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HEART DOILY 14 beads in each outer Hearts


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Here is the Heart doily I finished I was not able to post it till now. It was in a doily contest.. now that its over here is the Heart Doily. There are 14 beads in each outer heart. The center Hearts does not have beads..


There is no pattern it is done free form. I did study--search for so many heart doilys on the net and went thru so many books looking for hearts patterns but I could not find the look I wanted--I was after, but I did come up with this. There are lots of patterns out there for hearts doilys or other type of patterns...afghans etc....


There are so many things I would change about this doily.. I plan to do one like this again but change a few things...

  1. Make the hearts bigger...
  2. do not use mill hill beads...use bigger beads next time....

Even tho Mill Hill beads are glass it does not show up in pictures that well. I had a hard time getting the pictures to show the beads.. I had alot fun making this doily. First time for me making hearts and it was a tuff challange. Worked on just the Hearts many days and hours was put into it. Trying to get the look I was after...





My Photobucket Slideshow



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