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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Morning Cindy --

thanks for the birthday wishes,but it's really no big deal . I have kinda learned to ignore it as much as possible because thinking about it is very difficult .

We have lots of odd family logistics going on .Most normal days I just bumble along and try not to think about it . It's just the holiday events that are really hard,so I dont do too well on those days .



So , thanks to those that gave me good wishes ,but we can just go ahead and leave it lay . I'd rather not think about it again .


( No offense intended towards anyone . I really appreciate your kind thoughts,but I need to forget about it now. It's done for another year .)




It sounds as if you had a really wonderful time yesterday . I'm glad -- it must be nice to be young, pretty and single,and have a lot of life and fun ahead of you !


Thanks for giving Susan the tip on this place,maybe she will drop in and pay as a visit .

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Judy- Have fun at Delicious Orchards!!! I had known that Michael Kay was getting married and that some of the Yankees were going to report a day late because of the wedding. thanks for the link to the article!!


Marisa- I'm glad you got to meet up with your friend!!! Today is laundry day for me too. Seems like it is never ending- and there are only two of us here!!!


Julie- I wonder how far it is from where you are in Ohio to Pittsburgh ? Maybe when Marisa moves to Pittsburgh, we could meet there. I've always wanted to see Pittsburgh and once she moves- I'll have a reason to go visit- :devilMarisa- Hope you don't mind!:hook

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GOOD MORNING!!!! See, I said I would be here today!:lol


JulieYour ghost hunting trip sounds like a blast! Hope Cam decides it'll be ok to go this year. My kids are totally used to the ghost thing-my dd16 talks to my dad (who passed away 2 years ago) whenever she gets the feeling there is a ghost in her room. :manyheart


Judy-Have fun!


Marisa- sounds like you had a great day.:clap


Joanne-I usually make a big deal out of my birthday too! If it falls on a work day I take the day off and just do "me" stuff! BF is going on his annual golf trip the week of my birthday this year!!!!:P I gave him "the look" when he told me and he just said that it's not that big of a deal since it's a work day anyway!:angry Whatever-I'll celebrate the whole week then!!!!!


Well, I'm at work today and it looks to be a pretty boring day, so I'll probably get some reading done!! Just found out my son and dil are expecting another baby! She is keeping it pretty quiet though, since she had two ectopic pregnancies this last year and doesn't want to jinx this one. So it looks like I'll have TWO new grandbabies in Sept/ Oct!!!!!! So, that is my news for the day:cheer


Hope you all have a great day!:hug

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Hi Trish

Yea, I love watching all the ghost shows ,and even as a kid I loved reading books about ghosts . So I believe in them myself --we actually lived in a haunted house for the last 2 years I lived at home before getting married . HATED that place .

Anyhow, I do believe that your girl can communicate with your dad . Certain people have that ability .Has she ever watched the Psychic Kids show on cable ? REALLY a neat show .


I'm not gonna push Cam to do this ,but he loves scarey stories and such ,so maybe he will be brave enough to try it this year. I saved it all in the cupboard so it is ready when he is . Maybe when all his cousins come home, he will be braver if other kids come with us .One of them is too little and one is afraid of her own shadow,so a couple of them might not come,but some would .


Congratulations on more grandbabies ! Always wonderful news . I will wish for the best for your son and dil so this time everything works out good for her .

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Trish, congrats on the upcoming grandbabies!


I've made it halfway through a dishcloth this morning, and I'm also close to finishing the square doily. I seem to have picked up some virus, which is giving me a headache and a somewhat upset stomach. I don't dare take anything for the headache for fear of making the slightly upset stomach worse, so I'm crocheting, reading and knitting to distract myself. It's actually working quite well.


I went outside for a few minutes a little while ago, and it is positively balmy here, the sun is shining and there isn't any wind. Its supposed to get up to 40 today.

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Sorry to hear you arent feeling well,and hope it's not the flu like I have . Mine started really oddly ...mainly a cough.... I occasionally cough from my asthma,so at first didnt get concerned that it was anything other than that,but the coughing grew more and more each day. Then on Friday evening it just hit big time. I kept saying ,my gosh, I dont feel well at all,then BAM,it hit full force. Very odd way to get the flu .It sure has taken the sap outta me .

I hope yours is just a mild case and it wont get worse . Keep on working on your stuff and maybe it will help you .

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Back from the Orchards...just got a few things, and nothing huge...but all are tasty:)


:-( My free form isn't looking that pretty... it looks like crud... but oh well I'll keep going at it till I am finished. Im just having a hard time trying to get it to square off so I can turn it into a pillow.

What about a round pillow??

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Cindy, it sounds like you're doing the right thing for your bug....relaxation and liquids...you know the drill.

Feel better soon:hug


Off to either read or hook.



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Thanks Judy and Julie.


The square doily is finished, ends woven in and all. It will need to be blocked and starched someday though. Mine is about 10 inches square. It looks pretty good, but I clearly need some practice. It isn't worked anywhere near as neatly as the ones I inherited from my Grandma.

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Hi Linda

Sounds as if you had a good day yesterday doing all your shopping ,and I'm glad you found the colors needed for the quilt . Can't wait to see what you come up with .


When is your birthday,gonna tell us ?

My birthday is tomorrow. I'm a valentine baby. There were only 56 of us in my high school class and one of the boys was also a valentine baby. I was born in the midst of a blizzard in northeast Iowa and my dad always brought that us when my birthday rolled around.

Joanne-I usually make a big deal out of my birthday too! If it falls on a work day I take the day off and just do "me" stuff! BF is going on his annual golf trip the week of my birthday this year!!!!:P I gave him "the look" when he told me and he just said that it's not that big of a deal since it's a work day anyway!:angry Whatever-I'll celebrate the whole week then!!!!!


Well, I'm at work today and it looks to be a pretty boring day, so I'll probably get some reading done!! Just found out my son and dil are expecting another baby! She is keeping it pretty quiet though, since she had two ectopic pregnancies this last year and doesn't want to jinx this one. So it looks like I'll have TWO new grandbabies in Sept/ Oct!!!!!! So, that is my news for the day:cheer


Hope you all have a great day!:hug

Way to go! Celebrating all week sounds like a wonderful idea to me. And congratulations on the upcoming grandbabies. Hope everything works out well for your son and dil this time around.


I definitely believe that those who love us can surround us with their love and support even after they are dead. I feel my former partner's presence near me with fair regularity and on several occasions when that sense has been particularly strong others have sensed her presence, too.


It's a gorgeous day out today and is supposed to reach 60 or better this afternoon. I'm going out in a bit to try and donate blood. They called me last week to say that they are short and could really use me. Now if my hemoglobin is just high enough it'll be a no brainer. It wasn't last time and with me not being supposed to eat red meat it's hard to get it high enough to meet their criteria for donating even though it's not low enough to be a concern.


Catch you all later. :manyheart

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Good afternoon ladies :hi


Just pausing to eat some lunch so decided nothing better to do while I eat than catch up here :devil 2 loads of laundry are done, still need to do the towels and the sheets will wait since I already put the new ones on the bed anyway. Car is sparkley clean and I got some basic groceries. I went to Modell's and another sport store looking for eagles tattoos at the request of my nephews, but no luck :( I'll try later this week when the local place gets another shipment, she said tues or wed :xfin


Joanne - of course I don't mind :clap:yay That would totally be awesome!!


Trish - congrats on the new babies :D Prayers that the pregnancy goes smoothly :hug


Peaches - sorry your free form is not working out as planned, but I'm sure you'll work it out :yes


Cindy - Sorry you're not feeling well, but I like your diversion strategy :devil


Linda - I hope your hemoglobin lets you donate some blood :xfin I gave twice, but they told me not to anymore because I passed out both times :blush Not from the needle or anything, but usually it happens just before they reach the minimum amount and since I always know when it's coming, I told them I was going to pass out but to take enough to reach the minimum :rofl And they did, but told me not to give anymore, so I didn't :( I guess my body just doesn't like to lose what it has :shrug


Cheeria - I stopped at Michaels today in my travels and looked at that yarn your mentioned yesterday and I like it, but they really didn't have a good selection so I may look online at the available colors :think

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Cam getting his new netbook today!

:manyheart That is just fabulous, Julie!! SO glad to read that you are feeling a bit perkier, at least enough so that Cam could come over for a visit :yes You continue to rest and take it easy, while that handsome grandson of yours figures out his new toy. What a lucky little guy!!


Cindy~ I hope you are feeling better as the day progresses :hug. At the rate you are working on your projects, your WIP pile is going to be nil ;) Then, you will have to think of a new project to start.


Marisa ~ Life's all about housework on this end, too. Laundry is finished, a couple of dishes are prepped for tomorrow's dinner, tonight's dinner is in the crockpot, floors are vacuumed, and the suitcase and carry-on bags are packed :yay It's time to crochet -- as soon as I finish up here, anyway. Good luck finding the tattoo-things for your nephews. What did you opt to do about the socks? May I be nosy and ask what yarn you and Cheeria were discussing? I always like new suggestions and projects :hook


Judy ~ Glad your morning out went well. What did you choose to do this afternoon? :crocheting or :book or :dog


Linda ~ Congratulations on finding the fabric you wanted to go with the Challenge materials. :xfin your hemoglobin numbers were high enough to allow you to donate blood.


Peachy ~ I am interested in seeing your freeform progress. Sounds interesting. What colors are you using for your throw pillows?


Trish ~ Best of luck to your son and daughter-in-law as they embark on this pregnancy. Wish them a happy and healthy 9 months.


Temps are gorgeous on this end. Highs in the 30s, the sun is smiling, and the snow is melting. Slowly, but melting, nonetheless. The girls went out twice to play and came in soaked-to-the-bone both times. The last time, though, they deserved it, because they were standing under one of the downspouts at the edge of the house and letting the water positively pour down onto them :P Hot chocolate took the edge off off their shivers, silly girls. They are out with DH on the snowmobile, now. With any luck, the snow will be gone when we return home, and this will be the last I have to see of snow mountains...:dreaming As I told Marisa, I think I am going to get off of the computer and do a bit of crocheting, until the troops return home. I have a RR that is close to being finished, and I am about 3" into a hat for Kyri. I will work on those.


Ta-Ta. Hope your Weekend is going well :manyheart

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Oh, c...... I clicked the back button on my browser and lost the whole post!!!! UGH!!!!!


Marisa- I was going to ask what yarn you and Cheeria were talking about- I must have missed that part of the conversation!:lol


Linda- Hope your Hb was ok and you were able to donate blood. My DH's granddaughter is also a valentine baby- she'll be 8 tomorrow.


Cindy- Sorry to hear that you are feeling under the weather- but at least the weather is warming up- it did here too!!! It felt soo good!!!! I like your remedy- rest, read, hook, fluids, repeat!!!


Cheeria- Hope you had a good day and that you made it church today without any mishaps!!!! It was great to see you yesterday! And I love the scarf you made on your loom!!!


Judy- We went to B&N today on 35- and wanted to eat at Turning Point- there was an hour wait- so we went to "It's Greek to Me' which is next to Lenscrafters. We then hung out in the cafe at B&N for a bit- DH had his IPad, and I had my Nook.


Dusti- Sounds like you are all ready for your trip! I guess temp is relative- you have 30 degrees which must feel like 60 with all the minus -0 days you have had!!! I was looking at the Pinwheel sweater and the more I look at the pattern, the more I think I maybe could make this- so I've added to my list of patterns to try. But not till I do a few more baby things!


Trish- Congrats on the upcoming grandbabies- Prayers for your DIL that it goes well this time!


Off to make another few squares for the nine-patch ghan- I have 6 done, 3 more to go!

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Dusti, I made chicken cacciatore, did some laundry, read a little AND did some hooking:D Oh, I ran to Michaels to pick up a C hook. I also brought home a skein of Aruba Sea (I think it's called)....just because I liked it:D It's my first yarn purchase in months - been living off my stash...which is considerable:blush

With the nice weather and all the neighborhood dogs out for walks today I decided to forget about today's walk. Sparkie is more than a handful when he sees another dog.:P


Judy- We went to B&N today on 35- and wanted to eat at Turning Point- there was an hour wait- so we went to "It's Greek to Me' which is next to Lenscrafters. We then hung out in the cafe at B&N for a bit- DH had his IPad, and I had my Nook.

I was at Michaels around 11, 11:30! What time did you go? We might have crossed paths! Too funny...

We've eaten at the Greek restaurant before...it's very good. A bit salty for me, but good:D

How nice to have a hubby who reads...:yes It sounds like you had a great day:manyheart

I hope work flies by tomorrow!


Off I go for the night. CU all in the morning.:hug:manyheart

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Cam getting his new netbook today!

How wonderful! He looks thrilled.


I got to donate! :yay I was their first one of the day. No problems at all. And a got a t-shirt that helps advertise blood donations.


Spent a lazy rest of the day and am going downstairs to cuddle with my puppy. She got banished from the upstairs while I was gone, because she went out in the back yard and rolled in the dirt and leaves until she was a complete mess. :lol Silly thing! :lol I'll give her a bath tomorrow and hopefully she won't do the same thing all over again. :lol

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Hi there house, I had a wonderful day today. After church I came home and spent some time in the kitchen cooking us a nice sunday dinner of potato salad, barbacue beef ribs and cabbage and then to top dinner off with apple pie and cookies and creme ice cream. Is your mouth watering now??????? :lol:lol:lol It was really a beautiful day today and I seen some people with just sweaters on which cause me to just stare at them. :think:think I guess everyone was just happy to have nice weather for a change. Later I will be weaving on my loom but I did search up the internet looking for a doily pattern to crochet with the new group . I just want to try my hand at crocheting a doily especially that I will be using yarn instead of thread and a small hook. :eek My grandbabies went to chucky-cheese yesterday and I heard that it was a big hit with Jaedon. My DD told me that the baby was ready to fly out of her hands for he wanted to play too, thanksful that she had a good grip on him. :P It feels good to be back to posting again, why I didn't I don't know, I guess life challenges was overwhelming me for a while, now once again I have broken free so here I am typing away to you. WOW typing, I use to type 80 - 100 words per minute, that was back in the day when I was a secretary, healthy and young. Boy where did all the years go so quickly???? I guess we all have to move on with the time. :yay:yay:yay


I did took some notes, this time:


Julie - Happy Belated Birthday :hug:hug, I'm glad to hear you are feeling a little better today. I love your telling of the ghost story, I don't blame Cam I don't want to go on a ghost hunt either. Cam look so happy with his netbook, that's a very nice gift. :hug


Joanne - that is so nice that your DH and family celebrate your birthday, for me I get cards and a happy birthday but other then that it's an ordinary day for me with me doing ordinary everyday things, such as cooking cleaning etc.... It use to be different, but those times have come and gone. :( I'm glad they celebrate your day with you. :manyheart


Marisa - that's nice that you went to Newark and met up with your friend after the meet-up. I took another look at that knitted sweater and I have been looking at the pattern off and on for I would like to try my hands at knitting it, but I'm scared. Are you going to Knit it??????? Have you knitted a sweater before????? Did you find the group for the sweater on Raverly???????? Sorry for all the ??????? but I'm thinking about trying it too. Glad you liked the yarn. Talk to you soon. :hug


Cindy - sorry to hear that you are feeling under the weather today, last night I was also up with an upset stomach and I thought I was catching something but this morning I was feeling okay. I hope tomorrow you will feel okay to. :hug


Judy - Yummy Delicious Orchards, today was a nice day for a trip out there. :hug:hug


Linda - you was born on a nice day - A day of Love, for that is what Valentines day is to me, how neat is that. :hug


Trish - Oh that is so nice, two new grandbabies born a month apart. I will keep your DIL in my prayers. :hug


peachykeencrochet - your free form crochet sounds interesting, can't wait to see the pillows. :hug


Well the dinner bell just rung, time to chow down. HUGS to all :hugOh I forgot to mention I went valentime candy shopping after church for everyone, even the baby for tomorrow. The baby got a chewy toy. :lol Got to run now.

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Still here :D My Hubby took me for a car ride to our favorite conservation site today & that was nice....I miss it so much! It is a huge mountain of snow right now, but the scenery is beauriful. Next week I am going to put some boots on & take a walk through there....I think it'll help. :yes


Julie~I skimmed through & saw Cam with his new puter......precious!! Those are the smiles that make stressful days worth it! I wish I lived close because I would love to go ghosthunting with ya.....fun! We spend a lot of time in cemetaries in the area and most of our family pics are when we are there....most people think we are nuts but it is so peaceful and interesting. We have one right here in town that is rumored to have witches.....there really old stones way back in the woods by themselves & there are about 8 all in a circle.....creepy. Lots of neat stuff to read & see without all the people or atleast living people. :P


Ill Peeps~I hope all of you that are feeling ill feel better soon!! Get rest and take care!!


Linda~Happy Birthday!! :manyheart I hope it is a great one!! :hug

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Dusti, I made chicken cacciatore, did some laundry, read a little AND did some hooking:D Oh, I ran to Michaels to pick up a C hook. I also brought home a skein of Aruba Sea (I think it's called)....just because I liked it:D It's my first yarn purchase in months - been living off my stash...which is considerable:blush

With the nice weather and all the neighborhood dogs out for walks today I decided to forget about today's walk. Sparkie is more than a handful when he sees another dog.:P



I was at Michaels around 11, 11:30! What time did you go? We might have crossed paths! Too funny... I was there around 12:30-

We've eaten at the Greek restaurant before...it's very good. A bit salty for me, but good:D Same for me:lol

How nice to have a hubby who reads...:yes It sounds like you had a great day:manyheart We did- but I think he did more surfing the net than actual reading!:lol

I hope work flies by tomorrow!


Off I go for the night. CU all in the morning.:hug:manyheart

I hope work flies by too- :yes

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