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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Sam bought Cam his very own mini laptop this week just like mine,so he has been getting it all set up for him . It has all his games and stuff he likes to do . I had Sam put the strong block thing on it so certain web pages wont be able to work ... gotta watch some of those things with little kids .

Oh, that was so sweet of him to do that!! Cam must be thrilled...



Okay - really have to dash now.

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You are probably right about the flu shot. I only ever took one in my whole life.That was back in 1976 ...the Swine Flu shot ? Oh my gosh,did that thing make me ill . So I have been afraid to take one ever since. My Doc drives me batty about it every fall and winter ,but I always tell her no .

Cam had the flu shot,Steph has him get it each year snce he gets more colds ,flus and earaches than anyone on the planet .


And he doesn't know about the laptop yet ! It's a secret ! We were gonna wait and surprise him with it today,but I guess it'll have to wait for another day . I emailed Steph this morning to tell her about it,and she is so excited ! She said she was just looking at them last night in the store,but didnt see any of the real small ones she would want for him ,so it's lucky she didnt buy him one .


Anyhow, Sam has worked on it the last 2 nights, setting it up with his favorites,games,and a lego castle screensaver on the front --with his own secret login and password . He will be on cloud 9 .Can't wait to see his face .


You all have a good time today ... Sam said if I get to feeling better maybe we could make a run over to meet up with you guys someday .Wouldnt that be cool ?


Since none of you know what I look like, I could walk in and be sitting at the table right next to you ,then pull some type of surprise stunt . Maybe I should bring a big old cake with Our House written on it !


Will be waiting later on today to see your creative photos !! Have Marisa do something silly --she's the yopungster of the group ,so have her go out front and WADE in a water fountain or something .

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Julie- That is so cool that you and Sam got Cam his own laptop--when you give it to him, don't forget to take pics!!!! The way Sam has been personalizing it for him is just so neat!!!! Sorry to hear you are feeling yucky- I agree with Judy- get the flu shot next year!


Off to go meet Judy, Marisa and Cheeria- and will post pics later!


That would so terrific if you could come - and yup- that would be just like you to just show up one day- I would LOVE it!!!


See you later

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Good morning everyone. Its a gorgeous sunny day here. We had 3 or 4 inches of snow last night, but hopefully the sun will melt some of it.


Marlene, glad you found a trailer. Hope it works out for you.


LeAnna, your projects look great, (as always.) I didn't comment yesterday on the remark that hurt you, hopefully you've put it behind you by now. Most of us aren't great singers, but we can do our best and in the end, that's what matters. My husband aunt always used to say about her husband, who couldn't carry a tune at all, but loved to sing: "He makes a joyful noise when he sings, Isn't that wonderful?" And she meant it!


Julie, I've been working on my square doily too, I think I have about 5 more rows of the center part to do. Sorry you are sick. Sounds like Cam is very lucky to have you and Sam for grandparents. He"ll be so exdcited when he sees that computer. And I second Judy's plea that you consider getting a flu shot next year. Especially with your breathing problems; you don't need more trouble.


Joanne, Judy, Cheeria, and Marisa, have a fun meet-up today. I'm jealous!


Tab, hopefully spring will make things better for you. meanwhile :hug:hug


Well, better get to work on the laundry.

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Good Morning, everyone. :manyheart I just read through posts since Thursday afternoon...Love how busy it's been!


Cheeria, Marisa, Joanne and Judy ~ Have a wonderful visit. :hook


Julie ~ Oh, thank you for the link to the Granny Mandala! I hope you feel better soon. :hug


We're going to DD's about 3 to babysit for the evening. Then we will have Luke here from Thursday until Sunday. :D SIL has to give a speech in Austin on Saturday and it's a great chance for DD to have a break and see some friends, too.


I'm determined to finish up our taxes today and take care of some other paperwork...better get busy. :yes

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I'm back from the meetup! But I'll bet Joanne is hitting a couple of stores before heading home:lol

We had a new lady join us who Joanne met online. She blended in beautifully - I'm all talked out:lol:lol:lol:lol


he doesn't know about the laptop yet ! It's a secret ! We were gonna wait and surprise him with it today,but I guess it'll have to wait for another day . I emailed Steph this morning to tell her about it,and she is so excited ! She said she was just looking at them last night in the store,but didnt see any of the real small ones she would want for him ,so it's lucky she didnt buy him one .


Anyhow, Sam has worked on it the last 2 nights, setting it up with his favorites,games,and a lego castle screensaver on the front --with his own secret login and password . He will be on cloud 9 .Can't wait to see his face .

are you going to take a pic when you give it to him??

You all have a good time today ... Sam said if I get to feeling better maybe we could make a run over to meet up with you guys someday .Wouldnt that be cool ?


Since none of you know what I look like, I could walk in and be sitting at the table right next to you ,then pull some type of surprise stunt . Maybe I should bring a big old cake with Our House written on it !


Will be waiting later on today to see your creative photos !! Have Marisa do something silly --she's the yopungster of the group ,so have her go out front and WADE in a water fountain or something .

It would be a hoot to meet you!! This part of NJ is easy to find. We all identify each other by our exit number on the Garden State Parkway:lol



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No stopping at the store on the way home, Judy!!!:lol:lol


But I am heading out in a bit to get some groceries!:lol


Had a very nice visit with Cheeria, Marissa and Judy and Susan (who I met on Ravelry) The time just flew by!!!!


The sweater that Marisa made for her niece is just toooooo cute!!!:manyheart The picture she posted just doesn't do it justice. She also brought her Bernat ghan and it is gorgeous.


Cheeria is working on this really neat afghan I can't explain it, but it part of it is a picture. And Judy had a really pretty baby ghan done in the grit stitch, which I had never heard of. It was really nice- as was her RR and another premmie ghan. She was working on the doily that Cindy and Julie are for a bit too


No creativity on the picture front---we were too busy gabbing. But here are the shots of Marisa and Cheeria and Judy and Susan


It would be so fun if we ALL could meet up!!!




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Hi Guys


Wow, you all look STYLIN' in those photos --except we can't see Joanne,but I bet she is stylin too !


Jude --you look so pretty in red !


Marisa --you are jst as cute as a button !


Cheeria- you look so pretty in pink !!! Very stylish .


I showed Sam you guys's pictures and he could not believe any of you are your age !


( I think he got shafted when he married me . I don't dye my hair or wear makeup or jewelry ,and 9 times out of 10 I dress like a bag lady .NEVER match my outfit . Once, when I went to my Doc ,she said BOY, YOU COULDNT HAVE TRIED ANY HARDER TO WEAR THE MOST MISMATCHED CLOTHES IN THE WORLD !!!!


She was joking,but also telling the truth . I never EVER care what I am wearing ,so if you meet up some month and an old grey headed bag lady slides into the booth with you ,don't call the manager or the police. It'll just be me .


You all look like you had a wonderful visit ,including the new lady Susan .




I hope you guys invited her ,whi h I bet you all did. She looks very nice too,she has a kind-hearted face .


Thanks for the photos --are there any of Joanne, or were you the behind the scenes lady ?


I'm really-really glad you guys have got to meet in person and get to be such good friends !

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Hey guys

Have any of you seen the new CAL a girl named Sarah is starting ? It is a doily made with baby or ww yarn to make a babyghan .

Wow, does she have some pretty photos over there ! Cannot wait to see one completed .

I told her if I could screw up the courage that maybe I could just make a doily instead of the afghan .

They look quite a bit more challenging than the one I am currently on,but maybe I will give one a whirl ...:think

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Joanne, thanks for the pictures! I can't believe you didn't stop off somewhere fun after we all left!:lol


Jules, I tried, but Joanne didn't want her pic taken:(


So being that I have a bunch of scrap yarn left over, I have decided to give my hands a try at doing free form crochet.... Wish me luck!! I hope it turns out nice!

Oh, that's something I always wanted to try but never did...I'm so anal about following directions ...

Hi Guys


Wow, you all look STYLIN' in those photos --except we can't see Joanne,but I bet she is stylin too !


Jude --you look so pretty in red !


Marisa --you are jst as cute as a button !


Cheeria- you look so pretty in pink !!! Very stylish .


I showed Sam you guys's pictures and he could not believe any of you are your age !


( I think he got shafted when he married me . I don't dye my hair or wear makeup or jewelry ,and 9 times out of 10 I dress like a bag lady .NEVER match my outfit . Once, when I went to my Doc ,she said BOY, YOU COULDNT HAVE TRIED ANY HARDER TO WEAR THE MOST MISMATCHED CLOTHES IN THE WORLD !!!!


She was joking,but also telling the truth . I never EVER care what I am wearing ,so if you meet up some month and an old grey headed bag lady slides into the booth with you ,don't call the manager or the police. It'll just be me .


You all look like you had a wonderful visit ,including the new lady Susan .




I hope you guys invited her ,whi h I bet you all did. She looks very nice too,she has a kind-hearted face .


Thanks for the photos --are there any of Joanne, or were you the behind the scenes lady ?


I'm really-really glad you guys have got to meet in person and get to be such good friends !

Susan didn't show an interest in joining us, but you never know!

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Hey guys

Have any of you seen the new CAL a girl named Sarah is starting ? It is a doily made with baby or ww yarn to make a babyghan .

Wow, does she have some pretty photos over there ! Cannot wait to see one completed .

I told her if I could screw up the courage that maybe I could just make a doily instead of the afghan .

They look quite a bit more challenging than the one I am currently on,but maybe I will give one a whirl ...:think

have to check that out!

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Back from grocery shopping and all packed away. Phew!! Glad that is done!


Julie- Judy did offer to take my pic, but I declined- I was the photographer this time. Next time we meet up- I'll make sure there is a pic of me too! I didn't see the CAL, I'll have to check it out!!!


I got the impression that Susan is happy on Ravelry- she is quite active in the Vanna's Choice Fan Club over there. But never say never.............


Off to hook for a bit!

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Hey guys

Have any of you seen the new CAL a girl named Sarah is starting ? It is a doily made with baby or ww yarn to make a babyghan .

Wow, does she have some pretty photos over there ! Cannot wait to see one completed .

I told her if I could screw up the courage that maybe I could just make a doily instead of the afghan .

They look quite a bit more challenging than the one I am currently on,but maybe I will give one a whirl ...:think


I've made a couple of baby blankets using doily patterns. I find you have to be careful to use relatively solid patterns or you end up with a very holey blanket.

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I see you signed on over at the doilyghan area ! That's great !

I feel really crappy tonite.Havent done a blooming thing all day but lay on the couch. Sam has done everything today .

I have an electric blanket on the front and heating pad on the back ,so I am kinda like a grilled cheese right now .

Body still aches ,bad cough ,and just plain old wrung out tonite. Was hoping so much that Cam can come tomorrow,but I am gonna have to improve a lot before then .


I promise to get his photo when Sam gives him his new computer . He is used to getting his picture taken.Steph is always snapping his picture ,so he is used to stopping,smiling,then moving on ..




No big deal on your photo .I was joking. I HATE getting my picture taken,so do everything to avoid it .

And it's ok if your friend Susan like Ravelry better. Different strokes as they say .


I have a long time friend over there from here back in the early days ..I THINK she leads a group over there. She has invited me to join up,but I am more used to it here .Ravelry seems so big or something . They have great patterns,but I like our homey atmosphere here .

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Hi Cindy

Thats what I thought too,you wouldnt want it holey . Theyd make beautiful christening blankets,but probably not good for everyday use if they are real holey and stretchy .


She posted some that are pretty solid,so they should work well .


I just completed the inner part of our square doily,and am on the first row of border!

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Hi Cindy

Thats what I thought too,you wouldnt want it holey . Theyd make beautiful christening blankets,but probably not good for everyday use if they are real holey and stretchy .


She posted some that are pretty solid,so they should work well .


I just completed the inner part of our square doily,and am on the first row of border!


Julie, I;m sorry that you still feel so lousy. Get lots of rest, and hopefully you will feel better soon.


I am working on the last row of the doily, but I'm kind of tired of it, so I'm not sure if I'll finish it today. It actually looks pretty nice, although you can tell tthat I'm not used to working with thread.


I checked in over at the doily-ghan thread as well. I did a CAL with Sarah a few years ago, a mystery CAL that turned out to be a cute little purse.

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