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STASH BUSTING crochet-along GAME!! ****CLOSED FOR 2007 ****


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I am posting my points now because I will not be gatting/losing anymore for this week.

Bought a skein on Thursday so that -2 then I used a ball (made into a 12" square for charity work)

So for the week that is 1 point in bustin!!:hook

Going to update my score, keep on crochetin :hook

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My company left Tues. and I've finally been able to get some crocheting done this week. I finished my baby blanket and I'm almost finished with my round ripple. I'd really like to see it done today. I'd cross my fingers but I'll be using them. 5 more points and hopefully 2 more by posting time.

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OK - I was coming on to post a skein on my Sweet Pea shawl and realized that I :eek double posted :think the points on my BICO (oops!!:blush ) so I lose 5 points from the "2nd BICO" but I gain 2 for a skein on the shawl, and one for some more vintage cardigan squares. That brings me back to 9 for this week, so far. We're snowed in (actually we're all dug out, but it's safer to stay put!) so I'm hooking today!!


Here's a pic of the shawl in progress


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I have a gathering to go to tonight so I won't be able to post later.

For the week I have 75 WTD...after giving 10 skeins of novelty yarns away this morning to someone making scarves for charity. I hope every one did well this week...next week will probably be harder for me to stay positive I am bidding on E-Bay for an afghan I want to make...lots of scrap balls.

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OK - I was coming on to post a skein on my Sweet Pea shawl and realized that I :eek double posted :think the points on my BICO (oops!!:blush ) so I lose 5 points from the "2nd BICO" but I gain 2 for a skein on the shawl, and one for some more vintage cardigan squares. That brings me back to 9 for this week, so far. We're snowed in (actually we're all dug out, but it's safer to stay put!) so I'm hooking today!!


Here's a pic of the shawl in progress






Ok. I had to buy three more skeins of yarn last night cuz I have a baby outfit to make. -6 pts. I have started on the baby outfit, so hopefully I will gain my points back by early next week.


My score for the week is: 33

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I think I should just give away yarn as this makes for a faster positive score :laughroll



I agree!! :lol

Gifted a full skein to DS#1 & DS#2 took a partial +3

Hopefully will be able to add something more by 8

Great #'s ladies... wish mine were as high in the +'s as they are in -'s :rofl

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I got 1 more point and that's probably all I will get for the week so my final score for the week is 3. At least I'm in the positive and get to knock some of my -8 ytd lol.

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Ok, so I got rid of three small little balls doing one of Cupcake's pot toppers.


Finished one more hank on my SP present.


Busted two more balls on my ScrapRectangleGrannyGhan!


I made it to the positive this week, even tho I had to buy 9 hanks of yarn! WHEW!!!


My score this week +1


My year to date score is +110


Now that is the way to do it! I am DONE crocheting for today...I am going out to eat mexican food (and have a margarita!)! :lol

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oooh, save a margarita for me! Frozen, please!


My yarn came in... from Ebay... it's all wrappd up with priority mail tape in a plastic bag, looks like somebody mummified a little person.... LOL!


I'm not sure I can get it open to count the skeins... might take til tomorrow! LOL!

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Oh Krystal, did you enjoy the Margarita? I ordered a large just so that I could drink some for you!!! And yes it was FROZEN!!! Did you feel it? I sure do! :lol


You are so much MORE woman than me, I would have waited to count the skiens tomorrow!!! I bow to your greatness!!!

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I finished up a ball of thread early this morning, plus I used half a skein the other day making squares. This balances out the +2 for the ball of thread I got from my SP.


It's a little discouraging to only have a +1 despite all the crocheting I did, but at least the week ended in a positive!

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It's a little discouraging to only have a +1 despite all the crocheting I did, but at least the week ended in a positive!


This is all I try to do anymore, that means I am making progress!!!

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I finally finished a skein I've been workin' on squares with & 4 more partials for DS#2's uglyghan... +6 more... I don't see anything else coming in before 8. That leaves me with a final score of the week of -385 :think

Well.... considering it was -461, that's not too bad right?? :laughroll

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Alright, I've got 3 skeins down this week, since my last post. I think this is my best week yet!!!


Weekly total: +12!!!!!

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