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Annie's Attic Cabled Afghan Hooks Break!


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I bought the three-pack Annies Attic Tunisian Cabled Hooks around Christmastime when they clearanced out a lot of things.\




Here's another picture. (I found the pictures at e-bay where some people are still selling them).




These were super - cheap, (like 99 cents).


Well, now I know why the steep discount!


The cable comes off the end of the hook. Snap! Just like that! Two of mine broke and I'm afraid to use the third.


I wrote the company a month ago, (via e-mail) and they never even responded to me.


I know. I know. Perhaps you're saying to yourself, "Gee, it's only 99 cents. GET OVER IT!" But that isn't the point.


I also bought, (with the hook order), lots of their tunisian pattern booklets and even ordered other booklets because, (since I was already placing an order, might as well make it worth the postage, right?).


I wonder how many others did the same.


The bottom line is, if (and I am saying if) Annies Attic knew these cabled hooks were defective (or at least so cheaply made that you really couldn't use them for their intended purpose), then they have deliberately defrauded us.


They should have simply taken the loss and discarded them. Certainly not continue selling them to the public.


I'm angry that no one responded to my complaint either.

Is this matter that unimportant to such a large company?


How many others here have bought these hooks?

Have any of you had problems as well, or is it only me?

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I bought them too and the first time i used the P hook the cable popped out of the end. I used UHU Creativ (kind of like crazy glue) dipped the cable into it and then stuck it back into the hole. So far it has held up and I have almost finished an afghan with it. I kind of thought they were cheapies.

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I bought the hooks too. Have used one and the cable came off the hook portion, but I was prepared for that.. I had read about it somewhere else (not sure where) and I superglued it back on.


Then later, the "button" part on the other end came unglued.. super glue to the rescue again.


Now I haven't actually had the cable "break".. I don't know how I'd fix that.

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Mine popped off, too, but plain old Elmer's white glue worked fine to keep it in place.


But I'm glad they were only 99 cents, b/c I discovered I don't like the look of giant Tunisian stitches, lol! Although, it could have been the super-cheap yarn I was using to practice with.

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I bought these hooks awhile back. But I have never had a problem with them coming apart and I have used them several times. Quite awhile ago I belonged to a Tunisian crochet Yahoo Group that was headed up by Carolyn Christmas. I think she is the one who made those hooks. Someone posted that her hook came apart. Carolyn suggested using an epoxy type glue because it would try more flexible than a regular glue. I really like my hooks and enjoy working with them. I'm really sorry that some of you have not had a good experience with them. :(

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You know, I do love the plastic hook part.

It's nice and smooth and the yarn really slid nicely down the shaft and all.

So, I'm going to get some "super glue" and see if that will take care of the cable part that's detached inside the hook shafts.

I'd really like to try an afghan using the P size and see how it turns out.

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I ordered mine from ebay and the very first time i used the "M" hook my cable fell off ...No super glue on hand i used clear fingernail polish an walaaaaaa... it hasn't came off again... thank god for teenage daughters. LOL

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I posted earlier that I've had my tunisian hooks for awhile and they have never broke. Well, I'm making an afghan in crochenit using the crochenit cable hook and the end of one of the cables came out. I used "Gorilla Glue" to glue it back in. No more troubles -- so far!

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I also bought these hooks but haven't had the chance to use them yet. I must say though if none of you have tried it, Gorilla Glue is awesome and works even better then super glue. Only draw back is that you need to make sure that you watch and wipe off the excess because it foams up and trust me doesn't come off for anything! Good luck and thanks for the warning.

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I bought those as well at the .99 price, and the p came out with the help of my eight year old, who was fascinated with the cable part (came of within a few hours after opening the box.) I will have to try glueing it back together. I haven't tried to make anything with them yet, I don't really like the hook part (maybe the size I am not sure, I have a boye size i and still have trouble keeping that one uncurled. (it is a double ended cable)

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