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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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QUESTION -----What do you do when your 10 yr. old daughter has a MAAAAAAJOR crush on this little boy and he does her and it bothers her that he wouldn't look at her when he would talk to her until yesterday??? lol

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No worries on this end -- you can joke about anything you want . I dont get mad, I get even . (JOKING)


As for your little girl, tell her that boys act that way when they are that age.That's how they act when they like a girl,but tell her there's an ocean filled with lots of fish,and she doesnt even have a fishing pole yet. No hurry on the boyfriends !!!!

LOTS of time for that on down the road.

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Lol, I tried to tell her that. and we've laughed and laughed and laughed because I think it's so funny so I crack funnies all the time. I tried to tell her that pretend fishing with a stick and a plastic fly was not the answer at her age. lol

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HI House mates!


So glad to see the post from Cheeria!!!! YAY that she will be joining us.


Julie- I would not like to be on you-tube- but we'll try to come up with something creative- Who knew we'd get homework to do for a meet-up?:lol:lol


Dusti- Happy to hear that you are almost done packing- and that the girls had a blast yesterday!!!


LeAnna- You are lucky that you can sing! I so wish I could carry a tune- and I wouldn't worry about those other ladies! Can't wait to see the pics of your projects- especially the Celtic knot!!


Judy- It is going to be a warm weekend- of course warm is relative- 40's is much better than teens!!! See you in the AM!!!


Kiyo- You crack me up- and about your DD and the "boyfriend"- agree with what Julie said:yes


To the rest of the house- Hope you all have a great weekend. Gotta run, DH is hungry and the beef stew is done - gotta love cooking in a crockpot!!!!

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Joanne...will you be able to bring your camera tomorrow?

Your pic came out the best last time:)

Thanks Judy! Have a good time tomorrow and say hi to everyone for me...

I will....:D


'nite all...:hug:manyheart

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Hello....a quick pop in to let ya'll know i'm amongst the living. Not much going on here....a whole lot of insanity (kids, ERRR!!), a huge headache, and exhaustion. Other than the norm not much happening.


I am sorry that I have not kept up with the posts, it makes me feel selfish posting without responding but I just don't have the energy. Sorry. Big hugs and I hope you all are doing well. :ghug

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Have fun tomorrow in your meetup,you guys. Will be watching for a very creative photo !


Hey Tab- thanks for jumping in --- keep on trying --we can try to throw you a rope and pull you out ! Only a couple more years til your oldest boys will be out on their own -- kids grow up really quickly,so one day you will wake up and they will all be on their own and you will have some quiet !

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Happy weekending my friends......GIRLS you have a good time tomorrow getting together! Off to the house i go, I'm in the mood for spaghetti for myself and maybe make my pups a plate too! lol NOT, they would be sick! I have to unload produce tomorrow, not too big of a day, only 4 stops! Then....off to get my new phone and hope that it can perform for 300.00 it BETTER!!! lol Take care MUAAAAAH to you all!

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Thanks Julie. I am trying....it seems like everytime I start to climb out of my hole I get pushed back in. I think alot of it is the weather.....cabin fever.....I don't go out much because I hate the cold. I'll make it out sooner or later....maybe when the sun starts to shine again. :yes

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Thanks Julie. I am trying....it seems like everytime I start to climb out of my hole I get pushed back in. I think alot of it is the weather.....cabin fever.....I don't go out much because I hate the cold. I'll make it out sooner or later....maybe when the sun starts to shine again. :yes

Around here, it's supposed to be in the 40's tomorrow:yay:yay:yay a much welcome break from the very cold temps in the teens and 20's!!! I'm not much a fan of the cold (or the hot for that matter:lol) I 'd like 70 degree temps year round!!!


It's good to see you pop in - and keep stopping in - it'll do the heart good:hug:hug:hug

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Hi there! I ran out of white yarn so Im going to have to put my quilt-ghan aside for the time being. But this is what I managed to do so far! It just sucks that I can't get any more white yarn for the next month or 2.

It's beautiful- and too bad about the white yarn- Do you have more of the red? You could continue making those squares if you do.

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Hi Ladies!


Peachy, Your afghan is really pretty! I love red and hearts. Sorry you ran out of yarn.


Leanna, Your projects sound wonderful. Can't wait to see the pics.


Kiyo, Does 4 stops make for a short day? Hope your new phone does all that you want it to do.


Dusti, How long is your flight to Hawaii? I hope it's nice and warm while your there. Will you be checking in here while your gone? If not have a safe and wonderful time. I'll be busy up in the kitchen getting are Valentine's Dinner preped and ready on sunday and monday.


Tab, Just having you come in and say hi is okay. We like to see you.


Marisa, Sorry the socks didn't turn out the size you were hoping for.


Cheeria, Glad your knee is getting better.


Julie, Is Cam coming anytime this weekend or is it his weekend with Mike's son?


Judy, Joanne, Cheeria and Marisa have a fun time at your meetup.


Linda, Are weather started warming up today and is suppose to be warm into next week to. Can't wait! Tired of it being cold.


We finally found a trailer.:clap Now we have to have the owner haul in some dirt and level it off for us. Then we can get the trailer here. I'm hoping we have it all done within a week. Don't know if it can happen or not but I hope so. When we get I will post pics of the kitchen at least. It has 12 cupboards in the kitchen. Now that is a lot of cupboards for a trailer. It also has a lot of counter to. It has a sofa and 2 chairs with a big window behind the 2 chairs. I will be losing the table and chairs that I have in the rv now to booth sitting. If I don't like it I will pull the booths out and put chairs in there. The table can come out and put any where it isn't on poles like most are. Can't wait to try the oven out. I don't like the way this one bakes. The first trailer we had I could bake anything in it with no worries. Not this one.

Going to go to some garage sales tomorrow. It'll be a cold start but it will be fun.

We talked to Maya tonight and Heather her babysitter had a Valentine's party for the kids. She listed off at least 10 things that was in the bag. Tonight she and her Mom were going to make cookies (pilsbury probably) but I know Maya will love doing it. They made cupcakes thursday.

I talked to my ex-mil last night and she gave the update on my friend who has cancer. I spoke of her recently. She has a large mass on her colon. To large to do anything about so they say right now. She also has cancer on her lung(s 1 or 2?) and her liver. She sees a specialist next week. She told my ex-mil she isn't going to do any treatments. That she is 81 and has lived a good life and has a good family and wants quality life not quanity life. She said she started feeling sick after her son died whom she had taken care of for many years and just thought it was due to part of her grieveing so she didn't go to the doctor. She and I joined the American Legion Auxilary the same night and became friends right from the start. That was 30 years ago this fall. On top of her troubles her daughter has been fighting cancer for 7 years. She is in some research program and comes to Texas for her treatments.

I'm going to go. I'll catch you all tomorrow. Have a good weekend everyone!

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I dont think I will because I like to make it when I have all of the yarn together so I can just get it all done in one shot, and sew the squares as I make them. Last time I tried to do a quilt ghan where I make all the squares without sewing them together, I never finished it because I got sick and tired of sewing all the squares together.

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Here are the pics of the hearts, the same thread one is a 3 circle Celtic Knot and is part of the "necklace" and the burgandy heart is a 4 circle Celtic Knot. And the pic of me with the hooded scarf...which I'm sorry is out of focus (Hub-E tried 3 times to get the shot.)


Have a good weekend everyone.

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Hi Marlene

Your new trailer sounds like it will be nice. We will love to see pictures when you get all moved in and get things like you want them .

I'm glad your weather is starting to improve down there .

What are you making for your Valentines dinner ?

I bet Maya will love having you home again .Her babysitter sounds like she is doing a nice job with her .



Your necklace and heart are both really pretty. The knot part looks really confusing to make .Was it hard to do ? Probably not for you because you are good at difficult patterns . Very nice job .

The hooded scarf looks nice too. I bet it feels good to have something that warm out there right now .

So about what time of year does the spring weather actually start out your way ?


Hi Cindy

Sounds like you had a nice time last night. Will talk more this weekend when you get rested .

I'm back on my square doily. Put it down for several days. Will see if I can wrap it up this weekend .

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Good morning!


Marlene- Congrats on the new trailer- hope it works out that you have it this week! Sounds like you'll have fun setting it up and decorating! I could 'hear' the excitement in your post!!!


LeAnna- love the celtic knot in the center of the heart. Very nice. Your hooded scarf looks so nice and cozy warm. Thanks for posting the pics! You know how we love pictures!!!!


Julie- Will Cam be coming today? Have you had a chance to try crocheting with one of the surgical type masks? I've got my camera packed so let's see what we can come with today at the meet-up.


Cindy- Sounds like you had a very busy and full day yesterday!


Off to do a little cleaning before heading out later this morning.


Have a wonderful day everyone!!!!




¸.•´¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨)

¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`•

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Morning Joanne


I am excited to see how CREATIVE you all will get with the photos ..... and sure wish I could be there too .


Cam won't be coming today . I have the danged flu . Felt real crappy last night,and woke up at 3 feling even worse. Cold,cough,sore throat, body aches ,chills and gaggy gut ,so that kinda covers it .


I asked Steph this morning if we could possibly make it tomorrow if I am better .. dont want Cam sick, he gets sick a lot already so dont want to intentionally bring him into this .


Sam bought Cam his very own mini laptop this week just like mine,so he has been getting it all set up for him . It has all his games and stuff he likes to do . I had Sam put the strong block thing on it so certain web pages wont be able to work ... gotta watch some of those things with little kids .


I have actually twice had to email google ,because someone has been putting really gross and disgusting links in place of certain pattern pages and things . Google told me how to set the filter on mine so none of them will come through,so it has worked so far .


I am working a little on the square doily this morning - the one me and Cindy started ,so no mask needed for that type string . Maybe I will learn to like working with it ???? Not sure .


Anyhow, you guys have a fun morning .Tell Jude,Cheeria and Marisa I said howdy .

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Hi, peeps!

Have to wake up and get ready for our gabfest/show and tell time at Starbucks this AM! Joanne may have to show them her gold card if we really start to take over the place:lol


Jules, please get a flu shot next season...esp seeing Cam so much...if he isn't carrying germs from school to you you can also risk getting him sick...playing"mom" here. I got mine in Dec.


Hello....a quick pop in to let ya'll know i'm amongst the living. Not much going on here....a whole lot of insanity (kids, ERRR!!), a huge headache, and exhaustion. Other than the norm not much happening.


I am sorry that I have not kept up with the posts, it makes me feel selfish posting without responding but I just don't have the energy. Sorry. Big hugs and I hope you all are doing well. :ghug

I don't have time to properly answer everyone - though I DO read the posts, so I hope everyone realizes I know and care about what's happening....:hug

Don't be a stranger, my friend:hug:manyheart

Have a wonderful meet up tomorrow, Judy, Cheeria, Joanne, and Marisa.


I'm about to pack it in for the night. :hug

Thanks! I hope you wake up feeling good!:hug

Hi there! I ran out of white yarn so Im going to have to put my quilt-ghan aside for the time being. But this is what I managed to do so far! It just sucks that I can't get any more white yarn for the next month or 2.

I like it so far!

I dont think I will because I like to make it when I have all of the yarn together so I can just get it all done in one shot, and sew the squares as I make them. Last time I tried to do a quilt ghan where I make all the squares without sewing them together, I never finished it because I got sick and tired of sewing all the squares together.

Yeah - I did that once...and ditched the project....:yes









Here are the pics of the hearts, the same thread one is a 3 circle Celtic Knot and is part of the "necklace" and the burgandy heart is a 4 circle Celtic Knot. And the pic of me with the hooded scarf...which I'm sorry is out of focus (Hub-E tried 3 times to get the shot.)


Have a good weekend everyone.

Very pretty!!! The hooded scarf looks like it's super fluffy and light - even though blurry.


Have a good one, Cindy, Marlene, Kiyo and everybody!!

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