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STASH BUSTING crochet-along GAME!! ****CLOSED FOR 2007 ****


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The true score that is "judged" each week is only your "weekly" score. Your YTD score is simply the total of all the weeks' scores for as long as you've been playing. You can keep a YTD or not, but I AM because that's the only way to TRULY know if you're going through stash. (Considering I am in the negatives for YTD, I am not doing very well OVERALL! LOL!)


I will need to get my score up to about 600 to have burned through a lot of my stash....


BUT I have to say that I'm buying less and less - most of my negatives lately have come from gifts, and that doesn't happen often!




Thanks Krystal. That helps alot. I updated my siggy with my current score for the week. I think I will update the YTD after this week. That way I won't be counting the same skeins twice.


I just finished something like 12 or 13 dishcloths since yesterday afternoon, just from scraps. WOW! Anyways...I will have photos of those this afternoon sometime. For some reason my computer is not reading my memory card so I will have to get them onto hubbies computer and transfer them over.


Now with such a high number (I am at 38 for this week) you would think my stash would be decreasing dramatically...but alas...it barely made a dent in it. Oh well. Progress is progress, right???

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FINALLY! I have had the time to sit down and add some more rows to the latest 3-strand. I earned +3 pts last night. I know..pathetic from previous weeks, but now I'm into the BIG balls and partial skeins.


The comfortghan is progressing nicely. Two rows and 10 squares done. I will finish off one skein today adding two more points, but I won't count them till I actually use it up.


I had to purchase 2 balls of Incredible and 2 balls of Fun Fur for a scarf. They knocked me back -8 for the week, but I have already used up 2 balls and am almost finished with the other two. In a case like this, do you even mark it down? :think By the time I have to have them recorded they will have canceled each other out.


Other than that... projects are progressing SLOWLY this week. I really need to finish reading this book so I can get back to the really important stuff :hook:lol



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I used up two skeins of pink camo..1 1/2 for a bag for doll clothes and 1/2 on a doll dress, I also used up a skein of Rh Kids to make a doll dress and capelet, I used up a skein of bikini making bright colored squares...all because I have been sick. , used up a ball of white and a ball of lullaby making a doll dress for spring+10 WTD

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Well i've been MIA this week. My fiance's dad and brother came and stayed with us for the week, that takes lots of space...(our apartment isn't big enough for 4 people) so not much room to crochet, and I have my proteomics exam this afternoon. I hadn't even been here tolook all week! My oh my am i jealous of all the yarn you people are getting! I can't ever find anything on sale!


Oh well, i guess i've procrasitinated enough, time to trudge up to campus and take this test! If you all could think good thoughts from like 4-6 that would be great as i have no idea what to expect from this professor!


Happy Hooking! Hope I get to play somemore soon!!!

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Carrie, are you "inheriting" your grandma's stash??


Wish I had a grandma that had a stash like that!! :lol


Unfortunately, DH's grandma who both crochets and knits, has only a grcery sack full of stash as she only buys what she needs for a project!! :wink

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Busting stash is taking me suuper long since most of my stash is cotton thread!!


But I am not in the red this week so it's a good thing.


I plan to make 2 boleros for my girls...maybe both short & long sleeved ones!!


Hopefully I can put at least a +4 in my score by Sat. evening.


Here's to crossing my fingers!!

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I definitely want in on this one.


Last year my DH convinced me to move pattern books and yarn tubs out of our bedroom and down to the basement. What a mistake. Out of sight, out of mind...so I just bought more!:) I've finally uncovered a number of WIPs and need to get them done - to say nothing of my greater stash.


Question: Does completing WIPs count toward stash busting or only using up yarn which hasn't already been committed to a specific project?

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I definitely want in on this one.


Last year my DH convinced me to move pattern books and yarn tubs out of our bedroom and down to the basement. What a mistake. Out of sight, out of mind...so I just bought more!:) I've finally uncovered a number of WIPs and need to get them done - to say nothing of my greater stash.


Question: Does completing WIPs count toward stash busting or only using up yarn which hasn't already been committed to a specific project?


I think stash is stash...yeah? I have lots of yarn committed...lol...but it all takes up space! :devil



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I definitely want in on this one.


Last year my DH convinced me to move pattern books and yarn tubs out of our bedroom and down to the basement. What a mistake. Out of sight, out of mind...so I just bought more!:) I've finally uncovered a number of WIPs and need to get them done - to say nothing of my greater stash.


Question: Does completing WIPs count toward stash busting or only using up yarn which hasn't already been committed to a specific project?


ANY yarn or thread ball or skein you actually take out of commission in your home by using it up or giving it away COUNTS. It doesn't matter WHAT you are working on. :D

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Today I went to Wal Mart - yeah I know :eek

Headed right to the craft area :eek

Walked out of the craft area with 8 skeins of yarn, headed towards the front of the store when I met up with DD and she made the comment

"Wow - need yarn???" yes said jokingly. The I started to think mmmmmm

that is 16 points there is no way I could bust all of that by the end of the week.

Especially since the majority of them were 16 oz skeins

So all of it went back!!! Yeah me!!!!

I will use what I have, i will use what I have....I have to keep saying that in order to get past the buying impluse.

Thanks again group for the "support" of staying on track

I have 3 points this week-I will go update my siggy

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I just placed a rather large order for yarn on-line, all at great prices, but I went overboard, since we got taxes back, and well, it's the only time I can really "go overboard". And I really have been looking at the Smiley's Yarn Sale for a while, and since the rest of the year I spend like $20 at a time, and stuff, I did go more, but hey. Anyway, I've docked my score now, since when it comes in I'll be too excited to dampen my excitment with a negative score, and I want next week to be in the plus side. Um, 57 skeins are on their way.... :eek opps! :devil:lol

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I definitely want in on this one.


Last year my DH convinced me to move pattern books and yarn tubs out of our bedroom and down to the basement. What a mistake. Out of sight, out of mind...so I just bought more!:) I've finally uncovered a number of WIPs and need to get them done - to say nothing of my greater stash.


Question: Does completing WIPs count toward stash busting or only using up yarn which hasn't already been committed to a specific project?


Today I went to Wal Mart - yeah I know :eek

Headed right to the craft area :eek

Walked out of the craft area with 8 skeins of yarn, headed towards the front of the store when I met up with DD and she made the comment

"Wow - need yarn???" yes said jokingly. The I started to think mmmmmm

that is 16 points there is no way I could bust all of that by the end of the week.

Especially since the majority of them were 16 oz skeins

So all of it went back!!! Yeah me!!!!

I will use what I have, i will use what I have....I have to keep saying that in order to get past the buying impluse.

Thanks again group for the "support" of staying on track

I have 3 points this week-I will go update my siggy


KELLY A!!!! You are the WOMAN!!!


You get an "A PLUS" for getting the stashbusting spirit!


I have caught myself many-a-time thinking "I could go out shopping today" (it's actually a rare reward, but the weather's getting nicer) and then said - WAIT! You don't NEED yarn... stay home and crochet instead.



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That's too bad Heather....


I felt a bit guilty today actually. Some yarn arrived that I needed to finish a shawl that I'm working on. I had taken the points off myself when I ordered the yarn last week, but getting it today still made me feel guilty.

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I finished a scarf today, which killed 2 balls!!! I'm hoping to finish another ball of yarn in a bit for a felted bowl!


I forgot to add that I gave away five balls of yarn because they came in a mystery shipment a while back and I won't use them! So that's another 5 points!

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