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STASH BUSTING crochet-along GAME!! ****CLOSED FOR 2007 ****


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I am nearing the end of the next skein of my "Peachy" afghan.


Next I have another that is a gift. Was trying to decide what to do with greens in it, when I remembered I have a WHOLE BOX (5 pounds) of caron rainbow tones green variegates. I'll get those out of here and hopefully not have to buy an ounce! :D YAY :clap

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No crochet last night (my CTS has been really bad lately, so I took a break last night), so I'm still at -7. But I did start on another gift for my SP (and I'm mailing her a package during lunch that has 1 nice, big fat skein of yarn, but I won't count that until I actually mail it out - as incentive!). :lol

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I'm doing awful on this stash busting as I have been doing some cross-stitching for a friend due in april but was early with the last little one. I did us up a small ball this week though and am working on using up a skein. I was going through crochet withdrawl so I had to take a break from the cross-stitch. :) Hopefully I will earn another 2 points before the week is over. I need to get out of the negatives.....o wait...I forgot that I bought three skeins yesterday...but I couldn't resist the clearance rack! hehe

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WAHHHH! I was doing so well! I had to go out and buy more yarn (really, I had to! No escaping it! I didn't have the colors needed for a custom order!) and that put me in the negatives!!!!!!! :yell:tired okay, I'm done feeling sorry for myself. Now I'm just trying to figure out how to make up for it! :hook

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Okay, so I want to get into this CAL. A good chunk of my stash isn't yarn; it's thread (and an awful lot of it in something other than size 10, usually 3, although I've got sizes 20 and 30 in white).


How do these count?

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Doing very well this week using stash, however! I'm in seroius danger of ruining my good work! Tomorrow I go to Mary Maxim and Hobby Lobby. Dangerous enough, but I was just going to get yarn for two prayer shawls. HOWEVER!! I found out a local flea market type place is having what they call a Yarn Blowout! Here is what they are selling!


.75 cents

Red Heart Kiss (1.75 oz)

All Mode-Dea Yarn



Red Heart Supersaver (2.5 oz)

Red Heart Symphony (3.5 oz)



Red Heart Wiggles (3.5 oz)

Red Heart Macaroon (3.0 oz)

Red Heart Lustersheen (4.0 oz)



Red Heart Amore (6.0 oz)

Red Heart Grande (6.0 oz)

Red Heart Baby Cloud (6.0 oz)

Red Heart Soft Baby (6.0 oz)


No limit!!!


Now, first off, it will depend on color selection. Second if DH comes with me or not. I'm much more restained when he is shopping with me! I hope I don't do toooooo much damage! :eek

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Yay, I have a +1 today - I sent a package to my SP (it's officially in the mail), and I included 1 large skein of yarn for her. :cheer I am now officially at -6.


I should go have a look at the RAOK lists, and see who wants yarn! There can't be that many, right?


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Yay, I have a +1 today - I sent a package to my SP (it's officially in the mail), and I included 1 large skein of yarn for her. :cheer I am now officially at -6.


I should go have a look at the RAOK lists, and see who wants yarn! There can't be that many, right?



Now Renee, don't steal my trick! That is how I busted almost 30 points!

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7 points today. I started a 3 strand baby ghan in pink mint and white of SS. Very pretty. It reminds me of that pink and green mint ice cream... lol. Also a scarf and leg warmers for my 5 yo...

Busy, busy, busy...

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I was thinking... maybe there should be another thread for those who just keep BUYING yarn and FORGET that they're stash-busting! :heehee I somehow got bit by the Smiley's bug and it's not all my fault that I hafta subtract already, I just ordered the stuff 2 days ago & it was here today!:c9


Anyway, thot I'd share... this is my score from Smiley's - some are double layered, 100 new skeins :loco



And I'm finally getting to the last batch, that Baby Clouds & Chenille that I took in 2 weeks ago




BUT I did do a lit'l busting :blush

This is what became of DD's uglyghan.. she was getting impatient, so pix leave a bit to be desired LOL



This is an ugly-lapghan I was working on, but one of my kitties kept jumping up in my lap and rubbing on it while I was working, so it's hers now.... tails and all



This's the baby blankie I made for a friend, Baby Clouds, easy peasy DC



Anddd... here's my latest round ripple... made with those nice spring colored 1lb'rs from Mainstays. Measures 84" across


Ripple 2


Finally, this is the start of my 2nd 2-strand, for DS#1

It's a full lb. of red/black, then a lit'l blue/black, am working another full lb. green/black... not sure where I'm going from there yet :lol




Whewwwww.. thanks for lettin' me share. Now off to umm.. BUST some stash! :wink

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Whoo HOOO...Busted some stash today. :clap That would be 15 more points for me today. (thank you...thank you...) Updating my siggy now.

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I'm doing terrible!!! This afghan I'm working on seems to be taking forever and I won't let myself work on anything else until it's done. Right now, I'm about halfway done with the ghan.


I'm killed about 2 balls of the cadet blue and 3 balls of the ombre, so that's +5 pts for me. I"m hoping that I'll be done by the end of the week so I can get that big fat negative I racked up last week taken care of!!

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Well I had to buy two skeins of black yarn to make this stain glass afghan, I'm really liking how it looks so far, and I don' think it will take too long for me to start getting points, but i'm busting full skiens so for now i'm subtracting 4 from my points! hope to get them back soon!!

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