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STASH BUSTING crochet-along GAME!! ****CLOSED FOR 2007 ****


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Since I posted last night, I used up 1 more skein, then gifted 8 full and 1 half skein to a friend...so I'm up 19 points so far this week...and I know I'm gonna wipe that out in a few hours, but I'm happy I added to my overall score so that I can buy more before going into negative numbers LOL!!




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Well...I completely finished my second 3 strand ghan. :cheer


This link shows both afghans. That only got me two more points.


I completed a scrap rug that I think I started about 3 years ago and forgot about...so that got me 6 points. It's a decent start for the week.



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Well...I FINISHED THE DAISY AFGHAN!! I used some yarn for the border that made two skeins into balls, so 2 points there!! And for Krystal.....DSC00512.jpg


Thanks again for the pattern. Now I have about 350 ends to weave in (not kidding either):eek :eek .

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Finally! After my score has sat stagnant for a couple of weeks, having worked on projects that a) aren't finished yet or b) didn't use up a whole ball or c) both!, I am now able to change my score!

I wound up doing 4 squares--well, 5 actually, one is my own design and I will be typing it up and sharing it soon!-- and am now working on an Egghead Buddy pattern that should finish up another part ball.



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Way to start the week all....:cheer :cheer Great job on busting those stashes

I will add 3 points to my WTD for work done today - finished joining a 48 - 6" square ghan. Laid out another one - just trying to figure out the border color to use

Will go adjust my siggy

Take care all, if you were snowed in may you dig out safely :manyheart

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I just finished up another skein of yarn. Yay!!! That makes my total for this week 2 so far. I plan on busting ALOT of stash this week so you all had better watch out. I need more yarn for Chloe's birthday dress and I am not allowing myself to buy more until I bust alot of stash. (her birthday is in 3 weeks so I had better hurry)


I have a question though. How do we "get" a medal?? I noticed that my score for last week would have gotten me a Silver medal. Am I missing something??? I thought I was supposed to post my score in my siggy...:think

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The afghan is going to be a Christmas present for my step-daughter next year, so I figure is I weave in a few ends each night.....I should have it done by then....:rofl


Well, I frogged a blanket I made last year. It had 4 full skeins and 3 small balls in it, so there goes my score for the week. I'm going to use some of the yarn to make a baby blanket for a friend......:sigh Here we go again......

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Well...I FINISHED THE DAISY AFGHAN!! I used some yarn for the border that made two skeins into balls, so 2 points there!! And for Krystal.....


Thanks again for the pattern. Now I have about 350 ends to weave in (not kidding either):eek :eek .


WOW!!! That turned out simply AMAZING!!!!


I have a question though. How do we "get" a medal?? I noticed that my score for last week would have gotten me a Silver medal. Am I missing something??? I thought I was supposed to post my score in my siggy...:think


Hey Anna! You most certainly would have earned yourself a medal, but Krystal needs you to POST what your score is on Saturday close to the end of the week. It's hard for her just to go thru posts and find out which score is which, so she counts on us to let her know on Saturday thru an actual post.


Hope that explains it. It's a bit early yet!

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I worked my lit'l fingers to the bone this weekend when I could & I finally finished the round ripple I was working on, in turn finishing the pink 1lb'r +2

Then I started a 2 strand for DS#1 and finished 2 lb'rs! :eek +4

I'm crossing my fingers that I won't be dragging after work so I can take some pix and work on it s'more. Yan'no, I think I could really bust some smaller stuff if that stupid washer was working! But that's another post LOL

Great start to the week ladies, keep up the good work! Y'all have some really nice projects coming out of this!! :applause

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Anna...the medals are awarded to the 3 who bust the most stash in that week ... and the shot the moon award goes to the person who's score is the lowest for the week...not actual physical medals, but you can addthat you earned one to your sig!!


OK...so with all my hype about blasting my points out of the water when I went shopping last night...I'm very dissappointed with myself...I came home with 5 patterns books (all very cool and have me drooling) and a grand total of...brace yourself...19 skeins. :think I just don't get it...I finally have the $$, the time without the kids, and a kick-tush sale all at the same time...and nothing was grabbing me!! It's not fair!!


However, now that I've got these books, there are several patterns that I really want to work on and I was thinking I'd head back to AC Moore this morning with mini-me to pick up the yarn for them...and then I look outside and it's snowing and we got 4 inches overnight and it's not stopping and my older DD has the day off from school...so I guess I'm going to keep my shopping online, but I WILL buy more today darn it!!


So I'm off to subtract 38 points from my score....and then after I get the kids fed, I'm making a list of everything I want to buy and then I'm going shopping!!! Again....I hope this shopping is more successful than last night!!:lol



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My StashBustinRoundRippleGhan is about the best thing I have done to get rid of stash. Yesterday, I got rid of another 18 balls. WOO HOO - Small balls mind you, but stuff that has been sitting in my leftover bin for more than a year! I am waiting to take a pic when I am DONE! Maybe by Wednesday!

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OK..I feel much better now...I ordered yarn online...I ordered 34 skeins, plus one of those 32 oz mixed bag of WW yarn things...so I'll count the skeins I know I'll get now and tally whatever's in the bag when I get it...and I'm typing that in here just in case I forget what I'm doing (which I doubt I will, but just in case LOL!!)


Off to change my score and subtract another 68 points!!



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