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I recieved my JIMBO hook!!! OH.......


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:c9 :c9 :c9I wrote Jimbo and asked him if he would make me a custom wooden hook, as I have RA and somedays it is so hard to crochet. Well, he agreed, I sent him pictures of me holding my hook and all, so he knew how I used my hook. Well today in the mail I recieved the B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L hook, I cried real tears of joy when I saw it, and I can tell you, I SWIFTLY whipped out a ball of yarn to give it try and it is PERFECT, absolutly PERFECT. So I am in heaven, I believe I will have to put this into my will and last testiment to have it burried with me!!!

PLEASE go to my blog and view it, the pictures don't even do its proper justice, but they are the best I could do.

By blog is in my signature here, please take a lookie

and here is Jimbo's blog where you can bid on his hooks http://jimbosfrontporch.blogspot.com/

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It's beautiful! What hook size is it?

opps, see I am so excited, it is a "H" hook. Isn't it LOVELY?!?!??! I am off to crochet a felted case just for it :hook

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That's a beautiful hook. Joan, my brother has RA. I wondered if the crocheting helps or if it causes more of a problem to crochet? Or possibly both, I guess. I was thinking to offer to teach him if it would help. He's in pain a lot of the time due to that and the fibromyalgia.

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That's a beautiful hook. Joan, my brother has RA. I wondered if the crocheting helps or if it causes more of a problem to crochet? Or possibly both, I guess. I was thinking to offer to teach him if it would help. He's in pain a lot of the time due to that and the fibromyalgia.

Hi Sandy!

I would honestly have to say crocheting helps, and my doctor concures with this, it keeps my joints moving, which is what they need, now my new hook, keeps me from grinding my joints down. I DO think your brother could benifit from crocheting.:manyheart

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