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STASH BUSTING crochet-along GAME!! ****CLOSED FOR 2007 ****


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I used 51 Balls of Yarn today!!!! I'm making a 3 strand Scrap/Ugly-Ghan thing! I'll get some pics of it tomorrow in the sunlight!


:laughroll wow, I can only aspire to crochet as fast and as much as you do :rofl



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Wow. I used one ball up tonight making a spiral scrubby. But 51 balls? Well now that brings my score to 1 this week/now... But with the -16 from last week.... :blush

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Well, I got one more point. I used about 2/3 a skein of white baby yarn trying to make a shirt for my American Doll. The shirt turned out ok, it fits and everything, but I didn't make a big enough slit in the back to get her arms in the sleeves once the shirt is over her head......I'll try again some other time......

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I used 51 Balls of Yarn today!!!! I'm making a 3 strand Scrap/Ugly-Ghan thing! I'll get some pics of it tomorrow in the sunlight!


All I can think is 2 ends times 51 balls is more than I wanna sew in! :eek Sheesh! Good work though!!:yes

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Traci, you couldn't have sponken more truth!!! That is more ends then I would have wanted to sew in!


I took care of 2 skeins and a ball, so that's 5 points. I think I need to reset my score...

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well I did so good the first few weeks, and since then I've been going down hill!!!! :devil I had to buy two more skeins of black for putting together afghans... so -4 for me... but I should use them up pretty quickly, and i've got a baby sweater almost done which should give plus 2.... I'll start going back up here sometime:hook

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I used 51 Balls of Yarn today!!!! I'm making a 3 strand Scrap/Ugly-Ghan thing! I'll get some pics of it tomorrow in the sunlight!



How is that possible????? WOW!!! Please tell me the balls were teeny tiny. :D

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Well, I forgot to post my score on Saturday. I had another 2 skeins that I used on Friday for Chloe's birthday sweater which gave me another 4 points. I was kind of tempted to add that to this weeks score since I have nothing for this week yet and it didn't get included in last weeks score...but then decided that wouldn't be right. I used them last week so they will go into my YTD total and I have a whopping 0 for this week so far. (soon to be remedied though. :hook )

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Amber's home sick from school today. (She's 11 going on 3!) I haven't been able to get anything done except for about 15 dc's for a small sq.




I'm so ready for half a dozen margarita's - you guys can pick me up off the floor when you get to Margaritaville! lol

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Well, I wound up using a half-skein on Friday, which upped my score to 3 for the week, but then I bought 8 skeins on Saturday, which meant I ended up the week at -13. I should have kept a running tally of the number of skeins I used up vs. the number I bought, in addition to my overall score, but didn't think to keep track of that.


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I am starting this week out with a bang!!!!

Motherinlaw 2 skeins for my birthday

9 skeins from shopping

and 7 skeins from bizzyboppers THANKS

so I am at a -36 for the week so far and my birthday is not until Thursday!!!!

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How is that possible????? WOW!!! Please tell me the balls were teeny tiny. :D

Actually, the balls weren't teeny tiny but they were small balls which are worth 1 point each!


I just got in an eBay auction today (it smells really bad of smoke :( ) I'm gonna Febreze it! That's a -45 for me :( Still in the plus!

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OK, I buckled. Didn't think I would, but I did. AUGH! I SWEAR I walked into Spotlight this morning just to buy hooks, but right in my path there was this basked of Moda Dea yarn. It was $7.99 a ball last year and they're getting rid of it at 99c a ball! So... I bought 20 balls...


Off too change my sig now...



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Well, I got 3 for today. One skein and a partial. I'm working on about 4 throws (Well 2 afghans, 2 throws) and I keep switching around...lol. Right now it's my new pink camo throw for my oldest dd. I'm going to need a lot more yarn! But I'll hold off till this batch is gone...lol

Off to change my score!

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Krystal- So glad you like the yarn. :devil


Ok what have I done the last two days?? Started and finished a baby outfit and didn't complete a single skein of yarn. That is just wrong. One of the skeins was taken to the point of holding itself together from sheer will, so I'm thinking I earned a point from that one. The others I'm not counting, cuz I could make another baby outfit from whats left. argh.


I got another point from a skein of eyelash that went into a hat today.


So a whopping +2 for the week so far.


btw, did I miss the weeks points post somewhere?


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I used another skein working on a dress for myself. I tried on the skirt part and realized that it looked horrible!!! Makes me look 20lbs heavier!


So, I'm heartbroken. BUT! 1 more skein out of my stash!

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I earned another 2 pts on the pink camo throw. Man those skeins are smaller than I thought... Maybe it's just because I'm working on one made with Rainbow tones and they seem NEVER ENDING!!

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I got another point yesterday for finishing up a used skein of yarn. That makes my total for this week a whole point!!!! :clap

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