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Thank you jessc031778!!!!

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Jessie, I just wanted to thank you for that chocolate mousse recipe. My daughters and I whipped up a batch last night for tonight's army cadets pot luck dinner. We couldn't resist sneaking a bowl to share and it was wonderful. We had a lot of fun making it and the best part was licking the bowls clean.


My 12yr old DD also wanted to make a German Chocolate Upside Down cake. I helped her with only minor stuff so she could say she did most of it herself. Unfortunately, I didn't have deep enough cake pans and her Upside Down cake turned into a German Chocolate Inside Out cake. She was disappointed at first until I told her the best thing about an accident like that is we get to eat it ourselves. It looks horrible but tastes great. I think I'm gonna have competition for my baking space in the kitchen since she's looking forward to starting Mom and Daughter Baking Sprees.


Thank you again Jessie for providing a delicious recipe and a fun night for me and the family.


Hugs and Cookies

Auntie K

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