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STASH BUSTING crochet-along GAME!! ****CLOSED FOR 2007 ****


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Yesterday I finally mailed the yarn I wanted to give and the one for the magic

yarn ball. So right there I got +8 points=(4skeins). I was so happy that I was

getting some + points until I got home. As I was getting out of my niece's

car our neightbor from across the street was coming us with a medium size

box, I thought he was coming to see my brother in law because they are more

friends.He was actually coming for me because he told me the box was for

me,you know why, because the box was full of yarn and thread. Here are

my reactions :cheer:clap I was gifted with yarn and after I thank him and tell

his very generous and I say thank you again I rememeber and heres

my other reactions :no I lost my points:( Overall I was happy

I got 9 small yarn balls one half skein, 5 thread balls and 5 lion brand

kitchen cotton. This is my score +8-25=-17. I'll go change my score

from 0 to -17. At least they are in the colors I like btw here's a picture




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If I could just stop buying yarn, I'd actually be making some progress, but I'm trying very, very hard to not buy anything unless I have a specific project in mind that I am doing RIGHT then. Still busy making baby clothes for a store. For some odd reason it's taking forever, mostly because I insist on doing sets. I have had to buy a few skeins of yarn since I really didn't have much in the way of baby yarn, but I have managed to use up 1 skein, got one down to a ball (which will probably be used up tomorrow), and am just about done with another skein and will most likely have to resort to using some balls as well.


I was at Wal-Mart today and forgot to buy an extra skein of white yarn, as I always keep white since I use it so much. This is what I'm using now and I am really unsure if I have enough for my current project that needs to be done tomorrow. I hate going to Wal-mart two days in a row, so I hope I can manage to squeeze out the project by using up my scrap balls.

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Slowly, my numbers are changing! Used up two more part skeins yesterday finishing an elephant Egghead Buddy and a teddy bear.

If I could work on an afghan I've had to set aside, I'd use up another 4 points within an hour...

BUT, I did order a few balls of thread from Herrschners, so my score will go back down very soon.


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Wow! Be gone for a couple of days and it takes forever to get caught up! I finally finished moving last night and now I have tons of boxes to go through and find place for, but I know where my yarn is. I have used up 1 ball and 1 skein working on my Ohio Star Afghan, so I have 3 so far for the week.


Probably won't get too much more done as my daughter and her husband are leaving Friday afternoon for a weekend alone and I am the designated grandma. So this weekend I will have the two grandchildren who live with me plus my daughter's three. I think that will keep me pretty busy. They deserve some time to themselves though. They don't get to go away to often and the helped me out alot with the move.

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Well, poopies. I made a belt tonight, but it hardly used up any of my stash! *Almost* an entire skein of the main colour, so that's only one point, and I didn't even make a dent in the skeins of the contrasting colours, so that's no points!



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I was thinking... maybe there should be another thread for those who just keep BUYING yarn and FORGET that they're stash-busting! :heehee I somehow got bit by the Smiley's bug and it's not all my fault that I hafta subtract already, I just ordered the stuff 2 days ago & it was here today!:c9


Anyway, thot I'd share... this is my score from Smiley's - some are double layered, 100 new skeins :loco



Whewwwww.. thanks for lettin' me share. Now off to umm.. BUST some stash! :wink


Wow, all that beautiful new yarn.... :drool

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I decided to take a WIP pic of 3-strand #3. Then I thought...I'll get perspective of what I have left for stash so I know if I'll have enough to finish it or not.....:eek Yuh...Uh...Huh...


Clik on the link to see it. I think its insane altho I know it doesn't scratch the surface of some people's stashes....




needless to say...I have enuf. :faint


btw- another 18 pts for me.



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Well two more points for me.. sadly, I think this is the most points I'm going to get in a long time. :( Bizzy thanks for posting your stash, I think you can go through a lot of it soon! My stash is kinda pitiful compared to a lot of people's... but I want more!! *sweat* I should take a picture so everyone can have a good laugh. :D

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Okay. I have been working like mad to bust some old horrible yarn from my stash. It was given to me a few years ago by a dear older lady who has been a friend in of the family for years. I didn't have the heart not to accept it. Well, this stuff is the oldest and roughest yarn I have ever seen. It honestly feels like someone unraveled a brillo pad, sandpapered it to make it rougher and now I am crocheting with it. Horrible stuff.


Anyways, I have tons and tons of balls of this stuff and so I have tons and tons of points to add to my siggy today. I also feel like I have cheated a little bit...but I went through my stash today and found a bunch of yarn that I can give away for RAOK's and such. So, my numbers seem a little inflated to me since I didn't actually "crochet" all this yarn. But hey...I didn't make the rules of the game. A ball is one point and skeins given away are two...so that makes my total for today 39. Yay! I will update my siggy now.

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Another 17 pts on scrap afghan. and two more points cuz I finished my knitted scarf finally, using up one ball and making a small ball out of the other. I am posting my total for the week today cuz we will be out of town for a charity function for the weekend.


My total score this week is: 87 points



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I also feel like I have cheated a little bit...but I went through my stash today and found a bunch of yarn that I can give away for RAOK's and such. So, my numbers seem a little inflated to me since I didn't actually "crochet" all this yarn. But hey...I didn't make the rules of the game. A ball is one point and skeins given away are two...so that makes my total for today 39. Yay! I will update my siggy now.


WOOT! Good for you! It's "decluttering"!!! You got rid of at least "27 things"!!! Doesn't it feel good? You didn't cheat!!!

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OK..yesterday I used up 2 half skeins and one full skein, so that's +4 points for me...


But I realized something...now that I've used up all my partial skeins, I'm making things just to use up the yarn, regardless of if I actually WANT the finished item or not...so I think I'm going to finish out this week, and then drop off the challenge for a while...I don't want to waste the yarn cause I'm trying to rack up points, ya know??



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But I realized something...now that I've used up all my partial skeins, I'm making things just to use up the yarn, regardless of if I actually WANT the finished item or not...so I think I'm going to finish out this week, and then drop off the challenge for a while...I don't want to waste the yarn cause I'm trying to rack up points, ya know??


Well then, you accomplised what you wanted to accomplish, you got rid of your stash. I don't think the game was meant to get rid of ALL your yarn, just those skiens and balls that have been sitting around forever not doing anything but just sitting there!


Congrats on a job well done!

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Oh, yeah!! I used up all the stuff that's been sitting there since I first started knitting & crocheting...used up all the yarn my grandma gave me when she was cleaning out her stash, and everything my dad gave me of hers when she passed...now it's all recently purchased stuff...


Now that I think about it, we're going out of town tomorrow, so I won't be around to post my score tomorrow and won't be getting any points tomorrow either, so I'll just post my score now...-77 for the week, 102 points total YTD...


Thanks y'all...this has been lots of fun!!!:manyheart



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WOOT! Good for you! It's "decluttering"!!! You got rid of at least "27 things"!!! Doesn't it feel good? You didn't cheat!!!

Obviously a FLY BABY here!! 27 fling boogie baby!!


Ok, I'm -6 because I caved last night...lol. I'm having some folks over to learn to crochet today... Yay! I'll be gifting AT LEAST that much back (If I have to FORCE THEM TO TAKE IT...lol) but for now I'm just subtracting 6...

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I used up the rest of a ball of Opera, and made some progress on the shawl that I'm making. I might even meet Kathy's deadline, despite getting a late start.


That officially puts me at -5 for the week and YTD. Since I don't have home internet, and can't report my score on Saturday, I'll have to go with -5 for the week. Just think, if I hadn't bought those 6 skeins of yarn last weekend, I'd be at +7. I know, not medal winning range, but still.

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