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Sad: project didn't work out

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I tried to make the Ice Princess necklace from Crochet Me for a Christmas gift; I spent several hours working on it yesterday in order to give it today. Had it blocked and drying overnight. When I unpinned it, it just looked... tacky. I know I didn't do a great job blocking it, but I don't know that I would have liked it anyway (even though it looks great on the model). So I ended up giving the intended recipient some scrunchies instead, which she loved, but I still feel disappointed and regret that wasted time.


How do you all get over it when a project doesn't work out? I hate feeling sad over such a small thing!

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I get over a botched project by starting a new one...:hook


Me too! Also, I might even try to fiddle with the design until I like it--but it depends on what it is. Or, if I don't start a new one, I might just go find some chocolate and tea and sulk and mourn with a good book. :lol Or, make a trip to JoAnn's or Meijer for a fresh skein of fiber...whichever I'm in the mood for!

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sorry about your necklace wendy, all of us have to go thru that sometimes.

treat yourself to a little chocolate or equally yummy something, because you rock!

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What I do is congratulate myself for trying ( a lot of people won't) and for the fact that I allow myself to make mistakes.


I've made more than my share but I still believe the next great plan will be wonderful.

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It's not wasted time, it's time spent learning - you tried something new, you might have tried a new stitch, and you might use that info for a later project. If nothing else, I have made projects where I have LEARNED to NEVER do something of that kind again. For example, I made Fisherman's Ring squares one time, and the process was SO PAINFUL (sc into chains / cables) and the afghan didn't turn out NEARLY as good as the picture. I have learned never to do cables again - I hate them.


So, I say consider it a lesson learned - donate it because SOMEONE will love it - and move on to the next project!

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I usually give them to my youngest. She adores them and thinks they're perfect for her and her dolls, especially doilies or afghan squares. She uses the mismade doilies as hats for herself or curtains for her dollhouse and the afghan squares as blankies for her My Little Ponies. The only down side to this is now she encourages me to make mistakes so she can get more stuff.


Don't beat yourself up over making mistakes. There's always a little girl somewhere around that would love to add another piece to her dress-up collection. And if you tell her the necklace is called Ice Princess, I'm sure her imagination will work up a few hours of fun.


Hugs and Cookies

Auntie K

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making mistakes is how we learn and grow... put it away for a while and then in a couple of months try again. it took me forever to learn to use 10# thread but i finally did just remember we all started in the same placed here . learning and loving what we do CROCHET!!!!!

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after the holidays,show it to your friend,,,maybe SHE'LL like it more than you did,,,ya never know. We wanna see it???


It is a bummer when something doesn't turn out like we think it should,

:lol I'm used to it



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I totally understand what you have been through. I have soo many WIP's & finished projects that didn't turn out the way I wanted to that sometimes I wanted to throw in the hook!


New yarns, hooks and books are always great pick-me-ups!

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At least you finished it! That's more than I do sometimes:P

Seriously, though - to me, anything that looks like a "mistake" is really a lesson learned...in disguise:hug

my 2 cents...:hook

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