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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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I just completed the inner part of our square doily,and am on the first row of border!

That's where I'm at on mine...need to do the border. It's small....might look cute under the Betty Boop statuette I have;)


Rest well, hon.:hug


OK...now I'm going!


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Working on a free form crochet pillow :-) Im going to make 2 pillows for my love seat. :-) But so far it's coming along nicely. I didn't think it would be so easy! Im just a newbie to it and only know basic stitches so I am trying to make it look as interesting as possible... I actually just now learned how to do the bullion stitch! yay! Tomorrow after the sun comes out and I have better lighting, I will take a pic of what it looks like so far. For now time to load the dish washer again!

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Hi house family, I had a very nice meet-up with the girls, it really set me in a very happy mood today and made doing my week-end chores bearable. Just seeing the Our House family made me miss you all so terribly. I will make an effort to come to the house more often, even if it's just to say hi.


Julie - sorry that you have the flu, feel better soon. :hug:hug


Leanna - I'm so sorry that I didn't come on and let you know that I did receive your pretty dishtowel, matter of fact it's hanging in the kitchen right now. I did send you a thank you card, thanks a lot receiving an unexpectd gift did brighten my day especially since I was very upset that I fell.


The IV that I had yesterday, really did wonders for the pain that I was having in my knee. I don't know if they can replace a knee replacement if something get broke in there. My husband nurse been telling me to buy these things that you put over your shoes call YakTrak which skiers wear and it is allege that you can actually run on ice. Seeing is believing.


I will try to be a better house mate from this day on sending Hugs. :hug:hug:hug

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Hi Marlene

Your new trailer sounds like it will be nice. We will love to see pictures when you get all moved in and get things like you want them .

I'm glad your weather is starting to improve down there .

What are you making for your Valentines dinner ?

I bet Maya will love having you home again .Her babysitter sounds like she is doing a nice job with her .



Your necklace and heart are both really pretty. The knot part looks really confusing to make .Was it hard to do ? Probably not for you because you are good at difficult patterns . Very nice job .

The hooded scarf looks nice too. I bet it feels good to have something that warm out there right now .

So about what time of year does the spring weather actually start out your way ?


Hi Cindy

Sounds like you had a nice time last night. Will talk more this weekend when you get rested .

I'm back on my square doily. Put it down for several days. Will see if I can wrap it up this weekend .


It's actually easier to make than it looks...I have to write up the pattern though. I took the heart (and necklace) in to the Crochet club today and everyone loves it and I ended up showing my aunt and another lady how to make it.

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Hi Marlene

Your new trailer sounds like it will be nice. We will love to see pictures when you get all moved in and get things like you want them .

I'm glad your weather is starting to improve down there .

What are you making for your Valentines dinner ?

I bet Maya will love having you home again .Her babysitter sounds like she is doing a nice job with her .



Your necklace and heart are both really pretty. The knot part looks really confusing to make .Was it hard to do ? Probably not for you because you are good at difficult patterns . Very nice job .

The hooded scarf looks nice too. I bet it feels good to have something that warm out there right now .

So about what time of year does the spring weather actually start out your way ?


Hi Cindy

Sounds like you had a nice time last night. Will talk more this weekend when you get rested .

I'm back on my square doily. Put it down for several days. Will see if I can wrap it up this weekend .


Oops, forgot to answer your other question...Spring is usually in full force around April...sometimes we'll have a spring-like February (and that sort of has happened in that we have some buds already and some bulbs are trying to bloom) but then March comes in just slapping the heck out of us with a lot of rain...so even in California, I view February as a tease and March pulling the rug out from under you and then April tends to be what you'd expect an April to be...

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Good morning!


Marlene- Congrats on the new trailer- hope it works out that you have it this week! Sounds like you'll have fun setting it up and decorating! I could 'hear' the excitement in your post!!!


LeAnna- love the celtic knot in the center of the heart. Very nice. Your hooded scarf looks so nice and cozy warm. Thanks for posting the pics! You know how we love pictures!!!!


Julie- Will Cam be coming today? Have you had a chance to try crocheting with one of the surgical type masks? I've got my camera packed so let's see what we can come with today at the meet-up.


Cindy- Sounds like you had a very busy and full day yesterday!


Off to do a little cleaning before heading out later this morning.


Have a wonderful day everyone!!!!




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¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`•


Hi, peeps!

Have to wake up and get ready for our gabfest/show and tell time at Starbucks this AM! Joanne may have to show them her gold card if we really start to take over the place:lol


Jules, please get a flu shot next season...esp seeing Cam so much...if he isn't carrying germs from school to you you can also risk getting him sick...playing"mom" here. I got mine in Dec.



I don't have time to properly answer everyone - though I DO read the posts, so I hope everyone realizes I know and care about what's happening....:hug

Don't be a stranger, my friend:hug:manyheart


Thanks! I hope you wake up feeling good!:hug


I like it so far!


Yeah - I did that once...and ditched the project....:yes


Very pretty!!! The hooded scarf looks like it's super fluffy and light - even though blurry.


Have a good one, Cindy, Marlene, Kiyo and everybody!!


Glad you like!!!!

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Good morning everyone. Its a gorgeous sunny day here. We had 3 or 4 inches of snow last night, but hopefully the sun will melt some of it.


Marlene, glad you found a trailer. Hope it works out for you.


LeAnna, your projects look great, (as always.) I didn't comment yesterday on the remark that hurt you, hopefully you've put it behind you by now. Most of us aren't great singers, but we can do our best and in the end, that's what matters. My husband aunt always used to say about her husband, who couldn't carry a tune at all, but loved to sing: "He makes a joyful noise when he sings, Isn't that wonderful?" And she meant it!


Julie, I've been working on my square doily too, I think I have about 5 more rows of the center part to do. Sorry you are sick. Sounds like Cam is very lucky to have you and Sam for grandparents. He"ll be so exdcited when he sees that computer. And I second Judy's plea that you consider getting a flu shot next year. Especially with your breathing problems; you don't need more trouble.


Joanne, Judy, Cheeria, and Marisa, have a fun meet-up today. I'm jealous!


Tab, hopefully spring will make things better for you. meanwhile :hug:hug


Well, better get to work on the laundry.


I've put it behind me...I think it was more me than them anyway...and you are so right...thank you for telling me about your aunt and her husband...I will keep that attitude in my singing...

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No stopping at the store on the way home, Judy!!!:lol:lol


But I am heading out in a bit to get some groceries!:lol


Had a very nice visit with Cheeria, Marissa and Judy and Susan (who I met on Ravelry) The time just flew by!!!!


The sweater that Marisa made for her niece is just toooooo cute!!!:manyheart The picture she posted just doesn't do it justice. She also brought her Bernat ghan and it is gorgeous.


Cheeria is working on this really neat afghan I can't explain it, but it part of it is a picture. And Judy had a really pretty baby ghan done in the grit stitch, which I had never heard of. It was really nice- as was her RR and another premmie ghan. She was working on the doily that Cindy and Julie are for a bit too


No creativity on the picture front---we were too busy gabbing. But here are the shots of Marisa and Cheeria and Judy and Susan


It would be so fun if we ALL could meet up!!!


Okay, so who is who in the pics?????

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Hi house family, I had a very nice meet-up with the girls, it really set me in a very happy mood today and made doing my week-end chores bearable. Just seeing the Our House family made me miss you all so terribly. I will make an effort to come to the house more often, even if it's just to say hi.


Julie - sorry that you have the flu, feel better soon. :hug:hug


Leanna - I'm so sorry that I didn't come on and let you know that I did receive your pretty dishtowel, matter of fact it's hanging in the kitchen right now. I did send you a thank you card, thanks a lot receiving an unexpectd gift did brighten my day especially since I was very upset that I fell.


The IV that I had yesterday, really did wonders for the pain that I was having in my knee. I don't know if they can replace a knee replacement if something get broke in there. My husband nurse been telling me to buy these things that you put over your shoes call YakTrak which skiers wear and it is allege that you can actually run on ice. Seeing is believing.


I will try to be a better house mate from this day on sending Hugs. :hug:hug:hug


I have to laugh...I was gone all day off island at the yarn shop for the monthly Crochet Club gathering. I just got home about an hour ago and what was waiting for me? Your thank you note! I'm so glad you like the dish cloth...I did write in my Christmas package that I owed you a handmade item and would probably would aim for Valentine's day (fitting...as your kitchen's red...) Anyway, I'm glad it showed up at a time you most needed a smile. Big hugs and take care of that leg!

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Hi there! I ran out of white yarn so Im going to have to put my quilt-ghan aside for the time being. But this is what I managed to do so far! It just sucks that I can't get any more white yarn for the next month or 2.

What you have done is lovely, Peaches! :clap :clap :clap

We finally found a trailer.:clap Now we have to have the owner haul in some dirt and level it off for us. Then we can get the trailer here. I'm hoping we have it all done within a week. Don't know if it can happen or not but I hope so. When we get I will post pics of the kitchen at least. It has 12 cupboards in the kitchen. Now that is a lot of cupboards for a trailer. It also has a lot of counter to. It has a sofa and 2 chairs with a big window behind the 2 chairs. I will be losing the table and chairs that I have in the rv now to booth sitting. If I don't like it I will pull the booths out and put chairs in there. The table can come out and put any where it isn't on poles like most are. Can't wait to try the oven out. I don't like the way this one bakes. The first trailer we had I could bake anything in it with no worries. Not this one.

Sounds like you have found yourself a very nice trailer, Marlene. :yay









Here are the pics of the hearts, the same thread one is a 3 circle Celtic Knot and is part of the "necklace" and the burgandy heart is a 4 circle Celtic Knot. And the pic of me with the hooded scarf...which I'm sorry is out of focus (Hub-E tried 3 times to get the shot.)


Have a good weekend everyone.

Those look sooooo nice! :clap :clap :clap

No stopping at the store on the way home, Judy!!!:lol:lol


But I am heading out in a bit to get some groceries!:lol


Had a very nice visit with Cheeria, Marissa and Judy and Susan (who I met on Ravelry) The time just flew by!!!!


The sweater that Marisa made for her niece is just toooooo cute!!!:manyheart The picture she posted just doesn't do it justice. She also brought her Bernat ghan and it is gorgeous.


Cheeria is working on this really neat afghan I can't explain it, but it part of it is a picture. And Judy had a really pretty baby ghan done in the grit stitch, which I had never heard of. It was really nice- as was her RR and another premmie ghan. She was working on the doily that Cindy and Julie are for a bit too


No creativity on the picture front---we were too busy gabbing. But here are the shots of Marisa and Cheeria and Judy and Susan


It would be so fun if we ALL could meet up!!!

Sounds and looks like a wonderful time was had by all. :hug

So being that I have a bunch of scrap yarn left over, I have decided to give my hands a try at doing free form crochet.... Wish me luck!! I hope it turns out nice!

Can't wait to see the pictures.

Hey guys

Have any of you seen the new CAL a girl named Sarah is starting ? It is a doily made with baby or ww yarn to make a babyghan .

Wow, does she have some pretty photos over there ! Cannot wait to see one completed .

I told her if I could screw up the courage that maybe I could just make a doily instead of the afghan .

They look quite a bit more challenging than the one I am currently on,but maybe I will give one a whirl ...:think

I'll have to look for it. Thanks for the heads up, Julie. Hope you are feeling much better tomorrow, Julie. :hug :hug :hug The flu shots made me sick when they first came out, but that was apparently from impurities in them that aren't there any more, because i have no problem with them now.


Hi, to everyone. I've been on the go all day long and away from home. I found the material for the rest of the quilt, so now I can start work on it. :yay I went to a bunch of different stores and got all sorts of goodies including spending some of my Christmas money on jewelry for my upcoming birthday. :D I got a new watch and lots of earrings.


I'm heading for bed now. Have a good night and a good day tomorrow. :manyheart

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Hello house!:clap I haven't been posting, but I have been reading everyone else's! Just haven't felt much like being on the computer lately:( Just lots going on and never seems like I have enough time in a day!


Marlene-congrats on the trailer! Sounds like it'll be great for you:cheer

LeAnna-love the pics! Everything is so lovely!

Julie-So sorry about the flu! But you are fabulous grandparents. I'm sure Cam thinks so too! Feel better soon! Have to tell you that I LOVE my bamboo hooks! I don't use anything else anymore. :hug

Cindy-sounds like you've been really busy:eek

Tab-I totally understand what you mean about not posting-it's great that you can when you get the chance! Hang in there!

JoAnne, Judy. Cheeria and Marisa- Looks like you all had a fabulous time and the pictures are great! I would love to meet up with other housemates but since I'm in California that would be pretty difficult!:lol




Hope everyone has a fabulous night and I'll see you all tomorrow!:manyheart

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Hi Trish

Thanks , I try really hard to be a good grandma .We have 7 grandkids, but 6 of them are army kids --they have always lived far away ,so we havent had the chance to hang out with them hardly ever,so we have to pour all our grandparent-ness into the one grandson who lives here in our town. I took care of him full time til he started school ,so he is almost like my own kid .

He gave me a birthday card a couple weeks ago,and he wrote in it :


You are the best grandma in the whole world .


One of my most precious treasures ! Me & him are pals .. we hang out a lot together on the weekends. This summer we are going to the graveyard to do some ghosthunting . I bought him all the gear. He wants our "colors" to be red,so I got us each a red shirt,red tote bag, red flashlights ,radios to talk back and forth on, an EVP recorder so we can hear the ghosts talking to us ,a camera , a compass, which I am gonna have to somehow convince him that it will help lead us to a ghost ,and I cant even remember what else is in our bags.We also printed off an aerial view map so we can mark X marks on the HOT SPOTS . I bought all the stuff about a year ago,then went down to the police chief to ask if we could be in the graveyard after dark (which they dont allow) ,but when I told him why,he said it was fine ,and he told all the 2nd and 3rd shift guys that if they see a grandma and a boy in the graveyard,don't arrest us, we are just ghosthunting .

We were supposed to go last year,but he chickened out on me,so I thought I'd wait and get him to go this year . All my other grandkids are coming home this summer for several weeks, so we may draft them into our ghost hunt too if they want to go .


So glad you like the hooks !

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Hi LeAnna


I'll jump in on the picture question -


Jude is the one in the booth with the red shirt .


Marisa is the girl with the long curly hair .


Cheeria is the one wearing the pink striped shirt .


The other lady is a new friend of Joannes that she met over at Ravelry .

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Okay, so who is who in the pics?????

First pic- Marisa

Second pic- Cheeria on the Left, Marisa on the Right.

Third pic- Judy in Red, Susan (met on Ravelry) next to her.




ETA- Thanks Julie- I didn't see you answered the question before I posted !!!!:lol

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Good morning!


Julie- Loved your story about ghost hunting. Sounds like you are all set for the excursion- now for Cam to build up the courage!!! That would be cool if you could take all the grandkids on the ghost hunting expedition together! But if not, it will sure be a special memory for Cam.


When was YOUR birthday? Did I miss it? :think

How are you feeling today?


Linda-:yay for finding the material for your quilt!!!! Isn't it nice to treat yourself to some baubles? And inquiring minds want to know- when is your Birthday? Have fun working on the quilt- and if you don't mind, we love progress pics!!!


Trish- It was good to 'hear' from you:hug


Peachy- Can't wait to see what you've come up with doing free form crochet!


Today, Pitchers and Catchers report:clap so......it means spring training is right around the corner.......which means SPRING IS ALSO AROUND THE CORNER!!!!


Hope you all have a good Sunday!!!!



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Hi Joanne

I'm a little better today but still feel pretty crappy .Bad cough,headache ,sore throat ...some body aches but not as bad right now .


My birthday was Jan 30th . I had it hidden,didnt want anyone making a big deal of it . Hardly none of my close family does. No card from my parents,my sister, or my kids . Cam gave me a card ,and Sam got me roses and cake .

SO... it just usually isnt a good day for me,so I just try to ignore it as much as possible.

It kinda reminds me of how little I am liked I guess .


As for the ghost hunt ,I dont know if you were in the group last year when I bought all this stuff .We were gonna go last year,so I went and got all our gadgets and had our tote bags all filled when he came on Saturday .We drove up to the graveyard,which is a couple blocks up behind us ,and we drove around slowly,doing a little "scouting" the territory so we had some areas to target . There's one grave up there with foreign writing --very odd-looking letters . Maybe Russian ? Not sure --we just dont have very many people from other places here,so not sure . Theres also a gravestone that is a picnic bench ,so I told Cam we'd take turns sitting on it and take pictures to look for ghosts sitting beside us .


So,he seemed ok with it and excited to go ,yakking the whole way home about it .We came in and I showed him all our gear ,and explained each thing to him .


We turned on the radios and were gonna test them to see how far they would work .

Well, I didnt know it,but with these radios, other people can talk on them and you can hear them on your radio ,too .


All at once,some kid talked on the radio,and it came through on ours. Cam looked like one of them cats in the cartoons, that gets scared and claws himself onto the ceiling . He asked who that was ,so I was just joking,and told him that the ghosts in the graveyard saw us driving through,and they are all so excited to get visitors that they are already trying to communicate with us .


WELL .....needless to say that is when Cam decided maybe ghost hunting wouldnt be so much fun after all .


I am hoping he will be brave enough to go this year so we shall see .

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Oh Julie- that story is terrific! I could picture him with the look of terror on his face!


Glad to hear you are feeling a little better-I guess another day of rest is in the cards for today.


I usually make more of a fuss about my birthday than anyone else does! Last year I kept mentioning how cool it was that my birthday was 10-10-10 so that left my DD's with little choice than to make a fuss about it! DH also had a surprise party for my 50th which was very nice and one year DH and I decided to go to the Museum of Art in NYC and then he secretly planned that all 3 of my DD's would be there (even my DD from Boston)- Was I surprised!!! So I guess I'm lucky in that respect. But enough of that...


Just want to say I LIKE YOU ALOT and wish you a very happy belated birthday!!! And BTW- what kind of CAKE did Sam get you?

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Well Heeelllllllloooooo ladies :hi


I scanned through the posts since I had a lot to get through. I haven't really been here since friday morning so let's start with friday night, my sixers won :clap:yay and it was a close game for the entirety and against the best team in the league right now :bounce


Our meet up yesterday was wonderful :manyheart The time breezes by way too quickly though :( Also, in the pic with me and Cheeria, she is wearing the scarf she did on the loom around her neck!!!! It's beautiful and very even :yes Julie, sorry I'm not very creative and there were no fountains around :sigh As for Susan, she may pop up in here. While her and I were chatting a bit (the other ladies were chatting amongst themselves) she was giving me her info to contact her if I needed any help with a sweater I'd like to attempt to knit :eek Anyhoo, she also mentioned about you tube and I told her I love you tube for learning stitches I'm not familiar with and back when I did my first pattern project, a lapghan, and I didn't understand the pattern and stumbled upon this site, which was helpful to name the stitch is sounded like and then I hunted down the video on you tube. At that point I think it was the first time she kinda recongnized that we all DIDN'T meet on ravelry ourselves :lol So she wrote down the website and I told her where to find our house, so now we'll wait to see if she comes to find us :think


After I left the ladies, I continued to trek north up to Newark, NJ and met my friend Kathy at her office (she still had a patient to go, she's a chiro too....we met in school). We went out for lunch and had some Mexican :drool it was excellent. Then we went back to her house, took a nap, then sat and chatted for a while. I hit the road last night and got back home around 10:30 :eek


Now today I have a whole lot to do since nothing got done yesterday :lol But I had a great day, so that's all that matters :yes I just heard the washer buzz so I need to change the laundry and get the next load in. I get to go to the car wash today!!!! :clap:yay:bounce:woo I'll probably be there a couple hours. You know I usually go every week, but surely it hasn't been getting done with the weather and today's supposed to be just shy of 50!!!


Kiyo - If Julie's suggestion with Aree didn't work, may I suggest the other route of explaining how boy don't mature as fast as girls and so they don't understand what's going on when they start to feel like that about a girl and get scared so try to 'counteract' those feelings :think You know, that whole spiel :think


Marlene - :yay on the trailer


LeAnne - Great pics, love your celtic knots :manyheart I want to make a hooded scarf too......so many projects, so little time :eek


Julie - Happy belated bday :hug :hug :hug (PS....I like you too :wink )

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Hi, peeps!


Jules, we love you...and a Happy Belated Birthday. My friends are the ones who make my B/day special. They're all worth a million....:yes


Hey Judy- Like your avatar!!!!!:lol

Love yours too:lol:lol

Did you see: Michael Kay, NYYankees announcer got married!!


Working on a free form crochet pillow :-) Im going to make 2 pillows for my love seat. :-) But so far it's coming along nicely. I didn't think it would be so easy! Im just a newbie to it and only know basic stitches so I am trying to make it look as interesting as possible... I actually just now learned how to do the bullion stitch! yay! Tomorrow after the sun comes out and I have better lighting, I will take a pic of what it looks like so far. For now time to load the dish washer again!
Are you following directions or just winging it? It's going to be amazing, I know!


Off to get dressed. We're making an early run to Delicious Orchards:D



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