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Crochetville at school???

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With holiday break coming up I figured my fellow crocheters and knitters at school could use some project ideas.. I was thinking about making a flyer and posting it asking for some squares or something for a charity or a crochetville villager project. Would that be appropriate?:think If so, how would I go about choosing a project?

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I think this could be a very appropriate thing to do. What kind of flyer do you mean? Do you want to make just a couple to leave posted in places or do you want to make one that people could take home with them?


You could read through some of the posts in the Crochet for Charity folder and select several different projects that might be of interest to everyone. Then you might want to check with the person who seems to be heading up that particular project here to see what their current needs are, and how much information they're comfortable with you publishing on campus.


You're welcome to make some statement encouraging them to visit the 'Ville to learn more about all the different things we have going on here. And definitely give them our URL!


I'd be happy to look at your flyer before you get it printed up if you want to email me a copy. :)

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Thanks for the great advice! I was thinking about posting something on the bulletin board at school about what is actually needed (no personal info) and have them contact me. I know that confidentially is very important to people and I would def make sure to ask before I did anything of that nature! I would love to take you up on the offer to check out the flyer.. as for mentioning C-ville, thats a given!

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I don't think it would be a problem, especially if you are doing it for charity. I, personally would pick a project that wouldn't take to very long, such as squares or a scarf or something like that. If you were going to do it as part of a cville project, I would check with both admin and the person who started the request. As for picking a charity, I know it can be a very difficult task, as I myself have been having a hart time figuring out exactly waht I want to make and therefore narrow down the charity I want to contribute to. Another idea would be to contact either a social service office and asse where the need is. For example, there are usually homeless shelters or shelters for victims of domestic violence. You could also try contacting a local hospital, children's or otherwise, and see what is needed. You do not have to donate to a charity that already exists. You could donate items on behalf of those who crochetted them. As a matter of personal preference, I try to make sure that items I donate go to someone in my own community. If you want to go with a lartge established charity, there is a post in the "crochet for charity" forum that has a link to a charity finder. I will try to find that specific post and post a link here for you.

I hope that makes sense. I am not up to date with all charities out there, but if you need any additional assistance, I would be happy to help in whatever way I can.

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How about asking for squares for Warm Up America? that way, if you have friends who crochet or knit they could all participate. The squares need to be 7x9 inches. If you check the WUA website they could tell you who to contact locally.

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