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STASH BUSTING crochet-along GAME!! ****CLOSED FOR 2007 ****


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Woo hoo!!! Thanks Pamela! Now when hubby and/or kiddos get fed up with "all my yarn" I can just show them your post here and they will have to be quiet. hee hee Altho, I have to say the way you have it stored is nice and neat..and mine isn't always..and then the kitties get into it and there is a big "olympic" mess alllll through my house up and down the stairs etc. That's always fun and a mystery on how they get the yarn the places they do!!


Oh, and if you want to ROAK me anytime my address is....... :lol



p.s. I bought another skein today for a project I am working on. So down 2 more for me.

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I was SO hoping to be on the plus side this week, as I have been very busy still making the kids' stuff. I lost count of exactly how much I used up this week, but I know I used at least 2 full skeins and 3 balls this week. Used bits of more, but just tiny amounts.


I would have been on the plus side except my family all went shopping the other night. Mom and Dad went to one store and since it was near A.C. Moore, where I only go once in a blue moon, I got to shop. Even better, I got to shop there by myself instead of with someone who is usually hurrying me out of there as usual. No one who knows me likes yarn and crafts like I do. Well, they had fingering weight yarn, the only place nearby that I know has it. Since I rarely get up there and I know a pattern I wanted to make that calls for it, I bought 5 skeins.


On the bright side, at least I did use up some stuff this week I've had in my stash for over a year now. We should get extra credit for that! :lol

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Here I was, finally adding a bit to my score, then, I'm almost back to zero again. I had 5 balls of thread that I had to order for a gift I'm making. And I realized when I opened the box, I forgot to order the brown thread that I need!


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I finally used some yarn! :eek

Finished DS#1's 2-strand, 2 more lbr's bite the dust +4 and used a small ball for a square before picking up DD's top again +1 more. Actually started the top for the 3rd time with the 3rd type of yarn! Keep your fingers crossed for me that I actually keep with this one! Have a box of baby yarn to send to Vickietoria too, but won't count that until it's actually in the mail :)

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I want to play at Mrs Crochetpants house too :hook

I'll even bring my hooks!!!! :hook

I can pick up a cheesecake and tea for the visit!!! :c9 :c9

I love the organization for all of your toys.I just have two tubs and a few bags hidden under the bed, closet and in the truck of my car

Oh well I guess I'll just dream:c9

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OK maybe if Krystal and Pamela lived near each other they could start their own yarn store. I mean JEEZ. I don't think I have that much yarn in my real yarn store. :eek That is some SERIOUS stash ladies!


Thank you for my gold medal. I am currently cranking out 3 strand #3. Got another 19 points tonight.


:think And here I was wondering how in the world I am going to get thru my stash...I am rendered speechless....I...Wow. How do you buy that much yarn? Wow.


ok just...wow.

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Yay!! I got a medal!! :woo:jumpyay I am so excited! I was away for the weekend and so I only got two points on Sunday. But I aim to get another medal this week. (we will see...;) ) I am thrilled with my silver medal. Thank you. And I feel great with the progress I am making with busting my stash. Yay! I am actually getting some projects done that I have been meaning to do for some time now.

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Yay, I busted some stash this weekend! I used 1 partial ball of thread on a doily, and I gave away 4 skeins (3 full, 1 partial) of Dazzleaire to Atomgirl yesterday. I'm starting the week out right, at +8! :cheer

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Lavelle- I was so psyched that you got a medal! :D


As for how did I "buy" all of that yarn? Well, I didn't buy it all. about 1/4 of it is donated yarn. Most of the rest of it is yarn I bought in lots off of ebay and another C'ville member when she was destashing, The rest is bought on sale or with 40% off coupons.


Nothing full-price for me! LOL!


Got all kids home from school today, white-outs with the foot of snow we got. Have to finish my "peachy" afghan today, but DD might have chicken pox, so we'll have to see what's up.

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Mrs. CrochetPants - do you enjoy seeing all of your yarn, or have you gotten to the point where you're thinking "I need to USE this, and stop buying! What am I buying for?" That's where I'm at. It will bring me joy to bring my stash down to a manageable level! I don't like it all over the place, and knowing that I haven't gotten to some of this beautiful stuff, and then I buy MORE beautiful stuff!


Yesterday I went to the North Austin knit and crochet meetup and was telling some of the folks there about my craft room. I have 2 large bookcases where I have my yarn on display, sorted by color/type/weight. I then went on to say that I really enjoyed having it displayed like that because I can see all my stash, but also because it's a design element, bringing color and texture to that room.


Can you tell I'm also an HGTV junky? :lol

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Renee -


I used to have my yarns organized by color/hue. The only thing was - they were too high for me to reach and everytime I did that, I'd mess it all up. Now I have them bagged and boxed by afghan they are goign to make!

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I hope everyone has been doing well :) I got sidetracked the past couple weeks but I think this is the week I will finish my giant flannelghan :) yay then I'll find a new project, maybe dish cloths that's an easy one...good luck everyone

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Renee -


I used to have my yarns organized by color/hue. The only thing was - they were too high for me to reach and everytime I did that, I'd mess it all up. Now I have them bagged and boxed by afghan they are goign to make!


I haven't had that problem, but I've had the opposite problem: about once a week, when I go into that room, I find that "someone" (that is, someone small, black and white, feline and named Charlie) has helpfully rearranged part of the bottom shelves of yarn on the floor for me. She obviously doesn't like the current arrangement, because it's always the same stack of yarn that gets pulled from the shelf and artfully arranged on the floor.


I'm sure she thinks it's much fun to play with mommy's yarn. :lol

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I went more int he negative this week. I had to 7 skeins for a blanket for my sil but I have already used up 3 of hte seven so can I add it now or when i complete the project see my siggy for totals

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Well, I reorganized my yarn closet just now... :D So much like a playground !!!


Anyway, the door closes now.


BUT I bid on an Ebay bundle - I bid realllly low, so don't think I will get it, but if I did, it's 29 skeins! :eek


What am I thinking? :think

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Krystal- Just call it an insatiable fiber need....


I had to buy some skeins today for some charity stuff. I will gain the points back relatively quick so I guess I won't spaz out. 4 skeins for mittens -8, 1 skein for scarf -2 and two skeins for hat/mittens set -4


total of -14 today. :blink



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Mrs CrochetPants: that stash is lovely!! It's cool that it is so organized. I try to keep mine like that, but I don't know if I would do as good a job with that much. Good job!!

As for my stashbusting.. not so good. :( I bought 4 skeins of yarn. *tear!* I'm almost all the way through one skein though, and the rest is for my first ever sweater! I also finished off a hat, so +1pt, and another one should be coming when I add it to my ugly-ghan. Phew.

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