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How Do You Hold YOUR Hook?

How do you hold YOUR hook?  

793 members have voted

  1. 1. How do you hold YOUR hook?

    • Overhanded (like a handle)
    • Underhanded (like a pencil)
    • Both or Other (explain? :) )

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ok this probably sounds crazy BUT with anything smaller than a P I hold underhand. After that they are just akward to hold underhand for me so I hold the Q and above like a knife.

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i hold mine like a pencil. i was "taught" a way but i don't remember now. i know i dont hold my yarn like i should, i just do what works for me. like i do with everything in my life :)

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I hold mine like a pencil. I guess that is how I always thought it should be. from the poll though it seems like I am a minority. that is how my mom tought me to do it. i recently met someone that holds it overhand and she even said she holds it funny. who knew :eek

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I hole mine like a pencil too....I tried the other way and it doesn't work for me.....I have more control of the hook when I hold it like a pencil. I also don't hold my yarn like most people do. I hold it down with my work to keep tension even. :hook

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I've never held my yarn like you're "supposed" to. I can't wind yarn around my fingers because it just won't flow through. I just hold it in my left hand between my index and middle finger. No winding through anything. I never really have a tension problem.

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I hold mine overhanded....the very first crochet how to book I owned explained that there are two ways of holding the hook....overhanded is like holding a butterknife.....so that is how I do mine. Or sometimes I hold on to a hook as if my life depended on holding on for dear life...does that make any sense? If not, sorry:think

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I am a lefty, overhand, with my fingers wraped all the way around. my yarn goes betewwn my pinky and ring finger and pointer and middle fingers on my left hand and my work is held beteween my thumb and middle finger. the pinky controlls tension, such as it is.

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I thought I held it "wrong" but when I try to hold it "right", I'm clumsy. Since the fabric it produced looked the same no matter how I held the hook, I went with the comfortable way....overhanded. I have more control that way.

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Hmm. I hold it like a pencil. lol. its hard to figure out, when you dont' have a hook in your hand. I held a pen, and figured it out. I do hold my yarn weird though. for tension. I'm used to it, but if i'm crocheting with sport weight yarn, or crochet cotton, then my finger hurts. I keep my index finger over the yarn, to keep tension.


lol, ok I don't hold it like a pencil! I hold it the other way, overhanded or whatever......I just got confused......dont' mind me..........really............

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