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I'm teaching my husband to crochet

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My hubby wanted something to do with his hands while watching TV, so I'm teaching him to crochet. He has mastered singles and doubles and is making a scarf.


I was sure he would forget the next day, but three days later, he picked up his scarf-in-progress and resumed crocheting perfectly, not missing a stitch! None of my other pupils ever did that!

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Very cool! It is good you are still growing together as a couple...

Just warn him to stay away from your stash!!! ;)


I think it is very nice that your husband wants to do something you do. And crocheting is great because it keeps our hands too busy to eat.


Good for you that he wants to learn!:cheer



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I tried to teach my husband, but he didn't have the patience for it. However, he has picked up a lot of the theory of it just by watching me and hearing me explain things to others.


Just think -- you may now have to share your stash with your husband! That could be trouble :lol

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That sounds like so much fun! My husband isn't too interested in crocheting, though his mother showed him how when he was little. But he can do one HECK of a cross-stitch project! (If I ever told any of his buddies that, I might be in trouble though!) :goodorbad

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I've joked with Manservant about teaching him but always get an adamant, "NO way!" from him. Then he'll turn around and remind me that he used to knit in highschool. Traitor!


One day Number One Son was being a goofball so as his consequence I made him sit with me for an hour learning to crochet. He was amazing. He caught onto it fast, and his tension was great so his stitches were perfect. Needless to say, his behaviour improved drastically.

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I actually heard that knitting and crocheting is great for children and will help them in school with their learning. My DH will probably never learn, but he likes what I make as long as it relates to him, otherwise he is pretty much indifferent.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's great that you taught your husband to crochet!


My boyfriend decided he wanted to learn to knit after seeing me crocheting all the time. He decided he'd had enough surfing the web all the time, so he taught himself to knit with a kit, and made a wonderful scarf (it is beautiful). He still is only a closet knitter, I try to get him out more!

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Wow, teaching your hubby to crochet !! :cheer :cheer :clap :clap

Mine would not be caught dead crocheting or with any kind of needle in his hands. :lol

Good for your hubby. He has made us all proud of him.

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OOH, how wonderful that he picked it up so fast!! Must be all that influence from years of living together with you :lol!!


How I wish I could teach hubby dearest to crochet, but he's a "tools" kinda guy...but then again, who knows? There may be hope yet for all our "other halves"

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am so happy to see a man take an interest in his wife's hobby. We knows it is :hook and not :knit !!! AND he pays attention and REALLY wants to do this!!! YOU ARE SO LUCKY:yay !!!

If you saw my post Men!!!....


You will understand my happiness for you!!!

Will you post a picture of his scarf?

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if my dh learned we would just fight over the yarn.,, and my hooks would always be missing. he would say no need to buy more i will just use yours. Dont like that idea at all. I take my hooks everywhere i go (except to run errands) and he would want the one i need

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