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STASH BUSTING crochet-along GAME!! ****CLOSED FOR 2007 ****


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Well, I completely missed this week's deadline, but that's okay, because I really didn't get much done. I did most of my work late on Saturday night hanging out with a friend. Thus far, this week, I'm down 8 balls of yarn with no purchases!!!!


So, that's +8 for me! I finished the ghan I was working on and I'm about to finish a hat/scarf/mittens set for Charity Blitz!

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I earned 3 points finishing up my Sherbert Flannelghan


Here's a link!


I think it turned out really great!!


Now on to my Green Starghan I've got Going for my Mom!


Pamela, great job! It looks really cozy, too. I'm sure some lucky little baby will enjoy it.

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I've earned 8 points in the last 24 hours, I've been working on my Star-ghan for my mom - I ran out of Paddy Green, so I went to the store and bought a skein, I decided to go to my Craft Shed and organize a little better (bought a 32 Gal Tote today) and I was going through a bag, on the Very Bottom I found a skein of Paddy Green! YaY!!!! I took the skein I bought back so I was -2 but then I was +2 again!


So far I'm at 11 for the week! :)

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I had high hopes for adding another 2 points to my score until I held this dang Project Linus blanket up to daylight yesterday. It's being made with 4 skeins of red that they provided at our chapter's Make A Blanket Day last month. Dang it if the first two skeins I used were not totally different color reds!! None of these skeins has a wrapper on them (thank you, anonymous donor; GRRRRR), and even at the church where we had the event you couldn't see the color difference. I held all 4 up to the same light and they look similar, but when I had 40+ rows of one and about 20+ rows of the other done, you could see the difference, even at night and even in my poorly lit living room. ARGH!!!!!!!! This one little blanket has now taken up two weeks of my time. If the other three match, I'm just rolling up the one that doesn't into a ball (yes, gasp, a ball!) and giving it back to them. The first skein I used is much more tomato-y/orangey in color than the second red skein. All 4 are worsted weight but that's all I know about them. <sigh> Patty

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I had high hopes for adding another 2 points to my score until I held this dang Project Linus blanket up to daylight yesterday. It's being made with 4 skeins of red that they provided at our chapter's Make A Blanket Day last month. Dang it if the first two skeins I used were not totally different color reds!! None of these skeins has a wrapper on them (thank you, anonymous donor; GRRRRR), and even at the church where we had the event you couldn't see the color difference. I held all 4 up to the same light and they look similar, but when I had 40+ rows of one and about 20+ rows of the other done, you could see the difference, even at night and even in my poorly lit living room. ARGH!!!!!!!! This one little blanket has now taken up two weeks of my time. If the other three match, I'm just rolling up the one that doesn't into a ball (yes, gasp, a ball!) and giving it back to them. The first skein I used is much more tomato-y/orangey in color than the second red skein. All 4 are worsted weight but that's all I know about them. <sigh> Patty




Sorry that this happened to you, is it really that noticeable?

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UGH!!! I just hate it when no dye lot colors don't match!!! I bought 4 skeins to finish a ghan and make sure I had enought his time. -8. i used up 4 balls and finished 2 half skeins so that kins saves me a little bit +6. so total for the week so far is -2.

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Yea, KnicKnac, the color difference was real noticeable. And even though I hard some ladies at the MAB Day say "It's just a charity blanket," that's not the way my mom and I approach it. These kids need somethng special to get through their trauma, something perfect and pretty. So I just couldn't continue with two different colored reds in the pattern I'm using. I made a little gift for my pet swap partner last night, but it only used a little bit of two leftover balls of yarn, so I'm not going to count it for stashbusting purposes. But I'm ready to fall off the wagon, because I need to buy yarn for her main gift since I have nothing in my stash that matches what she prefers for colors, so darn, I have to go yarn shopping. Oh well, I'll just sacrifice myself so you stashbusters look good, right? :lol (Just kidding, of course!) patty

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Patty, sorry to hear about the yarn differences. I've been noticing that alot in my store. The Red Heart no dye lots are getting terrible.


I earned another 2 pts today. Made a ball out of two full skeins. 2/3 thru another knitted scarf and finished a pair of mittens.



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I didn't know if you gave yarn away, it counts as points. I gave away 10 skeins to a American Cancer Society Garage sale. They were homespun and I can't stand it. So I am up 20 points. Plus I finished a skein and a ball, so I am up 23 points this week. Yahoo!



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I used up another 2 skeins of Eggshell on my Mom's Star-ghan

So I am at 15 so far!!! I'm on row 23, I found a 1 pounder of Eggshell and I plan on finishing the Paddy Green!!!

So I've got the possibility of earning another 3 or so points (I know I can't use the whole Pound of Eggshell)

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