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great find

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hi everyone!! i had been reading about the yarn at dollar tree,and checked around my house but no luck :no but tonight i went out a little farther to another one and you just wouldn't believe what i found :clap i bought 16 skeins of one color of fancy fur,,and 15 of another color :clap and if i would have had the money to,,could have easily bought 18 of one, and 14 of another color!!! now comes the problem....anyone have any ideas on something good to make in the future with all this yarn??? do you think 15 skiens would be enough for a cuddle up afghan if i alternated it with another yarn???? sorry to ramble on..but i can rarely afford the novelty yarns like these....so happy happy :clap:clap isn;t it terrible i wish i could have bought the other 28 skiens though??? :no

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It's not terrible at all Blue. I know I get into the same kind of mood whenever I see yarn I've wanted finally hit a price I can buy a bunch of at. Heck, Walmart was selling some overstocked yarn at $5 a bag with a lot of yarn in each bag. I wanted to take the whole display home with me but I was nice and only bought 6 bags which resulted in quite a few skiens of velvet yarn.


Enjoy your score and I'm sure whatever you decide to make, it will be beautiful and well loved.


Hugs and Cookies

Auntie K

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