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STASH BUSTING crochet-along GAME!! ****CLOSED FOR 2007 ****


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Phew I haven't been here in too long! I have been stash busting, but it was slow going for awhile. I spent a week learning to spin! Yesterday I was home sick from work, and used the oportunity to do some major bustin'. +13 pts on a scrap ghan alone! I'd been saving up a lot of small balls, so this was great for my point total. Also, plus another 2 for various projects leading up to this week. I re-organized my yarn storage, and went from 4 jam packed drawers to 3 loosely packed ones. Yay!!!!

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I haven't read through all the posts, but can I join, even though it's late in the game? I need to go back and reread all the rules, but I've been working on a large scrap ghan that looks like it could get me some points. :lol

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Since I'm new to this, I'll only give my score for this month (total of 3 projects):


First, the plusses:


1. Dishcloth made for SP: used 2 different skeins (each with a little left over to be made into a ball): +2

2. 16 oz. white skein (as contrast and border color for scrapghan): +2

3. Scrapghan: +14 (used 14 different colors, and either used partial skein made into a ball or used small balls)

4. Thread shawl: so far used 1 complete skein and 1 ball: +3


Total: +21


Now for the minuses:


1. Purchased 8 skeins of thread for above shawl: -16

2. Purchased 6 skeins of yarn because I was depressed and needed yarn: -12


Total: -28


Grand total: -7


I'm obviously not going in the right direction here. :lol

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DC!! I'm so sorry to hear that!! I can't imagine what that was like to come home to...but you're physically okay right?? No one was hurt?? As creepy as it is, things can be replaced...people can't...


Renegade...it's actually weekly scoring, not monthly scoring...so what have you used up since Saturday night at 8:01 PM?? It runs from then to the next Saturday night at 8 PM...


For myself, I've used up one skein, so I'm adding 2 points to my score...



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Renee...you get points for whatever you get out of your stash, however you do it...as long as it's gone from the stash, it gets points...donations, gifts, (dare I say it???) tossed out, whatever...but then again, if someone gives you a skein or twelve, it counts against you too...



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Renegade...it's actually weekly scoring, not monthly scoring...so what have you used up since Saturday night at 8:01 PM?? It runs from then to the next Saturday night at 8 PM...




Jessie, I was just about to clarify this, and would you believe I'm still at -7 for the week?! :eek




1. dishcloth +2

2. Shawl +3

Total: +5



Purchased 6 skeins of yarn: -12


Grand total: -7

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Renee...you get points for whatever you get out of your stash, however you do it...as long as it's gone from the stash, it gets points...donations, gifts, (dare I say it???) tossed out, whatever...but then again, if someone gives you a skein or twelve, it counts against you too...




Thanks, Jessie! I guess I'll just have to be more creative.

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Well, I only got 3 more points today. Schucks! I was aiming for more but the project I chose to complete went alot slower than I thought it would. Oh well...at least its a plus 3 and not a minus, right?


I am pretty tired but I will see if I can get some balls of yarn busted on our of here. I was given a ton of scraps from a nice lady a few years ago and I just didn't know what to do with them. Well, now is the time for it all to go bye-bye. I have decided to do a giant granny square afghan and send it to charity. It will be bright and giant-sized but the good news is that it will go extremely quick so I am guessing my points to skyrocket in the next day or two. WATCH OUT!!! Here I come!! :lol

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Today I came home to a surprise puffy in my mailbox. A wonderful fairy godmother had gifted me with three lovely skeins of alpaca yarn. So, that's -6 for me. However, it was worth it for the thoughtful surprise and such beautiful yarn. Now to figure out what to make with it :D

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Well I went to WalMart after work today and was forced to buy yarn. I seriously was only going to get 2 skeins, but I spent SO long looking I had to get more to make the trip worth it. I got 4 skeins so -8 for me. I haven't gotten anything done crochet-wise tonight. I've spent the last 3 hours decorating my myspace site.....I'm retarded, but now it's all decked out in "24" style!! Ok, off to crochet......

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I'm up to 15 points for the week! BUT! Will be going to Mary Maxim and Hobby Lobby tomorrow, sooooooo I'm sure I'll be buying some yarn! I'll just try not to put mysefl int he negative, a nice 0 would be ok though!:lol

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Well I have not been crocheting at all I have been so very very sick with broncitus. But this week I am feeling better and hoping to place this week with plus 1 so far I guess thats good' And hey since I started this game I have not yet had a - score by saturday. I must be a good girl!!!

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I am late joining, but I am working on busting my stash!


DH is on my back about so much yarn, so it's a challenge to get it out of here, so I can buy more!


Hats are a great way to use up a skein!


Made 4 hats last week, so four skeins are gone.



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