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STASH BUSTING crochet-along GAME!! ****CLOSED FOR 2007 ****


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Well, I'm moving right along. It looks like I killed 5 balls last night and I'll probably put down another skein tonight!!! Whee!!!! This is the best I've done all year.

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Hmmmmm............. Yarn Addicts CAL?!?!? I haven't seen this - you mean I have competition - someone tempting all my stashbusters out there?!?!?! Gotta go see....


Only those who can't control their addictions and keep on buying 50-100 skeins of yarn a week! :eek


I don't blame them one bit for starting this CAL because they feel guilty of buying stash every week instead of busting :laughroll...I would too! :rofl


But since I can't join the CAL I just enjoy stash vicariously through them :yes:hook:yarn

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I did get some done this week, actually the last 2 weeks. I am hoping to bust a little more here in the next week or so. I have a few patterns that I want to try out. Sooooo grand total for this week (posting today, cause I don't get on the computer on the wknds usually) is +16 for a ytd total of 161!:cheer:clap

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I used up 3 balls of green making shamrock pins (27) for next week.

Here's the pattern: Ch 5, join to form ring, [ch4, trc, dc, trc, ch 4, sl st in ring] 3 times (leaves), ch 5, sl st in 2nd ch from hook, sl st in 3 chs, sl st in ring (stem), finish. Sew a 1 inch bar pin to the back. I give them to people at work. I went shopping for boots, the sales lady was so nice, she got one. I gave one to a waitress where I ate too. I also made another scarf, used up a skein. I only need to make 5 more squares for the afghan, and put them together. I hope to finish in time. I'll let you know if I win the contest.

Ellie 13

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Well...I didn't get in here to post last week but I used up a few skeins and balls making hats for a total of 9. This week I have only used up a few skeins/balls of cotton making some dishcloths. I have been working extra and spending some extra time trying to organize my stash and my house. My score so far for this week is only 5 ... BUT.... I am finally in the positive for my YTD. :cheer Our local charity crafters meeting is tomorrow so I know I will have a few more points to add by tomorrow night. :hook

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Only those who can't control their addictions and keep on buying 50-100 skeins of yarn a week! :eek



I swear I've been GOOD this week... well, I guess except for the ebay lot... that won't be until next week's score tho :devil


I did however finally send the box of yarn to Vickietoria... 12 full skeins & 52 partials/re-wound. Some of those re-wound are full skeins, but I don't remember which ones so I'm only counting 1 point. +76

And with any luck, I'll actually get to USE some before tomorrow 8pm... working 6 days in 4 PO's in one week is a lit'l much! :)

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Used another skein for my butterflies (which are done now). So I am at 0 now. I'm gonna work on my 3sub and I know I will finish at least one more and maybe 2 (there is hardly any left on some of them.) :clap

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Well, I'm moving right along. It looks like I killed 5 balls last night and I'll probably put down another skein tonight!!! Whee!!!! This is the best I've done all year.


Quoting myself, how horrible!!! I just want to say that a shipment of yarn that I was supposed to get next week came this week!!! So, there goes 40 points!!! I might as well go to the store and pick up the yarn I need for a large order of Hogwarts House Scarves that someone just placed with me. I think I may be in the running for the Shoot the Moon!!!

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:dreamingI'd always accept yarn to do my charity stuff with :blush:) anyway I got through one more skein finishing up my shawl but only made a small dent in the last skein for it so I only get 2 points today. I'm going to try to use up one more skein by tomorrow to at least be in the positive numbers:hook

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Well, I made a skein into a ball, so +1 for me. It's going slow this week, I'm working on some patterns for my American Girl Doll. I noticed that quite a few people are looking for patterns and there aren't that many little simple ones out there, so I thought I would give it a try....easy to make, but don't use up much yarn......Off to change my signature......

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