! My fiance always laughs at me ... I am glad I am not the only one!

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  • 4 years later...

No I haven't had a dream like that, however when I close my eyes or sometimes blink I will see flashes of patterns I just did. I'm doing a swirl pattern so I will have flashes of crocheted swirls vision

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  • 4 months later...

Yes, it's so funny because, I think about crocheting all day. Since that's my business lol. So if I'm not crocheting, I'm talking about it, or teaching it. Ha. As a matter of fact I woke up from a dream about a new design, and I woke up to write it down or else I'll forget. I love it, but my husband doesn't haha.

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  • 1 month later...

I dream about having a bigger stash of yarn with a huge variety! Cotton and silk and really soft wool. Even some acrylic, all in various colours and self striping of course. I feel great just daydreaming about it too.

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