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Handdyed Yarns for Crocheters?

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I've been handpainting yarns for awhile now and it's been really geared toward knitters because of the knitting sock yarn craze. I've been talking with Lindsay who also develops patterns and we have really been talking a lot about how we don't see a lot of handdyed yarns for crocheters. Is this something people would be interested in? We even have some cool crochet kit ideas brewing too. What does everyone think? Would you guys like to see something like this for crocheters too?


I appreciate any comments anyone has to contribute and thank you! Hopefully I posted this in the right area.

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I just wanted to add that even thu I do also knit I have been crocheting much much longer and the reason I actually started knitting was because of the persona of it...BUT.... I have switched back to the side I know and truely love. we would really appreciate comments.

Do you guys feel the same?

sick of "knitting" store. I know I would love to hear more about crochet how about you?

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I would be very interested! I am crocheting a scarf right now with hand painted yarn. It's coming out very nice. What makes hand painted yarn just for knitters? Is it the pattern it produces? Just curious. I have not knitted in years. Thanks.

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I would be very interested! What makes hand painted yarn just for knitters? curious. Thanks.

that is exactly what i brought up to Roxanne. My first love is crochet, yes I do love knitting but my FIRST choice is crochet. And I am just so tired of the granny idea of crocheting. Knitting has become so very "trendy" in the last 5 years and I would really love to see crochet do it as well.

So I have been trying to develp patterns that are young trendy and hip...

granted none are completed beccause i have school work and my family, but all are sitting completly drawn just need to be "built"

Tired of people saying..."what are you knitting?"

umm grrrrrrrrr excuse me its CROCHET

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You know, I never really thought about it before, but it sounds as if it might be pretty difficult to create hand-dyed yarns for crocheters.


It seems to me as if there's much more consistency in how quickly a color section would be used up in knitting. After all, you're only using two stitches: knit and purl, both of which use the same amount of yarn. You can design the color sections based on the weight of the yarn and recommended needle size. The color paths will be worked through consistently.


With crochet, there could be so much more variability in how quickly the color paths are used up, based on the type of stitches being used. You'd end up with much different color looks if something was all single crochet vs double crochet vs shell stitch, and so on.


What kind of differences were you envisioning for hand-dyed yarns for crocheters vs. those knitters typically use? This sounds like a very interesting concept.


I know I am much more into using natural fibers these days as opposed to 100% acrylic. I still use acrylic where it's appropriate, but I love natural fibers.

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Hello everyone...thanks for all the comments!! I do both actually - knit and crochet and I do understand that knitting and crochet are sort of different but sort of the same too...LOL When I started handdying yarns for knitting, my goal was to limit the amount of pooling I saw a lot with handdyed yarns. I think I have been quite successful in achieving that with the yarns I want to end up that way.


Here's a sample crochet scarf I did with some of the silk/merino handdyed that I dyed recently:



(click photo to see larger)


I also realize that crocheters use more yarn because of the nature of the stitch so that would also be a consideration. For instance, the scarf above is 2-stranded. The stitches I used were SC, DC and a border of SC with a modified shell stitch.


When I do yardages for my yarns now, it's more geared toward knitters who use less yardage for a project. Lindsay and I think crocheters have been neglected in these respects and I'd sure love to work on this challenge - not only for handdying so there's no pooling in the yarns but yardages so everyone has enough to complete their projects (that was our kit idea).


I'm glad to hear there's interest because I think it would be nice for crocheters to also use silk/merino, alpace lace yarns, merino/tencel, etc. etc. that seems to be really geared toward the knitters. I love acrylic for the right project too don't get me wrong - just thinking a bit about the whole "luxury" yarn idea.


Lindsay has some great ideas for patterns too! She recently posted a wrap she did by handspinning some yarn and then crocheting it. I'll let her provide that link for everyone too.



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One question , a few comments...


Q: What do you mean by pooling?


C: I've used come hand-dyed yarns for a crocheted mobius scarf and I think it came out beautifully (if I do say so my self).


C: For crocheted socks I have steered away from some of the striped yarns (hand-painted or other) for reasons Amy described, the pattern of the colors in the final sock just aren't as pleasing with crocheted socks. I have found a few yarns that make larger stripe in knitting and therefore can be used in crochet to produce somewhat narrowed stripes.


I love using natural fibers as well!

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What kind of differences were you envisioning for hand-dyed yarns for crocheters vs. those knitters typically use? This sounds like a very interesting concept.

This is what we have been batting around for some time now.

Basically it was just getting crochet out there more... so crocheters dont have to go in the knitting section KWIM...

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One question , a few comments...


Q: What do you mean by pooling?



C: For crocheted socks I have steered away from some of the striped yarns (hand-painted or other) for reasons Amy described,

Pooling is when a hand dyed yarn (as cimpleted fabric) has big bothes of the color rather thanthe color change being even. the pool looks out of place.


hahah to be totally honest I hate the stripped yarns even when knitting lol. but Roxanne and I have actually got the yarns to "look" striped without intention...

hmm let me go find a few pics here....


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One question , a few comments...


Q: What do you mean by pooling?


C: I've used come hand-dyed yarns for a crocheted mobius scarf and I think it came out beautifully (if I do say so my self).


C: For crocheted socks I have steered away from some of the striped yarns (hand-painted or other) for reasons Amy described, the pattern of the colors in the final sock just aren't as pleasing with crocheted socks. I have found a few yarns that make larger stripe in knitting and therefore can be used in crochet to produce somewhat narrowed stripes.


I love using natural fibers as well!


Pooling, hmmm, it's when you get blotches of colours in your knitting or crochet and they are uneven. Some people say they really like the pooling but I just don't have the eye for it. Hopefully that makes sense?


I sure would love to see your scarf...it sounds fabulous!


For socks I wouldn't try for the striping effect - it's more difficult with crochet because, like you say, you need really long lengths of colour to achieve the stripes. My goal is mostly variegation without pooling or even semi-solids with gradiations in colours.

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Tie Dye! For years, I have been seeking a yarn that would give me the effect of looking like it's tie dyed without having to do it myself. Unfortunately, every multi-coloured yarn I look at has only small sections of colours so it's impossible to get the look right. Then again, I love everything hippie.


Hugs and Cookies

Auntie K

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I never realized that there is any differences between yarn used for crochet vs. knitting. I just pick and chose my yarn based on what I think is best for the pattern.


I have never tried the handpainted yarns. I don't like the stripe effect. I guess I would love to see some hand dyes that will result in a tweed-like effect.


On a separate note, I think your goal to get crocheting "out there" is admirable and one that I wholey support. I can't tell you how frustrated I get when I go to the bookstore and see shelf after shelf of beautiful knitting books, and one or two crochet books! I have even begun to buy knitting books just for inspiration. I have never tried to knit. Quite frankly, I am seriously thinking about learning to knit because there are so many more options, however I love to crochet and would rather perfect that craft before beginning a new one!

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Count me in with the crocheters who use hand-dyed. I have 3 skeins of hand dyed sock yarn which I plan to make skinny scarf/head wraps with (I don't do socks). I've recently begun knitting in order to explore the pattern options they have, and also to see what all the fuss is about. I now understand the co-existing of both knitting and crochet - I definitely see uses for both in my life. Crochet is still much easier for me, but I see myself using it for more detail work (lacy shawls, capelets) and texture than for large swatches of stuff (like sweaters) in the future. I'd love to see more trendy options in crochet!!!

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I sure would love to see your scarf...it sounds fabulous!.


Ask and you shall receive... here's the scarf..



For socks I wouldn't try for the striping effect - it's more difficult with crochet because, like you say, you need really long lengths of colour to achieve the stripes. My goal is mostly variegation without pooling or even semi-solids with gradiations in colours.


I like that idea for the socks...

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