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Are mittens really difficult or is it just me? :sigh I have tried four different patterns for mittens and I just can't seem to get it right. :thair The cuff is always too big, or the thumb too small. Does anyone else have difficulty with mittens, or are they any suggestions as to how I can make them better? I don't know what I'm doing wrong!



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I have made more than a few, which pattern are you using?


I have made this pattern more than once and it was really super simple:




That is for kids tho. I am making this one now for an adult and I had her try it on and it fit perfect!




CrochetGarden has MARVELOUS mittens - but you have to pay for them, and Lisa is most wonderful with her directions:




Hope that helps!!! Maybe you were just using the wrong pattern.

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These work up nicely too! And because they are worked from the tip of the fingers to the wrist, they are easy to adjust to fit you perfectly. Just make them a bit longer or a bit shorter....to make them wider add an extra row or two. Likewise with the thumb.


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I made a pair of knicknac's mittens last night for my 2 month old son. (I love your patterns!) I enjoyed the pattern, very simple to follow! But,,,,lololol,,,you should have seen me trying to put hs little thumb in there,,LOL!

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Are mittens really difficult or is it just me? :sigh I have tried four different patterns for mittens and I just can't seem to get it right. :thair The cuff is always too big, or the thumb too small. Does anyone else have difficulty with mittens, or are they any suggestions as to how I can make them better? I don't know what I'm doing wrong!:wreath

Are you trying the mittens on before you go to the next step? I have made mittens for my grandson, he is a teenager and wanted fingerless that weren't to girly so I just left the top off of some mittens. He loved them. I did have to measure to make sure they would lay right across his palms and around his wrist. I also made mittens for a friends little girl (8) and had just changed the hook size to get the right size for her. I like the basic mittens best, the one ZingyZoid posted. You just work in rounds for that. Easy.

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I've been doing alright on the size for the hand, and I think I've figure out the thumb issue, I just have to mark my stitches. Otherwise the thing will get so small you can't get a toothpick in there. My problem is the wrist is coming out too big. I sort of invented a cuff of my own and it's working out ok, but it uses a granny stitch and it's pretty girly. I guess maybe I'll just have to practice. I made or am making hats and scarfs for my niece and all my nephews for Christmas and my mom bought them all except my niece gloves, so if I can figure it out before spring I'll be happy. For my little niece Ivy I bought some little chenille mittens and I'm gonna try to just trim the cuffs with the same furry yarn I used on the hat and mittens. Haven't tried that yet either, but hopefully it will work.....

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