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STASH BUSTING crochet-along GAME!! ****CLOSED FOR 2007 ****


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I bought 5 balls of yarn at a second hand store so that was -5 but I've used up 3 Full skeins of Yarn on my Purpleghan so that was +6 - My score for the week is a Whopping +1!!!


I will definitely have more points next week I am going to start a Scrapghan as soon as I get my Purpleghan finished -


I'm almost through with 3 more skeins: 1 of each color. and then I'll only have 1 more skein of each color. I'm thinking I'll have to wind them in to Center-Pull balls so I can use both ends of the skein.

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I just used up 3 balls plus 6 I used up during the week that would be

9 points. So my whole score is WTD=9 and my YTD=20 :yay it's going down.

Now I'll go and change my sig.

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Sorry I'm late! My final score is 9. My order didn't come in so I still kept positive for this week. (The bummer is I didn't get my yarn...)

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well, I miscounted on the balls, it was 12 and not 9 so...another 6 points for me making it the highest score of the game so far!


Oh nuts, I just remembered MIL gave me thread to make the flower girl dresses with Wed :laughroll:cry


It was 3 big balls, so -6 off of that one to make it a total nothing for this post! :rofl


Still the highest personal score so far :D

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I finally finished a purse I have been working on for the past week or so.....it was supossed to be a short little 2 day project, but I should know better.....I'm never happy with the original outcome, I always have to frog and redo things....but it's done now, and I used up 5 skeins of the Sugar & Cream yarn so +10 for me there. Then I used up 2 more small balls of yarn in my scrap-ghan so +2 more for me there. I've already reset my scores, so this will go on this week.........:clap

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Well my Purpleghan is getting there - I am on the 7th Pattern Repeat, I Earned another 2 points this morning finishing off the second skein of Amethyst! and I have just over half of each skein left! I am hoping to finish today (fingers crossed)

I have posted progress on my Blog - Check it out, Leave a Comment (I love reading other people's comments)

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I used 8 scrap balls to make the beginning of my DGD's afghan...30 2" sqauares out of 1032 total sqares HELP!!!:eek


I'm not helping yoU! You're :loco CRAZY! Anyone would have to be crazy to take on 1032 2" squares and ALL THOSE ENDS! I'm getting you a straight jacket!

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Maybe there were a few too many frozen margarita's when angelfire decided to make something with that many squares!


Anyone up for a trip to Margaritaville? It's 5:00 somewhere in the wold! lol

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Let's see. Last week my score was +7. Today alone I am at +5 woo hoo!! And soon to be more. I am doing 2 rows at a time of my 3 strand scrap 'ghan. Get up and do productive things..then back to crocheting 2 more rows. So I am busting out some :yarn here. Yipeeeee :cheer

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I too am doing a bazillion 2 inch squares but I'm not counting how many till I'm done so it's not so bad. :D


I went to the thrift store and finally found some yarn :clap so I bought this bunch of 6 skiens and a project somebody had been making from the yarn. I get to start the week with -12 I'm not counting the yarn in the sweater till I frog it and see how much is there.


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I forgot to post last week... I bought eight new skeins... :( (two I am giving to my sp do they count?) At this rate I am not going to bust any stash.... :sigh



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I forgot to post last night - my laptop is in the "hospital" & the old, slower than molasses laptop won't re-charge the battery - poopin' out in the middle of catching up on the 'Ville.


Through Saturday I earned 8 points, working on the really big felted bag & some squares for comfort ghans.


Today I have earned 5 points, finishing the bag & working (finally) on the baby granny ghan. I've packed some cotton yarn in my work tote & will make some face cloths this week while on break & lunch.


Happy Hooking to us all!!

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