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STASH BUSTING crochet-along GAME!! ****CLOSED FOR 2007 ****


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Do I get any points for sharing my stashbusting pattern I made up? :hook (Or get to start all over at 0?) :lol Well I posted a Stashbusting Coffee Can Cozy here at Crochetville under 'Original Patterns-Links'. (I'll post it here too, for easy reference.) A lot of the balls/skeins I bought I will be using up shortly. It's just too bad we don't get the same amount of points for using them up as we get points for buying new!



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I don't know when I am going to crochet or where, I am looking at almost 24 hours going back to Manila and then being at my grandma's wake so that surely will make for LOTS OF CROCHET TIME.


So 0 right now is my score :sigh


Sorry to hear about your grandmother. But you'll be passing me to go home. You might stop-over on Guam or fly past it depending which airlines you fly on. Just wave :cheer when you do. :)

Pat A.

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Hmmm... so if I use a ball up I get two points, just like if I buy one I get two points -? Yay! Well I still only have one extra point and -4 points this week. (Better than last week, though, and I have a ball I am going to use up here shortly, too.) Thanks Krystal. :)


Tina :think I'm wondering if you're scoring right! A ball is 1 when you GET or USE.. a skein is 2 when you GET or USE! So, it should be the same points coming IN as it is coming OUT if you're using what you're buying...
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I think I need to just drop out. I bought EIGHT SKEINS of yarn today, EIGHT SKEINS! Of course, I know exactly what I need them for, but :scared!




EIGHT?? Have you seen my score lately?? Eight really isn't so bad! :laughroll

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Oops... forgot to say what I was really here for... :lol

Before that insane yarn came in, I had actually used some & gifted to kiddies again for a total of 4 full skeins & 9 partials. I actually threw out a brand new skein too... :eek it was HORRID I really HAD to! :rip

SO.. that's +17.... can you even notice it??? :rofl

Two more boxes came in today but they're *hiding* at the PO until hubby goes back to work Tuesday :embar

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Thank you, Krystal. I just need to go back to the first page and look, huh? Well I got one more point this week! So that brings my total this week to: -3


I used up three little balls tonight which= one ball, probably; on a spiral scrubby.





Everyone seems to love these. I made one for myself; but have only used it once or twice. I did like it, though. It's just the perfect size for what you need. The one on the left is made with Simply Soft, the one on the right, worsted weight acrylic. I did make one with dishcloth cotton, but I read the acrylic has better scrubbing power.


Here's the link to the pattern: Spiral Scrubby



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OK - just finished my 3rd skein on my SP shawl (+2). Now off to see what I can get done on dd sweater before I fall asleep. I'll be at a conference all weekend and I hope to crank out many motifs for my vintage cardigan CAL (while attentively listening to the talks!)

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Ok, I'm plus 3 for today... I don't think I'm going to be positive this week... waaa! Plans all day tomorrow and too many points to go... we'll see, but I'm not holding my breath! LOL

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I got 2 more points for using a skein on a shawl. I know I won't get to positives this week but at least I shouldn't need to buy any yarn next week and can maybe use up some of this I bought this week by the end of next week.

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Tina -thanks for posting the spiral scrubbie pattern! My daughter-in-law really likes the hand crocheted dishcloths and I am going to make her a set for Christmas. I can add a matching scrubbie to it!



Well, for my first time I will be in the minus column this week :( I have tried so hard not to buy any yarn I didn't need, but yesterday when I went to get some white for my afghan I gave in. I saw this really nice multi-colored yarn for a baby blanket I wanted to make, so I brought home 1 skein to see how it looks. Then I got some black for my April charity blitz. I thought to myself this is all yarn I will use within the next week, but as I headed to the checkout I saw a shelf with discontinued Red Heart worsted yarn at $1 a skein. There wasn't too much left, but I did pick up the last 2 skeins of denim.


When I got home last night I started crocheting on the baby blanket using a small shell pattern. I used up the whole skein and I like the way it looks so I will probably go back today and get more. Anyway, right now my total for the week is -2, I will update later today if I do go get more of the yarn for the blanket.

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I used up three skeins, two on my MM afghan and one on some baby hats.


I have to order more pink yarn so my score will go down even more! Yikes! And then after I make the afghan, it will be right where I started. Oh well. That's life in the world of crochet!



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I have a good start on my sweet pea shawl and used up two skeins through this morning that puts me at a -6 for the week so far. I better get busy before 7 tonight to stay positive.

edited @ 2 pm...I was able to finish a skein I started last night and then fin ished another on my shawl...I hope that given the fact that my hubby is going golfing maybe I can squeeze in one more so now I am at -2

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Thank you, Krystal. I just need to go back to the first page and look, huh? Well I got one more point this week! So that brings my total this week to: -3


I used up three little balls tonight which= one ball, probably; on a spiral scrubby.





Everyone seems to love these. I made one for myself; but have only used it once or twice. I did like it, though. It's just the perfect size for what you need. The one on the left is made with Simply Soft, the one on the right, worsted weight acrylic. I did make one with dishcloth cotton, but I read the acrylic has better scrubbing power.


Here's the link to the pattern: Spiral Scrubby




I like these scrubbies, I may have to make a few here soon. Well my score for the week is not going to change between now and 8pm, so I thought I would go ahead and post. Next week I am expecting a small shipment of yarn (3 skeins) so my score will go down. I bought a new hook, I'm going to teach myself the afghan stitch....anyone have any experience with this? Is it hard? I'm also going to make myself some cute tank-tops now that it's starting to get warm. That with the scrubbies, maybe I can bust some more stash next week......

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Well I have company the rest of the afternoon, I will just post my score and whatever else I do today will just go on next weeks score.


I had to buy a skien of yarn for a dress I am starting, but I used up another skien for something else. So I am at:


4 for the week (this is week nine's total)

1 for the week (this is week eight's total)

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i am going to post mine for the week too..i probably wont use up much more....i cant bring myself to post for using a partial skein, i wait until i use the whole thing....silly huh?


I have another +2. a total of 4 for the week....still in the postives havent gone neg yet!

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Well, I got rid of a big tote of yarn this week. That is +40 (one of the cones was HUGE I'm talking 7 pounds or more! easy...too bad it was only worth 2 points!) Plus I used up a skein and 2 more balls for my 3SUB. That's 4 more. Sooooo 44 + my 13 from before. That's 57 so far. Hoping to get more done too, but not sure I can because I am the beginning of a few skeins.

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