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STASH BUSTING crochet-along GAME!! ****CLOSED FOR 2007 ****


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It's really not my fault... well it's NOT! :shrug I only went to look for a double ended hook & figured since Wally World never has 'em, I would look in Joann's. :idea They didn't have any either. :badidea But they DID have Caron lbr's for $4. :applause Yeah well, everyone always needs more white, right??? :yes

Bought 4 skeins, -8. I'll use at least one of 'em up relatively soon putting the last round on & joining the MAM I started. Ya'd think I'd go & do those *on hold* projects on my WIP's list before starting another... :think

Sorry for rambling, been up since 4am, I'm goin' now :tired:out




Nght, you are tooo funny. I'm sitting at work laughing out loud because you totally rock!! :clap


Now, I think I need to sneak off to Joanns to get some too! I was so hoping for all positives this week since I took care of two more skeins yesterday!!!

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was the joanns sale not posted in the flyer? I checked and didn't see it


I have NO clue, I don't even get their flyer :lol

Actually someone else here at the 'Ville said their store had it for $4 and I figured while I needed to look for a hook, I may as well look at the yarn too :blush

I 'bout fell over when I saw they had LB Fancy Fur ON SALE 2/$8.00! The Dollar Tree is NEXT door & has oodles of it for $1.00 :think LOL

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OK - finally time to updat from this week a bit - Let's see..

day 2 of my conference I finished off another skein on my vintage cardigan sqares (2):clap

I've also used another skein on my dd's sweater (2). :clap

A few other things are in partial skein mode but I'll wait til their done since I'm still using them!!:hook

I'll go fix that sig!

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I just finished another purse pattern so that's plus 3 for me. I already counted the skein I used for it last night so the whole purse was 5 points. Only 3 points today though.

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Well, I just finished an AWESOME purse....I made up the pattern, but it was really simple.....I love it though....Here's the link to it



Didn't use much of anything except the blue, but at least I get +1 for using about 1/2 that skein.....

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Wow. That is really pretty. A great way to use up the scraps. I really like that purse. Will you be sharing the pattern? :D

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Yikes I am in trouble and I don't think I can hook out of it :hook :hook

I am out of town on work related business and guess what store is in walking distance of the hotel??? Hobby Lobby :eek :eek :eek

Guess who just had to check it out??? Oh yeah it was me......

Everyone keeps talking about "I love this yarn" and I guess I too fell in love :manyheart:c9:manyheart

Purchased 5 skeins so I am at a -10 and see no way of getting to work on anything.......

So much for my consistancy score :devil

I guess even the best of us fall off the wagon.....

Well back on to it and I will love working with the yarn!!!


Off to put the disappointment on my siggy....

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I guess even the best of us fall off the wagon.....



Least you only fell off the wagon.... I fell off & got RUN OVER! :oops

Congrats on your shopping trip! :lol

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Ok, just need to come here and report...


I purchased 6 skiens today - that's -12 - but this is what I have done this week:


Finished a skien of S&C White for my piggy potholder +2

Finished (finally) a one pounder of Caron +2

Finished several balls of cotton for various small things for a craft fair +3

Finished a skien for my SP Shawl +2

Finished a skien of yellow for a dress +2


So I am at -1 at the moment - I will have no problem finding one or two of something to bring up to the positive by Saturday

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Wow. That is really pretty. A great way to use up the scraps. I really like that purse. Will you be sharing the pattern? :D


I didn't actually write the pattern down, just kind went along as I did it...:blush ...but I'm going to make another one for my mom, so I will pay more attention this time and then I will be more than happy to share.....

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I ordered yarn and it came on Monday. 8 skeins! But I used up two skeins, so I'm at a -12 for the week! Oh well. Now that's it on buying any more yarn! It's for the MM project that I am working on so dilegently. So I will be at almost the same number I started with before I started this project!



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Well I used another 5 balls of yarn on my 3SUB - A total of 16 so far this week, I also ended up buying 6 skeins of Fun Fur Stripes from Dollar Tree Yesterday, so that was a -12 - I'm at -44 for the week! HOpefully I can get that into the positives (I get off of work early for the next 3 days!!!)

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Hi everyone, Sorry I haven't been posting lately. My internet has been really slow and freezing up on me lately. It seems good this morning though.


So far this week I have 3 points, 1 point for a partial ball I used on a headband and 2 for a watchcap. I am going to start a Christmas present for one of my granddaughter's next and that should use up a couple of skeins. Don't know if I will finish it this week or not.

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I used up another 4 skeins of yarn finishing my Bag Swap and a scarf. I'm so happy I'm actually doing well this week!!!!

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Used up full skein on finishing baby booties that go to the sweater and bonnet I finished yesterday. +2. I am working on busting through some other partial skeins and a full skein of Bernat softee baby in white doing some more booties. Hopefully I'll get to post some more points before Saturday!! :hook



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Last night I finished up a full ball of thread, for a +2 (I hadn't previously counted it when I got to the halfway point).


Of course, I'm still waiting for yarn that I ordered online to come in, so I'm sure I'll end the week with a negative...

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