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STASH BUSTING crochet-along GAME!! ****CLOSED FOR 2007 ****


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Renee...OR...you could use two contrasting colors of yarn and thread (one of each) held together to get a cool effect in a yarn item and use up the thread at the same time....just a thought....



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I'm going to go ahead and post my score for this week early since I won't be able to get to computer tomorrow, and I doubt I'll use up any more yarn anyway. I attended my Project Linus' Make a Blanket Day on Feb 17, and they handed out yarn packets to make blankets. I took a packet for a baby blanket with red yarn, and after having to frog about 40 rows (argh!!) the other night, last night I used up one skein. So my score for the week is, ta da, +2. Yippee! Back on the positive side! I used up less than half a skein finishing off a shawl I made for a friend, but since it was less than half I'm not going to count it as 1 point as there is still a lot of yarn in that skein. I'll wait till I use the rest of up for a whole 2 points. Patty

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BTW, I have to say: thread takes forever to use! I'll be an old lady before I bust my stash of thread. I see lots of doilies and coasters and the like in my future... :lol




I think you should make a new rule for thread. It should be worth more points. It takes FOREVER to use up thread, and maybe you could offer a point for every item MADE from a spool of thread. To use a whole spool would take MONTHS! Why would anyone want to work with thread for this stashbusting game? KWIM???


Just a thought.

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I'm not a threadie, so I can't really tell what it should be worth...


Does anyone have any suggestions or ideas, or objections?!?!?


Just remember that whatever points it's worth to USE is the same as it is to ACQUIRE! I'm just hesitant to change it mid-way because some people have BOUGHT a lot of thread at two points, but the to get four to use it would be sorta unfair. OR, they'd have to adjust their scores, which would be a pain.


Anyone who uses or has bought thread, or wishes to stashbust it, please chime in here!

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I agree with the thread issue. Using up a ball of thread take aaaages!


My idea would be gaining points per item crocheted, according to the size. For example: one point for motifs and the like, two points for a doily and the like, and ten points for tablecloth-sized items.


I'm also going away for the weekend, so this is my final score. Have a great stashbusting weekend, everyone!

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Tamugrad02 - Great Daisy Afghan!!! I need that pattern. This week I used 4 balls making a teddy bear for a friend (+4) and I finished 1/2 the squares for my contest afghan (about 1/2 a skien of the 4 lb's of yarn). Do I add that now or after I finish the afghan?

Ellie 13

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I finally got some points! Yay I've been working this week mostly in some thread for my Mom that she bought so I didn't have to add the thread to my negative (unless she ends up giving me whats left lol) but I got 2 balls done on a scarf. Hopefully I can get the rest finished up by tomorrow.

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I don't know I think thread should remain the same amount of points, I mean I go through thread faster than I can go through a pond of yarn.... about 2 full "skeins" of Aunt Lydias in about four days.

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Aw, I wanna join in on the fun! Is it too late to play?


This would so give me good reason to finally decide on something to make!


ETA: And by actually reading the posts above mine, I see that it's not too late! How great that I stumbled upon this thread on a Saturday too!

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