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STASH BUSTING crochet-along GAME!! ****CLOSED FOR 2007 ****


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More points :cheer. I have been really busy since deciding to do this project,

so far I have empty out 2 bags I had of yarn balls. Those bags are the

ones you get when you go to supermarket. Now for the points. +9 :clap. I'll

go change my score.:hook:devil

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I just have to say that I was really really really really really (did I say really???) good this week and did NOT buy into the HUGE yarn sale on amazon like I was ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh so tempted to do!!!! (I love TLC and I need some cotton yarn, but not just yet)


I think I should get points for that alone! :lol

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Okay, you know you said that and I went "Wait, I've never bought or seen yarn on Amazon, but it makes sense they have it" and immediately went out and looked. I then closed that window and said...No, you just bought a lot on eBay to do more scrapghans for a friend's charity event no more!


No updating on the stash score, but all my clients are in the house and all are happily asleep, which means I get to watch Lost Season 2 on dvd (after I finished Dr. Who Season 2) and work on my scrapghan!!

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Well, I was doing so good this week, I knew it would have to come to an end.....I frogged a baby blanket I made a few weeks ago.....decided I didn't like it that much, so I took it apart and I'm going to rework it into a round ripple.....I got 2 skeins and 2 balls (two different yarns) from the blanket so -6 :( for me. I should be able to get those points back pretty quick as I rework the blanket.....

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I never knew that Amazon sold yarn! I will have to check that out.


I haven't had much time to crochet this week, but I did use up 2 small balls. I am the chair person for a bake sale we are having tomorrow for the Cancer Association so have been really busy this week. I am hoping to work on some of my projects during down times tomorrow though.


My daughter and I did whip up some "Basket Bunnies" they are small bunnies (look almost like slippers) that you can put in an Easter basket and they will hold candy - like jelly beans or something small. We are going to try and sell them at the bake sale as well. Maybe if I can find the time, I can get a picture of one of them on here.


Okay, time to go to work..... Hope you all have a good day.

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Okay, you know you said that and I went "Wait, I've never bought or seen yarn on Amazon, but it makes sense they have it" and immediately went out and looked. I then closed that window and said...No, you just bought a lot on eBay to do more scrapghans for a friend's charity event no more!



Yeah they had TLC for a ridiculously low price of 69 cents a skein!!! And Sugar n Cream for something around there too!! :2spin And I REFRAINED!!! I am so proud of myself!!

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My score's going to plummet - I decided to make a ghan for my dad and need to buy most of the yarn for it - ugh! I do have 33 points worth of yarn that I'm trying to donate but it seems that no one local wants any :(

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:rofl.....Doula, you and Krystal (and you other yarn addicts) need yarn reformation!!!


DH asked for another 3strand to be made, so I have a feeling I will be doing another one in a week or so. That will be #4.


I have earned 3 points FINALLY making doll dresses. BUT I lost 2 pts due to having to purchase a skein for an afghan...it never ends.




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Well... I counted & took pix of the 3 boxes that I brought home today... but now I can't find the cable for the cam :shrug Soon as I do I'll add the pix.

138 of the 245 skeins are here in my hot lit'l hands (the rest are still at the PO... now there's a shock!) :eek

So that's -276 for me... but I don'ttttttt careeeeee!

AND... DD, DS#1, DS#2 & I went thru those 3 tubs of yarn from the last ebay lot... got rid of A LOT! Have 2 boxes about ready to be re-listed & the kids took a BUNCH of yarn too. SO... DD took 230 full skeins & 41 partials, DS#1 took 9 full, 11 partials & DS#2 took 5 full and 3 partials, which gives me +543! Hey, I gotta take it where I can get it yan'no :lol

NOW... as long as DH doesn't find DD's yarn stash, we'll be ok :rofl

It could be a worse addiction, no? :devil



Found the cable...

this's all of them:

Amazon 1


½ & ½

Amazon 2

Amazon 3


Oh.. and finally got DD to let me take a pic of her granny... I think she's doing quite well for herself... she's 15


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My score's going to plummet - I decided to make a ghan for my dad and need to buy most of the yarn for it - ugh! I do have 33 points worth of yarn that I'm trying to donate but it seems that no one local wants any :(



too bad you don't live closer to me:devil I never say no to yarn:hook

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Nght, did you get any sages? Light or dark? Or any painted desert?


I got an order for an afghan AFTER I placed my amazon order....


Thought maybe you'd want to swap or I'd buy off of YOU! LOL! How's $1 a skein sound? You'd make a profit! LOL! :rofl

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My score's going to plummet - I decided to make a ghan for my dad and need to buy most of the yarn for it - ugh! I do have 33 points worth of yarn that I'm trying to donate but it seems that no one local wants any :(

Have you tried the churches. Several do the Project Linus projects and if there is a local Project Linus in your area they will take it.

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Nght, did you get any sages? Light or dark? Or any painted desert?


I got an order for an afghan AFTER I placed my amazon order....


Thought maybe you'd want to swap or I'd buy off of YOU! LOL! How's $1 a skein sound? You'd make a profit! LOL! :rofl



Krystal - I didn't... but I could look in the rest of my stash to see if I could help... let me know!


I actually wasn't able to get the TLC, the site was so jammed & was making it a nightmare to shop...

I had prob'ly 300 skeins in the cart & quit :eek a bit sad too. I NEEDED that bazillion skeins of Sage Mary

I did wind up ordering 245 skeins of baby stuff tho :lol

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